Getting Started with Arty


by kaitlyn1franz @

Digilent recently released a new FPGA development board. The Arty board. The Arty is designed to be used exclusively with Xilinx Vivado, and designed specifically for use with microblaze.

This tutorial covers how to use the out of he box design that ships loaded into Arty’s Quad-SPI Flash, with I/O and UART.

To view the reference material and other demo projects for Arty, go to the Arty resource center.

Getting Started with Arty – [Link]

TC7106 – 3 1/2 Digit ADC for LCD Display


The TC7106 3½ digit LCD direct-display drive analog-to-digital converter has a reference with a 80ppm/°C max temperature coefficient. TC7106 based systems may be upgraded without changing external passive component values to the TC7106A for a more precise system. High impedance differential inputs offer 1pA leakage current and a 1012 Ohm input impedance. The differential reference input allows ratiometric measurements for ohms or bridge transducer measurements. The 15µVp-p noise performance guarantees a great reading. The auto-zero cycle guarantees a zero display reading with a zero-volts input.

TC7106 – 3 1/2 Digit ADC for LCD Display – [Link]

Record from SOS webinar – Everything you have ever wanted to know about Physics of Humidity

Accuracy in a whole range of relative humidity measurement? You could find out during Sensirion webinar. Did you miss our webinar? Watch the video – record…

What´s possible and what not in the temperature and humidity measurement? Design Guidance & Handling Instructions for your applications and products and also application examples. All of this was led by Maximilian Eichbereger from Sensirion.All participants of the webinar could get development kit EK-H5 for special price and as a bonus could get the SHT31 reference design (functional board) for FREE.

Record from SOS webinar – Everything you have ever wanted to know about Physics of Humidity – [Link]

Bluz Grill Thermometer


Bluz powered probe thermometer to stream temperature data to your smartphone. Never dry out your steaks or chicken again! By Eric Ely:

With summer arriving, and the fear of dried out chicken looming, we wanted a more high tech way to track the temperature of items we are grilling outside. There are wireless probe thermometers, but they require carrying around a separate readout. We wanted a way to read the termperature from our smartphone, so we took the just the thermometer and hooked it to bluz!

Bluz Grill Thermometer – [Link]

Pixy camera: detect the colour of the objects and track their position


By Boris Landoni @

Here we present our first tests with the Pixy camera, a device capable of detecting the colour of the objects, and to track their position.

Until a short time ago, it was really difficult to develop applications able to take advantage of artificial vision algorithms, and most of all by using systems with limited hardware resources.

Luckily, however, things have changed now: in addition to the various open source frameworks that help developers to easily implement even the most complex algorithms, complete peripherals are spreading, be it for the hardware part (providing the acquisition of images coming from the outside world), or for the software part (able to analyze and read such images). With such peripherals it is possible to create applications provided with artificial vision, in a really simple way.

Pixy camera: detect the colour of the objects and track their position – [Link]

Intel Galileo Project: Simple DIY Weather Station


Øyvind Nydal Dahl published a new project on his website:

I’ve played with the Intel Galileo a lot lately, so now it’s time to build some Intel Galileo projects!

In this project I built a very simple weather station that records the temperature and humidity and saves these to a memory card.

I’ll show you how to read temperature and humidity from a DHT11 sensor with the Intel Galileo. Then how to save these values to an SD-card.

Intel Galileo Project: Simple DIY Weather Station – [Link]

New flat transistor defies theoretical limit


by Bob Yirka @

A team of researchers with members from the University of California and Rice University has found a way to get a flat transistor to defy theoretical limitations on Field Effect Transistors (FETs). In their paper published in the journal Nature, the team describes their work and why they believe it could lead to consumer devices that have both smaller electronics and longer battery life. Katsuhiro Tomioka with Erasmus MC University Medical Center in the Netherlands offers a News & Views article discussing the work done by the team in the same journal edition.

New flat transistor defies theoretical limit – [Link]

Control servo motors with potentiometers and Arduino


by break_it_fix_it @

I needed to be able to control 3 different servo motors by altering the position of 3 potentiometers. There are lots of people out there doing things like this, but I couldn’t find an exact match for everything I needed, so I decided to post up this instructable to bring everything I learned together in one place so that anyone else who wanted to do something like this could get it up and running quickly. This instructable is really a summary of other peoples excellent work and effort.

Control servo motors with potentiometers and Arduino – [Link]

How to ensure a stabile RS485 communication?


LTM2881 allows RS485 or RS422 communication even in harsh environment.

RS485 is often used as physical layer for industrial buses like ModBus, ProfiBus, InterBus, P-Net, BACnet and Bit-Bus. Bus length depends on data rate and can reach as much as 1000m.

Correct function of RS485 transceiver requires return path between GND of particular transceivers. This path can be created by connecting GND to earth potential (earthing) or by additional wire. In practical RS485 systems, ground potentials vary widely from node to node, often exceeding the tolerable range. This can result in an interruption of communications or destruction of a transceiver. Standard RS485 transceiver LTC485 is fully functional if GND potential difference is within ±7V. If difference exceeds ±14V damage or destruction can occurs.Using of additional wire which connects together all transceivers GND may looks like a good way how to avoid potential differences. But this leads to creation of ground loops that can even worsen situation.

Optimal solution is to use galvanically isolated RS485 transceiver powered from galvanically isolated power supply. In such a way GND of transceiver is fully isolated from earth potential and additional wire can be used to connect all transmitters GND together without creation of dangerous earth loops.

LTM2881 integrates all necessary components for galvanically isolated RS485/RS422 interface including isolated DC/DC converter into one compact part. No external components are required. Isolation is rated to 2500VRMS/1min and 560Vpeak-peak for continuous operation.

How to ensure a stabile RS485 communication? – [Link]

LED Wave Display


by 17bhuey @

In order to create this project, many physical materials are necessary, a lot of which will not be found lying around at home. In order to do this project, you should go out to computer stores or look online for these products. Keep in mind that you can upgrade to larger LED boards or faster arduinos, but that would require some modification of this tutorial as the coding, wiring, etc, changes with the addition of different products. Overall, this project is a fun way for you to practice your engineering, circuitry, and computer science skills while making a device that shows off your music taste in a new light.

LED Wave Display – [Link]

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