SeaTalkie keeps you SAFE during water sports

John Mak @ tipped us with his latest project and he asks for our support.

SeaTalkie is an innovative waterproof walkie talkie designed for water sports. Especially for CHILDREN playing at crowded beaches.

SeaTalkie connecting in UHF radio band. Thus SeaTalkie can connect to other walkie talkies. Furthermore, Different walkie has different features. Some have further transmit range, some have larger batteries, some are louder in speaker. And SeaTalkie is featured strongly in waterproof, simply operating and mounting accessories for sports. Therefore, for better performance, A team may integrate different featured walkies all together to optimise the performance of communication. Of course including SeaTalkie.

SeaTalkie keeps you SAFE during water sports – [Link]


Build And Simulate Quantum Software Applications With Rigetti Forest 1.0

Rigetti Computing is a full-stack quantum computing company. They build hardware and software with fundamentally new integrated circuits that store and process quantum information.

Accordingly, this Silicon Valley company is providing solutions for existing problems that traditional computers can not solve. These problems include the ability to provide molecular simulation showing all interactions and to accurately predict next week’s weather.

An 8-qubit quantum processor built by Rigetti Computing. (PRNewsfoto/Rigetti Computing)

Thus, Rigetti is using quantum mechanics for computation. Adding one quantum bit (qubit) can double the performance. Below is a table mapping the computation power of qubits with classical memories.

Rigetti Computing recently unveiled its Fab-1 facility. A facility which will enable its engineers to rapidly build new generations of quantum computing hardware based on quantum bits, or qubits. In fact, the facility can spit out entirely new designs for 3D-integrated quantum circuits within about two weeks—much faster than the months usually required for academic research teams to design and build new quantum computing chips. It’s not so much a quantum computing chip factory as it is a rapid prototyping facility for experimental designs.

Software is also included

It has also announced its Forest 1.0 service that enables developers to begin writing quantum software applications and simulating them on a 30-qubit quantum virtual machine. Forest 1.0 is based on Quil—a custom instruction language for hybrid quantum/classical computing—and open-source python tools intended for building and running Quil programs.

“Developing quantum computing software is one of the most fascinating and challenging emerging fields of engineering. Today, that field is at the foundational stage, where learning and discovery are at a premium. Our full-stack strategy allows us to run faster, more tightly coupled iteration cycles between hardware, software, and applications.” – Chad Rigetti, Founder & CEO

More details about this API are available on Forest 1.0 official page and this blog. Also watch this workshop video by Rigetti:

Flat microscope for the brain could help restore lost eyesight

by Jon Fingas @ Engadget:

You’d probably prefer that doctors restore lost sight or hearing by directly repairing your eyes and ears, but Rice University is one step closer to the next best thing: transmitting info directly to your brain. It’s developing a flat microscope (the creatively titled FlatScope) that sits on your brain to both monitor and trigger neurons modified to be fluorescent when active. It should not only capture much more detail than existing brain probes (the team is hoping to see “a million” neurons), but reach levels deep enough that it should shed light on how the mind processes sensory input. And that, in turn, opens the door to controlling sensory input.

Flat microscope for the brain could help restore lost eyesight – [Link]

Movidius Deep Learning USB Stick by Intel

Last week, Intel launched the Movidius Neural Compute Stick, which is a deep learning processor on a USB stick.

This USB stick was not an Intel invention. In fact, Intel had acquired Movidius company that had produced last year the world’s first deep learning processor on a USB stick based around their Myriad 2 Vision Processor.

Neural Compute Stick is based around the Movidius MA2150, the entry level chip in the Movidius Myriad 2 family of vision processing units (VPUs). Using this stick will allow you to add some artificial visual intelligence to your applications like drones and security cameras. 

Movidius Neural Compute Stick form factor device enables you prototype and tune your deep neural network. Moreover, the USB form factor connects to existing hosts and other prototyping platforms. At the same time, the VPU provides machine learning on a low-power inference engine.

