ESP8266 – Wireless Weather Station with Data Logging to Excel


Rui Santos @ has tipped us with his latest project. In this project Rui connects two ESP8266 modules and sends data from 3 sensors to an Excel spreadsheet. The process is explained in detail and some prior experience with ESP8266 is necessary and provided in tutorials.

ESP8266 – Wireless Weather Station with Data Logging to Excel – [Link]

Datalogging Accelerometer Data To An SDCard


MindForge @ build a datalogger board which logs accelerometer values on a SD Card. The datalogger is built around an MSP430G2755 microcontroller and ADXL335 accelerometer sensor from Analog Devices.

his project started as an EMG datalogger to study my dad’s Parkinson’s disease, but after some testing I determined wearing electrodes wasn’t practical for the long term datalogging that I wanted to do, the data ended up very noisy due to RF interference and shoddy electrode to skin connections.
I moved away from the EMG idea and began working on a low-cost low-power consumption accelerometer datalogger instead.

Datalogging Accelerometer Data To An SDCard – [Link]

Arduino and RX5808 module spectrum analyzer


garagedrone @ build a 5.8GHz spectrum analyzer using Arduino nano and BOSCAM rx5808 receiver module which is very popular on FPV RX (receiver) builder scene:

At the price of 9 dollars the BOSCAM rx5808 receiver module is very popular in the FPV RX (receiver) builder scene. By default it supports only 8 channels with dip switch. But by using it with SPI interface and Arduino with rx5808-pro open source setup it becomes a comfortable deluxe RX with nice autoscan and a spectrum anlyser.

Arduino and RX5808 module spectrum analyzer – [Link]

Remote WiFi DHT11 Temperature an Humidity Display


BoianM @ shows us how to build a remote temperature and humidity display using DHT11 sensor and two ESP8266 modules. To program the ESP8266 modules a visual programming software is used.

The advantage of the ESP8266 over Arduino and other controllers is the builtin Wi-Fi. In this Instructable I will show you how with the help of Visuino you can use two ESP8266 modules to make a remote LCD Display for Temperature and Humidity DHT11 sensor.

Remote WiFi DHT11 Temperature an Humidity Display – [Link]

A beginner’s guide to Arduino


tttapa @ has posted a detailed introduction to Arduino, mainly focused on beginners. It starts from the basic concepts of electronics and goes through different Arduino examples such as LED blink to stepper motor drive.

After some years of experimenting with Arduino, I decided that the time has come to share the knowledge I’ve acquired. So I here it goes, a guide to Arduino, with the bare basics for beginners and some more advanced explanations for people who are somewhat more familiar with electronics.

A beginner’s guide to Arduino – [Link]

Raspberry Pi Clever airplane tracker


Jeremy B. Merrill lives near the LaGuardia airport and a lot of planes fly over his house all day long, so he decided to build a LED display showing the departure airport of the airplane that’s flying overhead. For that reason he used a Raspberry Pi, a Software-Defined Radio antenna and open source software that collects and decodes special airplane data, such as location, altitude, registration number etc.

Passenger jets reportedly collect one terabyte of data about themselves per flight. Of that terabyte, most airliners broadcast a tiny portion, unecrypted, over the air, via radio systems called ADS-B and Mode S. Every few seconds, they announce their location, altitude, registration number and – usually – the flight number.

Dump1090 is a program that listens to those broadcasts. Its web interface shows each plane’s precise location and path. I can pick up just about any plane within line of sight of my north-facing window in Prospect Heights. I can “see” planes well into Connecticut or Rockland County, but if the plane shows up even over Prospect Park, I often can’t detect it.

Raspberry Pi Clever airplane tracker – [Link]

LTC3106 – 300mA Low Voltage Buck-Boost Converter with PowerPath


Linear Technology announces the LTC3106, a highly integrated, 1.6µA quiescent current 300mV start-up buck-boost DC/DC converter with PowerPath™ management, optimized for multisource, low power systems. The LTC3106 is ideal for powering low power wireless sensors from rechargeable or primary batteries supplemented by energy harvesting. The LTC3106 incorporates maximum power point control (MPPC) making it compatible with common high impedance power sources, including photovoltaic cells, thermoelectric generators (TEGs) and fuel cells.

LTC3106 – 300mA Low Voltage Buck-Boost Converter with PowerPath – [Link]

Arduino TFT Forecast Weather Station with ESP8266


tufantas @ has build a weather forecast display using  Arduino Mega 2560, 7″ inch TFT display and ESP8266 Wifi module. The display shows 3 days weather forecast, Current weather conditions, Current wind directions & speed with analog gauge meter, Indoor temperature and NTP time.

Arduino TFT Forecast Weather Station with ESP8266 – [Link]

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