Intel(r) Quark(tm) micrcontroller D2000 based Environmental sensors board

Sergey Kiselev designed and built an Intel Quark D2000 micrcontroller based Environmental sensors board:

This is a fairly small (51 x 51 mm) board, equipped with a low power Intel Quark D2000 microcontroller, and several sensors (accelerator, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure), as well as a mikroBUS compatible header and a Grove compatible connectors, that can be used to connect additional sensors, memory, or radio modules. The board can be used to monitor the environment conditions, and store or transmit the data to a remote system for further processing.

Intel(r) Quark(tm) micrcontroller D2000 based Environmental sensors board – [Link]

Supercapacitors Surpassing Conventional Batteries

Researchers at the University of Central Florida have been looking for alternatives for lithium rechargeable batteries which are largely used in every device.

Using two-dimensional (2D) transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) capacitive materials, they are building a new supercapacitor that overcomes the performance of conventional lithium battery and replaces its efficiently.

Transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers (TMDs) are atomically thin semiconductors of the type MX₂, with M a transition metal atom and X a chalcogen atom. One layer of M atoms is sandwiched between two layers of X atoms.

TMDs are considered as promising capacitive materials for supercapacitor devices since they provide a suitable current conduction path and a robust large surface to increase the structure’s high energy and power density.

Researchers have developed “high-performance core/shell nanowire supercapacitors based on an array of one-dimensional (1D) nanowires seamlessly integrated with conformal 2D TMD layers. The 1D and 2D supercapacitor components possess “one-body” geometry with atomically sharp and structurally robust core/shell interfaces, as they were spontaneously converted from identical metal current collectors via sequential oxidation/sulfurization” according to the research paper.

The new prototype is said to be charged 30,000 times without any draining, 20 times the lifetime of an ordinary battery.

“You could charge your mobile phone in a few seconds and you wouldn’t need to charge it again for over a week,” says UCF postdoctoral associate Nitin Choudhary.

This research was published in the NANO science journal, you can check the scientific paper here.

Bluetooth 5 Is Here!

The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) has officially launched the core specifications of the new version of Bluetooth: Bluetooth 5. These specifications include longer range, faster speed, and larger broadcast message capacity, as well as improved interoperability and coexistence with other wireless technologies than recent Bluetooth versions, making it possible to advance IoT applications and usages.

Bluetooth is revolutionizing how people experience the IoT. Bluetooth 5 continues to drive this revolution by delivering reliable IoT connections and mobilizing the adoption of beacons, which in turn will decrease connection barriers and enable a seamless IoT experience” says Mark Powell, SIG’s executive director.

Keeping up with powering IoT, Bluetooth 5 has some additional features that better enable industrial automation and whole home coverage by addressing challenges like range and download speeds. It is said to improve location awareness with a smarter technology that collects data to provide personalized experiences for the end user.

While doubling the speed to enable the making of more responsive devices, Bluetooth 5 developers didn’t miss to maintain low-power consumption that results a faster data transfer.

By 2021, ABI Research predicts 48 billion internet-enabled devices will be installed, and Bluetooth—predicted to be in nearly one-third of those devices—is a cornerstone of that growth.

“The global wireless connectivity market is growing rapidly, with an anticipated 10 billion annual IC shipments by 2021,” said Andrew Zignani with ABI Research. “The introduction of Bluetooth 5 will create new opportunities in various verticals of the IoT market by reducing complexity and cost and giving manufacturers greater flexibility in targeting multiple applications and use cases.”

Within two to six months, new products are expected to be launched using this ubiquitous technology, so stay tuned!

More details about Bluetooth 5 here:

Semiconductor radioactivity detector

Robert Gawron has been working on a semiconductor radioactivity detector project:

Currently I’m trying to make a working version of a radioactivity detector that uses semiconductor as a sensor. It’s a different approach than Geiger-Muller detectors, more complicated, but also much more interesting.
While Geiger-Muller counters can only provide information about the amount of particles in a period of time, semiconductor detectors can also measure their energy, so it’s possible to say much more about the nature of observed ionizing radiation. Some of the disadvantages of these detectors are that they are more expensive, complex and sensitivity may degrade over time.

