Markus Gritsch posted pictures and code of his PIC24 bedside table alarm clock:
Another year, another clock, but for the first time for my alarm clocks. I am not using an MSP430 but a PIC24 instead. Standby current is with 5.5 µA only slightly higher than that of my MSP430 based ones. Time keeping is done using the RTCC pheripheral, which I also used for the first time.
It can be seen in action in this YouTube video
Friendly green digits 🙂
And of course it has a LiFePO4 battery on its back, being charged every few years using my new USB charger.
A photo transistor is also included to dim the display in the dark. Much nices to the eyes when checking what time it is in the middle of the night.
PIC24 bedside table alarm clock – [Link]