HealthyPi v4 – Unplugged, monitors vital signs using ESP32
Raspberry Pi

HealthyPi v4 – Unplugged, monitors vital signs using ESP32

HealthyPi v4 is a wireless, wearable, open source vital signs monitor powered by ESP32. Reliable health monitoring has traditionally required that we tether ourselves to machines capable of recording our vital signs around the clock. Outside of a clinical setting, however, this is...

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Webtronics’ Toasty USB Development Board Is Designed Around an STM32

Webtronics’ Toasty USB Development Board Is Designed Around an STM32

There are quite a number of USB development boards available that can be utilized for any number of projects, with the most popular being the ATtiny85 and the Teensy line from PJRC. However, UK-based Webtronics have recently announced their entrant into the USB development board into...

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PLEX Controller is used in various DIY Applications

PLEX Controller is used in various DIY Applications

Ever wanted a development board which comes complete with a screen like the 16x2 LCD Display? Well, meet PLEX a development board built to satisfy that desire along with extras. Plex is an Arduino compatible development board, which started out as designs for a particular project but...

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Getting started with the new ATtiny chips

Getting started with the new ATtiny chips

David Johnson-Davies introduces us to the new ATtiny series microcontrollers and shows us how to program then with Arduino IDE. He writes: In 2016 Microchip/Atmel announced a completely new range of chips designed to replace their older ATmega and ATtiny ranges. The new ATtiny chips...

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easySwitchBox – The long-range LoRa® wall switch
ControlTop Stories

easySwitchBox – The long-range LoRa® wall switch

easySwitchBox by easySensors is a long-range LoRa® wall switch powered by coin cells and the Arduino IDE. easySwitchBox enables you to remote control your appliances from long distance as easy as the push a a button. The easySwitchBox does one simple thing – it sends on\off signals...

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ANAVI Gas Detector – An ESP8266-powered air quality monitor

ANAVI Gas Detector – An ESP8266-powered air quality monitor

ANAVI Gas Detector is an ESP8266-powered, open source, Wi-Fi dev board for monitoring air quality and detecting dangerous gases. ANAVI Gas Detector is an ESP8266-powered, open source, Wi-Fi dev board for monitoring air quality and detecting dangerous gases. It supports popular analog...

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Using ESP32’s Flash Memory for data storage

Using ESP32’s Flash Memory for data storage

The ESP32 has about 4MB of internal flash memory and since the data stored within the flash memory is retained even when power is recycled, it becomes super useful for applications where you need to keep certain amount of data even after power off. For today's tutorial, we will learn how...

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Using a 16×2 I2C LCD display with ESP32

Using a 16×2 I2C LCD display with ESP32

A few weeks ago, we examined the features of ESP32 module and built a simple hello world program to get ourselves familiar with the board. Today, we will continue our exploration of the ESP32 on a higher level as we will look at how to interface a 16x2 LCD with it. Displays provide...

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