Actually, the stick role comes after training your algorithm where it is ready to try real data. All you have to do is to translate your trained neural network from the desktop using the Movidius toolkit into an embedded application inside the stick. Later on, the toolkit will optimize this input to run on the Myriad 2 VPU. Note that your trained network should be compatible with Caffe deep learning framework.

It is a simple process

  1. Enter a trained Caffe
  2. Feed-forward Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) into the toolkit
  3. Profile it
  4. Compile a tuned version ready for embedded deployment using the Neural Compute Platform API.

An outstanding feature is that the stick can work without any connection to cloud or network connection, allowing to add smart features to really small devices with lower consumption. This feature may be on of the revolutionary ideas to start combining IoT and machine learning devices.

Neural Compute Stick Features

  • Supports CNN profiling, prototyping, and tuning workflow
  • All data and power provided over a single USB Type A port
  • Real-time, on device inference – cloud connectivity not required
  • Run multiple devices on the same platform to scale performance
  • Quickly deploy existing CNN models or uniquely trained networks
  • Features the Movidius VPU with energy-efficient CNN processing

“The Myriad 2 VPU housed inside the Movidius Neural Compute Stick provides powerful, yet efficient performance — more than 100 gigaflops of performance within a 1W power envelope — to run real-time deep neural networks directly from the device. This enables a wide range of AI applications to be deployed offline.” — Remi El-Ouazzane, VP and General Manager of Movidius.

At the moment, the stick SDK in only availble for x86, and there are some hints to expand platforms support. Meanwhile, developers are hoping to have ARM processor support since many of IoT applications rely on ARM processor. However, this may be not possible since the stick is an Intel product.

This stick is available for sale now, and costs $79. More information about how to get started with the stick is available on the Movidius developer site. Also check this video by Movidius:


Pulse Generator For Stepper Controller Using AD654

This stepper pulse generator project is an easy solution for stepper controller drive. It’s a very important tool and can be used to drive stepper in standalone mode. It generates square wave pulses in frequency range 0-50Khz. This project has multiple features which are a must for stepper controller. It has on board frequency generator with wide span of frequency, Slide switch for direction control and jumper for enable or disables the stepper controller. AD654 is heart of the project and its generate the pulse for stepper controller, output frequency 0-50Khz, higher frequency output is possible by changing CT capacitor value connected between pin 6 and 7. Refer to data sheet of AD654 for alteration.

Pulse Generator For Stepper Controller Using AD654 – [Link]

Pulse Generator For Stepper Controller Using AD654

This stepper pulse generator project is an easy solution for stepper controller drive. It’s a very important tool and can be used to drive stepper in standalone mode.  It generates square wave pulses in frequency range 0-50Khz. This project has multiple features which are a must for stepper controller. It has on board frequency generator with wide span of frequency, Slide switch for direction control and jumper for enable or disables the stepper controller.  AD654 is heart of the project and its generate the pulse for stepper controller, output  frequency 0-50Khz, higher frequency output is possible by changing CT capacitor value connected between pin 6 and 7. Refer to data sheet of AD654 for alteration. The AD654 is a monolithic Voltage to frequency converter consisting of an input amplifier, a precision oscillator system, and a high current output stage. The board has on board LM317 regulator and have an input supply of 7-36V DC. A on board LED for power indication, PR2 trimmer potentiometer to set the frequency. PR1 is to fine tune the frequency, slide switch SW1 to change the direction of stepper motor, J1 Jumper to enable or disable the stepper controller. All outputs are TTL level. Change the R3 to 0E if stepper controller has opto-coupler input.

This Pulse Generator works along with 2.5A Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver LV8772E but not limited to.


  • Supply 7-36V DC
  • Frequency Output 0-50Khz (TTL Level)
  • Direction Signal TTL Level, Change R3 to 0 Ohms for direct 5V Output
  • Enable- GND or 5V
  • D1 Power LED
  • PR1 Fine Tune The Output Frequency
  • PR2 Frequency Adjust
  • SW1 Slide Switch for Direction
  • J1- Jumper for Enable or disable the stepper Controller


Parts List




Next Generation Solar Cell That Can Capture Nearly All Energy of Solar Spectrum

Researchers developed a multijunction solar cell on a GaSb substrate that can efficiently convert the long-wavelength photons typically lost in a multijunction solar cell into electricity. This prototype cell has an efficiency of 44.5% which is higher than conventional solar cells.

