LSM6DSL – 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope


Two low-power 6-axis inertial modules introduced from STMicroelectronics, the LSM6DSL and LSM6DSM. Both they pack a 3-D digital accelerometer and a 3-D digital gyroscope in a miniature package. These modules consume 0.4 mA in combo normal mode and 0.65 mA in combo high-performance mode, cutting power consumption by as much as 50% over their current predecessors. The LSM6DSL has a full-scale acceleration range of ±2/±4/±8/±16 g and an angular rate range of ±125/±245/±500/±1000/±2000 dps.

LSM6DSL – 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope – [Link]

Control a High Power 4W COB LED with Arduino Uno has published a new Arduino Video tutorial:

High Power LEDs are very popular and low cost nowadays so I thought it would be a good idea to learn how control them with Arduino. So, I built a simple project that simply turns on a 4W Cob LED when the button is pressed. When the button is pressed again, the LED turns off. The LED is powered by 12V battery and it is controlled by the Arduino using a MOSFET. But let’s see how to build it.

Control a High Power 4W COB LED with Arduino Uno – [Link]

The incredible story behind the Gerber PCB file format


Max Maxfield @ writes about the famous Gerber format and the history behind it. Gerber format is actually an ASCII vector format that defines copper layers, solder mask, legends on a PCB and it’s used by manufacturing companies to produce the actual PCB.

The incredible story behind the Gerber PCB file format – [Link]

Raspberry Pi 2 Web Hosting – Full Email Server & Web Server

LDSrelience shared this video on Youtube!

This is a short video going over a project I just finished to prove that a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B (new as of February 2015) can run a light duty website and low volume email server. I have installed Apache2 for the web server, which takes like 2 minutes for the basic install, and Postfix and Dovecot for the email server. The mail server definitely takes longer to set up but with the detailed, step by step instructions available at the link below it is really easy to do.

Raspberry Pi 2 Web Hosting – Full Email Server & Web Server – [Link]

SK6812 – a new intelligent RGB LED


Tim discuss about a new RGB LED that appeared on the market:

During the last months, a new WS2812 alternative appeared on the market: The SK6812. I finally managed to get my hands on some of them to take a closer look. In most aspects these devices are basically clones of the WS2812. What is interesting however, is that the manufacturer came up with a couple of new variations of the stock 5050 RGB LED.

SK6812 – a new intelligent RGB LED – [Link]

5V @3A Switching Power Supply

This circuit is about a buck regulator which can produce an output of 5V for a input voltage ranging from 7V to 40V. LM2576 is a monolithic IC and it acts as the heart of this circuit. This IC has a potential of delivering an output current up to 3A and requires less number of external components. It is highly efficient when compared to other three terminal linear regulators and small in size.


  • Input(V): 7VDC to 40VDC
  • Output(V): 5VDC
  • Output load: 3A
  • PCB:36mm X 35mm

Parts List


Eye Diagram Basics: Reading and applying eye diagrams


Deepak Behera, Sumit Varshney, Sunaina Srivastava, and Swapnil Tiwari discuss about using an oscilloscope to create eye diagrams and quickly evaluate system performance and gain.

Accelerating data rates, greater design complexity, standards requirements, and shorter cycle times put greater demand on design engineers to debug complex signal integrity issues as early as possible. Because today’s serial data links operate at gigahertz transmission frequencies, a host of variables can affect the integrity of signals, including transmission-line effects, impedance mismatches, signal routing, termination schemes, and grounding schemes.

Eye Diagram Basics: Reading and applying eye diagrams – [Link]

Passive Wi-Fi – Bringing Low Power to Wi-Fi Transmissions


Bryce Kellogg, Vamsi Talla, Shyam Gollakota, Joshua R. Smith have published an research article discussing Passive Wi-Fi  transmission that consumes 3 – 4 orders of magnitude lower power than existing Wi-Fi chipsets.

Passive Wi-Fi transmissions can be decoded on any Wi-Fi device including routers, mobile phones and tablets. Building on this, we also present a network stack design that enables Passive Wi-Fi transmitters to coexist with other devices in the ISM band, without incurring the power consumption of carrier sense and medium access control operations

Passive Wi-Fi – Bringing Low Power to Wi-Fi Transmissions – [Link]

Controlling Arduino using your Voice


bluehybrid @ shows us how to use your voice to control a led light on Arduino. To achieve this he used the 1Sheeld Arduino shield.

This Project is getting start to use arduino with 1Sheeld

In this project we will turn an LED (ON) and turn it (OFF) by Voice

We will say “Open” to turn it (ON) and “Close” to turn it (OFF)

Controlling Arduino using your Voice – [Link]

Portable Adjustable Mini Power supply


Mixed Output @ has build a nice power supply by combining different power modules.

As most of my project involve electronics of some sort, having a good power supply is essential to be able to meet the demand of different power requirements. So I built me a bench-top power supply from an old ATX power supply Unit (PSU) that worked (and still works) great. However I’ve recently noticed some limitations with having a full fledged bench top PSU.

Portable Adjustable Mini Power supply – [Link]

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