Semiconductor radioactivity detector – [Link]

First Solid-State Multi-Ion Sensor for Internet-of-Things Applications By Imec & Holst Centre

At last week’s IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) in San Francisco (USA), imec, the world-leading research and innovation hub in nano-electronics and digital technology and Holst Centre debuted a miniaturized sensor that simultaneously determines pH and chloride (Cl-)levels in fluid. This innovation is a must have for accurate long-term measurement of ion concentrations in applications such as environmental monitoring, precision agriculture and diagnostics for personalized healthcare. The sensor is an industry first and thanks to the SoC (system on chip) integration it enables massive and cost-effective deployments in Internet-of-Things (IoT) settings. Its innovative electrode design results in a similar or better performance compared to today’s standard equipment for measuring single ion concentrations and allows for additional ion tests.

Sensors based on ion-selective membranes are considered the gold standard to measure ion concentrations in many applications, such as water quality, agriculture, and analytical chemistry. They consist of two electrodes, the ion-sensitive electrode with the membrane (ISE) and a reference electrode (RE). When these electrodes are immersed in a fluid, a potential is generated that scales with the logarithm of the ion activity in the fluid, forming a measure for the concentration. However, the precision of the sensor depends on the long-term stability of the miniaturized RE, a challenge that has now been overcome.

“The common issue with such designs is the leaching of ions from the internal electrolyte, causing the sensor to drift over time,” stated Marcel Zevenbergen, senior researcher at imec/Holst Centre. “To suppress such leaching, we designed and fabricated an RE with a microfluidic channel as junction and combined it with solid-state iridium oxide (IrOx) and silver chloride (AgCl) electrodes fabricated on a silicon substrate, respectively as indicating electrodes for pH and Cl-. Our tests demonstrated this to be a long-term stable solution with the sensor showing a sensitivity, accuracy and response time that are equal or better than existing solutions, while at the same time being much smaller and potentially less expensive.”

“We are providing groundbreaking sensing and analytics solutions for the IoT,” stated John Baekelmans, Managing Director of imec in The Netherlands. “This new multi-ion sensor is one in a series that Holst Centre is currently developing with its partners to form the senses of the IoT. For each sensor, the aim is to leapfrog the current performance of the state-of-the-art sensors in a mass-producible, wireless, energy optimized and miniaturized package.”

Source: imec

Making An Arduino I2C Digital Clock

Using Adafruit’s 0.56″ 7-segment LED backpack and display and the DS1307 RTC (Real Time Clock) board, this tutorial will guide you to make a simple 4-digit clock that uses only 2 Arduino pins.

The 7-Segment Backpack is a combination of the LED display, header pins, and a PCB which need to be soldered together. The PCB contains a driver chip with a built in clock that multiplexes the display and constant-current drivers for ultra-bright consistent color.

This module uses I2C interface, which means it needs just two data pins to control the 4 digits instead of 14 pin, freeing up Arduino pins for other usages.

DS1307 is a battery-backed real time clock (RTC) that allows a microcontroller project to keep track of time even if it is reprogrammed, or if the power is lost. DS1307 breakout board also comes as a kit of parts to be soldered.

Building the digital clock

It is a simple process, connect the part as shown in the image, the red wire connected with 5V, black wire with GND, orange to A4 (SDA – data), yellow to A5 (SCL – clock).

Both RTC and 7-segment modules have an Arduino library, as normal with libraries, unzip the folders into your Arduino ‘libraries’ directory and then restart the Arduino IDE for it to pick them up.

Paste the following sketch into a new Arduino window and upload it to your board. It will set the RTC to the time at which the sketch was compiled and uploaded. So, if your computer picks up its time from the Internet, that will be pretty accurate.

#include <Wire.h>
#include "Adafruit_LEDBackpack.h"
#include "Adafruit_GFX.h"
#include "RTClib.h"


Adafruit_7segment disp = Adafruit_7segment();

void setup()
 if (! RTC.isrunning())
   RTC.adjust(DateTime(__DATE__, __TIME__));

void loop()

int getDecimalTime()
 DateTime now =;
 int decimalTime = now.hour() * 100 + now.minute();
 return decimalTime;

The full documentation of the project is reachable here.

Tibbo Technology Announces TIDE Release 5.03.03 that features TiOS Simulator

New Tibbo IDE (TIDE) release 5.03.03 includes a Tibbo OS (TiOS) Simulator. The Simulator implements a virtual TiOS device incorporating virtual Ethernet interface, virtual EEPROM, virtual flash memory, virtual MD button, buzzer, and status LEDs, as well as virtual LCD and keypad.

The Simulator makes it possible to test-drive TIDE and TiOS, as well as run and debug Tibbo BASIC and C applications, without having to commit to a purchase of a physical Tibbo device.