Next Generation Solar Cell To Absorb Nearly All Solar Spectrum
Next Generation Solar Cell To Absorb Nearly All Solar Spectrum

A GaAs-based cell is stacked mechanically with the GaSb-based materials to create a four-terminal, five junction cell with a spectral response range covering the region containing greater than 99% of the available direct-beam power from the Sun reaching the surface of the Earth. By comparison, the most typical solar cell can convert only one fourth of the available energy into electricity.

The working principle of this new solar cell is slightly different than the commonly available one. The cell is assembled in a mini-module that has a lens with a geometric concentration ratio of 744 suns. The lenses to concentrate sunlight onto tiny, microscale solar cells. As the solar cells have a very tiny form factor of  1 mm², solar cells using more complicated materials can be developed cost effectively.

The stacked cell acts like a filter with a particular material in each layer to absorb a specific range of wavelength of sunlight. The stacking procedure uses the transfer-printing technique which enables three dimensional modeling of these super-tiny devices with a high degree of precision.

Around 99 percent of the power contained in direct sunlight reaching the surface of Earth falls between wavelengths of 250 nm and 2500 nm. The entire range is not accessible by conventional solar panels as they are made from abundant, cheaper materials, such as silicon. Matthew Lumb, the lead author of the study and a research scientist at the GW School of Engineering and Applied Science, said,

Our new device is able to unlock the energy stored in the long-wavelength photons, which are lost in conventional solar cells, and therefore provides a pathway to realizing the ultimate multi-junction solar cell.

The cost of this specific solar cell is pretty high due to the high-end materials used and complex technologies implemented. However, the researchers achieved the upper limit of possibility in terms of efficiency. The new solar cell shows much promise in spite of being highly expensive. perhaps in future, the production cost can be reduced and the similar solar cell will be available commercially in the market.

290Hz Narrowband Laser On Chip For Numeros Photonic Applications

Researchers from the MESA+ research institute at University of Twente have collaborated together with the provider company of the customized microsystem solutions “LioniX International” to achieve the lowest bandwidth tunable diode laser on a chip.

The newly-developed laser operates in the IR region at 1550 nm with an 81 nm tuning range, which means that users can choose the color of the laser themselves, within a broad range. The laser is an integrated InP-Si3N4 hybrid laser consists of two different photonic chips, optically connected to each other.

Photonics is a key technology that makes numerous other innovations possible. So that, scientists and researchers are making big efforts at this field including deployment of photons for transporting and processing data.

To make photonic chips function as efficient as possible, we need to be able to control the light signals. Which means that all transmitted light particles should have the same frequency and wavelength as possible. The university researchers have succeeded developing a tiny laser on a chip with a maximum bandwidth of just 290 Hertz.

Our signal is more than ten times more coherent – or clean – than any other laser on a chip.
~ Professor Klaus Boller, the research leader

This record laser will have countless applications especially in fiber optic communications that require high data rate. This applications includes 5G mobile networks, accurate GPS systems and sensors for monitoring the structural integrity of buildings and bridges.

You can find out more details here.

The Aurora Boxealis – A Color Sensing and Mirroring Project

Besides looking damned good on an otherwise bland and ordinary desk, this project is about more than just being attention grabbing eye candy.  It’s about demonstrating a small portion of our single board computer capabilities by hooking up a color sensor, RGB light strip, and enclosing it in a nice looking wooden enclosure.  We’re dubbing it the “aurora boxealis”, and it’s made to stand out from the crowd at trade shows and provide a fun, interactive way to professionally demonstrate an interesting sensor, in this case a color sensor.  Grabbing a color swatch from the table and placing it on the top of the box will trigger the lights to mirror that color.

The Aurora Boxealis – A Color Sensing and Mirroring Project – [Link]

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