3D printing tool is all-in-one pen, precision solder, burner, and cutter


Able to fit in the palm of your hand and provided with several changeable tips, the 3DSimo Mini allows you to 3D print using one of close to a dozen different materials as well as solder, burn, and cut foam.

“We created the 3DSimo Mini to be the ultimate creator’s tool,” says David Paskevic, CEO of 3DSimo. “It is more than a 3D printing pen. Immediate uses include extensions for burning, foam cutting, and soldering. In the future, we will incorporate additional functionality to the pen, such as drilling, making it a practical tool for creators of any skill set. The Mini is a tool that can be used for all creative projects.”

4 Channel RF Remote Controller


4 Channel RF remote built using PT2262 and PT2272-M4 IC from Princeton technology. PT2262 used as Encoder (Transmitter) and PT2272-M4 Decoder (Receiver) ICs are heart of the project. The receiver provides 4 channel Momentary outputs. All outputs are TTL level can be interface with other circuits or relay board. Transmitter works with 5V to 12V DC. Receiver works with 5V DC.


  • Wide Range of Operation Voltage 5V to 12V Transmitter
  • Supply 5V DC Receiver
  • On Board Data Transmission LED
  • Single Resistor Oscillator
  • 4 Momentary Outputs
  • 4 Outputs TTL Level
  • Address setting 3 states HIGH, LOW, And FLOATING)
  • Remote provides 6561 addressable combinations by setting up J1-J8 to High, Low, and Floating.
  • On Board Power and Valid Transmission LEDS Receiver
  • ASK Modulation
  • RF link work on 433.92 MHz Frequency
  • CMOS Technology
  • Low Power Consumption
  • Very High Noise Immunity
  • Up to 8 Tri-State Code Address Pins
  • PCB Dimensions Transmitter 36MM X 26.67MM
  • PCB Dimensions Receiver 45.40 MM X 26.67

4 Channel RF Remote Controller – [Link]

4 Channel RF Remote Controller


4 Channel RF remote built using PT2262 and PT2272-M4 IC from Princeton technology. PT2262 used as Encoder (Transmitter) and PT2272-M4 Decoder (Receiver) ICs are heart of the project. The receiver provides 4 channel Momentary outputs. All outputs are TTL level can be interface with other circuits or relay board. Transmitter works with 5V to 12V DC. Receiver works with 5V DC.

When any of SW1-SW4 (S1-S4) tact switch is pressed the, power is applied to encoder IC and RF transmitter module, the encoder then starts scanning Jumper J1-J8 and transmitting the status of the 8 bits address and data serially. The decoder IC receives the data and compares two times with J1-J8 address jumpers and provides outputs high and also VT LED goes On, if the data is Valid and address of Transmitter and Receiver are same. It is important to have same jumper settings J1-J8 at transmitter and receiver to pair both. Multiple remote can be used to control devices at same location by changing the address codes. All address is Tri-State and offers 6561 combinations.

Encoder – Transmitter (PT2262)

PT2262 is a remote control encoder paired with PT2272 utilizing CMOS technology. Its encode data and address pins into a serial coded waveform suitable for RF modulation. Circuit uses 8 bits of tri-state address pins providing up to 6561 address codes, thereby, drastically reducing any code collision and unauthorized code scanning possibilities.

PT2262 encodes the code address and data set into special waveform and outputs it to the DOUT when TE is pulled to low. The wave is fed to RF modulator (ASK RF TX Module) for transmission. The transmitted radio frequency is received by RF demodulator (ASK RF RX Module) and reshaped to special waveform. PT2272 is then used to decode the waveform and set the corresponding output pins. Thus completing a remote control encoding and decoding function.

Decoder Receiver (PT2272-M4)

PT2272 decodes the waveform received and fed in to the DIN pin. The waveform is decoded into code word that contains the address, data and sync bits. The decoded address bits are compared with the address set at the address input pins. If both address match for 2 consecutive code words, PT2272 drives the data output pins whose corresponding data bits is the decoded to be a 1 bit, and (2) the VT output — to high state.

VT (Valid Transmission)

When PT2272 receive a transmission code word, it initially checks weather this is a valid transmission. For a transmission to be valid, (1) it must be complete code word, and (2) the address bits must match the address setting at the address pins. After two consecutive valid transmission, PT2272 (1) drives the data pins according to the data bits received, and (2) raises VT to high state.

