Program ATtiny 0-Series Chips with a Miniature UPDI Dongle

Program ATtiny 0-Series Chips with a Miniature UPDI Dongle

Thanks to their tiny size and improved capabilities, the ATtiny-0-Series of microcontrollers have been a delight for designers and DIYers looking for a microcontroller with the ease of use associated with the Arduino boards, but with a way smaller form factor associated with ATtiny...

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Binho Multi-Protocol USB Host Adapter supports I2C, SPI, 1wire and more
Test Equipment

Binho Multi-Protocol USB Host Adapter supports I2C, SPI, 1wire and more

The new Binho multi-protocol USB host adapter powered by the USB connection to a host PC allows you to interface your computer directly to hardware circuits.  The Binho adapter has support for 12C @ 3.4 MHz max clock, SPI @12MHz max clock, Dallas 1wire, Atmel single wire interface, UART...

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Arduino Air Quality Meter

Arduino Air Quality Meter

Recent campaigns around environment pollution helped increase the awareness around it with more people beginning to monitor their pollution footprint while also paying attention to the quality of air they breathe in. Different countries and communities have now several Air quality...

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Temperature Controlled FAN using ATtiny10

Temperature Controlled FAN using ATtiny10

The electrons movement in electronic components lead to the generation of heat which when beyond certain thresholds, prevents some components from functioning properly and in others could lead to a catastrophic breakdown. For this reason, the topics of ventilation, overheating, and...

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New MKR WAN 1310 for LoRa connectivity comes with 2MByte Flash and extended battery life
ArduinoTop Stories

New MKR WAN 1310 for LoRa connectivity comes with 2MByte Flash and extended battery life

Arduino announced the launch of the Arduino MKR WAN 1310, which offers a practical and cost-effective solution for those looking to add LoRa connectivity to their projects.  The new MKR WAN 1310 enables you to connect your sensors and actuators over long distances harnessing the power...

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Getting started with the new ATtiny chips – Programming the Microchip’s 0-series and 1-series ATtiny with the Arduino IDE

Getting started with the new ATtiny chips – Programming the Microchip’s 0-series and 1-series ATtiny with the Arduino IDE

A few years back, Microchip/Atmel announced the release of a completely new range of chips designed to serve as replacements for their older ATmega and ATtiny ranges. The new ATtiny chips started with the 1-series which included ATtiny417 and ATtiny817, which was followed in 2018 by the...

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OLED display audio VU meter – AVR/Arduino project

OLED display audio VU meter – AVR/Arduino project

Today we are going to build one of the most important tools in sound mixing; A audio VU (volume unit) meter based on an Arduino/AVR microcontroller. This project serves to demonstrate how the knowledge of electronics can be applied to build solutions for any part of your day to day...

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ctxLink – Wireless debug probe for ARM Cortex-M microprocessors

ctxLink – Wireless debug probe for ARM Cortex-M microprocessors

ctxLink is an open hardware debugger, based on the Black Magic Probe (BMP), that supports Wi-Fi connectivity and battery powered operation. It implements SWD and JTAG interfaces for remote, cable-free programming and debugging of ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers. It is ideal for debugging...

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