The Simulator can be found here: WINDOWS START > Tibbo > Tibbo IDE > TiOS Simulator. You can also start TiOS Simulator from within TIDE: Debug > Start TiOS Simulator.

Once the Simulator is running, it appears in the Device Explorer as any other TiOS device would. To write an app for the Simulator, select the SIMULATOR platform and set the Simulator as the debug target.

TIDE 5.03.03 is distributed with a number of test projects written specifically for TiOS Simulator. You can find them here: (My) Documents\TIDE\Samples.

Tibbo Technology Announces TIDE Release 5.03.03 that features TiOS Simulator – [Link]

3-axis magnetic sensor claims highest sensitivity

Graham Prophet discuss about a new 3 axis magnetic sensor @

Memsic (Andover, Massachusetts) has added the MMC5883MA 3 axis magnetic sensor. The newest member of MEMSIC’s Anisotropic Magneto Resistive (AMR) based Magnetic Sensor family, it provides the industry’s highest accuracy, lowest noise and lowest power consumption, all combined in an industry standard small LGA package, and addresses demands of industrial and drone applications.

New Thermoelectric Paint To Convert Heat Into Electricity

Scientists at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology have developed a thermoelectric coating that can be directly painted onto any surface to turn it into thermal generator. This new technique can be used to convert waste heat into electricity from objects of almost any shape.

The team created an inorganic thermoelectric paint that possesses liquid-like properties using Bi2Te3 (bismuth telluride) and Sb2Te3 (antimony telluride) particles. These newly developed materials are both shape-engineerable and geometrically compatible so they can be directly brush-painted on almost any surface.

To test the new materials results, the researchers painted alternate p-type and n-type layers of the thermoelectric semiconductor paint on a metal dome, which generates about 4 mW output power per square centimeter.

Compared with some flexible thermoelectric generators, such as KAIST’s wearable device and Northwestern University’s thermoelectric material, the generated power of UNIST materials is just 10% of others, but the most important advantage is that it can be applied on any surface with just a paintbrush.

“By developing integral thermoelectric modules through painting process, we have overcome limitations of flat thermoelectric modules and are able to collect heat energy more efficiently.” said Professor Son of UNIST. “Thermoelectric generation systems can be developed as whatever types user want and cost from manufacturing systems can also be greatly reduced by conserving materials and simplifying processes.”

The UNIST researchers aim to see their invention as a renewable energy source, which will be possible to convert heat and cold to electricity by simply painting the external surfaces of buildings, on roofs, and on the exterior of cars, and open the way to many other materials and devices easily transferred to many other voltage-generation applications.

Comparison of power generation between the conventional planar-structured TE generator and the painted TE generator on a curved heat source.

“Our thermoelectric material can be applied any heat source regardless of its shape, type and size.” said Professor Son. “It will place itself as a new type of new and renewable energy generating system.”

To know more about the results and other information of this research, read its paper in the journal Nature Communications.

Sources: New Atlas, UNIST

3 MilliWatt-Consumption Data Glasses

Data glasses display information to the eye without interfering with the wearer‘s vision but they run energy down very quickly due to the consumption of electronics while processing video images and data. Researchers at  Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP had developed a new data glass that has low-power consumption. Received using a radio link, the glasses is able to display images to the wearer while his/her hands are free.

These glasses also goes bright even the power is somehow low thanks to the OLEDs embedded to a silicon semiconductor which controls the individual pixels. Plus, they have the ability to perceive light from the environment around not only emit it.

© Photo Fraunhofer FEP

Another reason to high power consumption in data glasses is loading the data stream, but FEP researchers have came up with a new way to reduce it by changing only objects that are changed and keep the constant ones,

“We now control the chip so that the entire video image is not constantly renewed, rather only that part of the display in which something changes.” – Project manager Philipp Wartenberg “For example, if an actor runs through a room in a movie, only his position changes, not the background. In applications such as a navigation system for cyclists, in which only arrows or metre information is displayed, it is unnecessary in any case to constantly renew the whole picture, to put it simply, we have now adapted the circuit so that it only lets through that portion of the data stream which changes.”

FEP data glasses requires an output of 2-3 milliWatts, a fraction of the output need for ordinary displays – around 200 milliWatts.

The new display was presented at the electronica trade fair in Munich on November 08-11, 2016 and its developers hope to see it used by athletes and private clients. You can read more about it at the press release.

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