NOTE : Jumper J1 to J8, To set High Jumper provided at Bottom layer of PCB, Jumpers and closure provide to set low, don’t use any of these for floating.


  • Wide Range of Operation Voltage 5V to 12V Transmitter
  • Supply 5V DC Receiver
  • On Board Data Transmission LED
  • Single Resistor Oscillator
  • 4 Momentary Outputs
  • 4 Outputs TTL Level
  • Address setting 3 states HIGH, LOW, And FLOATING)
  • Remote provides 6561 addressable combinations by setting up J1-J8 to High, Low, and Floating.
  • On Board Power and Valid Transmission LEDS Receiver
  • ASK Modulation
  • RF link work on 433.92 MHz Frequency
  • CMOS Technology
  • Low Power Consumption
  • Very High Noise Immunity
  • Up to 8 Tri-State Code Address Pins
  • PCB Dimensions Transmitter 36MM X 26.67MM
  • PCB Dimensions Receiver 45.40 MM X 26.67


  • Car Security System
  • Garage Door Controller
  • Remote Control Fan
  • Home Security
  • Automation System
  • Remote Toys
  • Robots
  • Remote Control for Industrial Use




Parts List



Wiring diagram





Arduino-compatible touch-enabled display shield from FTDI

CleO is a simple to program, intelligent TFT display solution that allows the construction of human machine interfaces (HMIs) with – says maker FTDI chip – much higher performance than conventional Arduino display shields are able to deliver. by Graham Prophet [via]

FTDI first introduced its Arduino-compatible concept – aiming to reach a wider audience – by means of a crowdfunding exercise. The company now has full availability of the CleO product (and accompanying accessories) through its distribution partners, as well as directly via the company’s website. FTDI Chip will also give engineers complete access to a comprehensive development resource, which has step-by-step tutorials and projects, plus a series of software tools. In addition, a new forum has been set up ( www.CleOstuff.com) on which design tips, application ideas and other information can be shared.

Omniblox – Eagle BRD 3D viewer


Omniblox is a very good 3D Eagle .brd 3D viewer created by Benjamin D. Richards and David ten Have, but some script knowledge is needed to use it.

Looking to render printed circuit boards (PCBs)? Look no further. This script loads and renders them visually using a .brd file created by CadSoft EAGLE (version 6.0 or later).

There are a number of ways to render PCBs, but this script visualizes them as THREE.js models.

We’re still working on this, so the script isn’t 100% accurate. With that in mind, it’s probably best to use this as a visualization aid only — so don’t use it for to build anything ‘mission critical’ (for now…). And we’ve done our best to flag stuff that needs sorting.

Omniblox – Eagle BRD 3D viewer – [Link]

9 VDC Regulated Power Supply


Tiny low current 9 VDC Regulated Power supply designed around bipolar transistor and zener diode. The circuit is known as series voltage regulator or emitter follower voltage regulator. The unregulated supply fed to input and the circuit regulate the voltage and provide constant 9V DC, 250mA. The zener diode provides the reference voltage to the base of the transistor. This is very suitable power supply for small projects as it can provide any supply output by changing just the zener diode.

Other output voltage can be obtained by changing the zener diode

Output Voltage Formula Vout=Vz-VBe

Vz=Zenner diode Voltage, VBe=0.7V

9 VDC Regulated Power Supply – [Link]

9 VDC Regulated Power Supply


Tiny low current 9 VDC Regulated Power supply designed around bipolar transistor and zener diode. The circuit is known as series voltage regulator or emitter follower voltage regulator. The unregulated supply fed to input and the circuit regulate the voltage and provide constant 9V DC, 250mA. The zener diode provides the reference voltage to the base of the transistor. This is very suitable power supply for small projects as it can provide any supply output by changing just the zener diode. A transistor heat sink may be required if the output current is high.

Other output voltage can be obtained by changing the zener diode

Output Voltage Formula Vout=Vz-VBe

Vz=Zenner diode Voltage, VBe=0.7V


  • Input – 12 VAC or DC, 500 mA
  • Output – 9.3 VDC / 250 mA, Zener regulated low ripple DC voltage
  • Input bridge rectifier made from discrete Diodes
  • LED indication for output
  • Terminal pins for connecting input and output
  • Four mounting holes of 3.2 mm each
  • PCB dimensions 29 mm x 44 mm



Parts List



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