Flux.ai – An AI Powered, Browser-Based PCB Design Tool Review

In today’s world of Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLM), it was only a matter of time before someone came up with the idea of incorporating generative AI into a PCB design tool. That is precisely what the team at flux.ai has accomplished. After securing $15M in seed funding, Flux.ai is making its platform available to the public. They have recently launched what they claim to be the “industry’s first AI-powered browser-based collaborative PCB design tool called Flux CoPilot. And in this review, we will learn about it.

What is Flux Copilot?

Copilot is a custom Large Language Model (LLM) developed by the team at flux.ai to understand the principles of electronic and circuit design.

Why do you need Flux?

If you are a PCB design engineer, you know how slow any hardware design and development process can be. Compared to the rapid development times that exist in the software industry.

One major challenge in the PCB design process is the lack of pre-established workflows at the designer’s disposal. So, when it comes to a new hardware design, it often involves tedious tasks like creating component footprints, laying out circuit blocks, routing traces, clearing ground planes, and calculating impedance. These tasks consume a significant amount of development time. Interestingly, no one goes through these tasks from scratch in software development. You wouldn’t write your encryption library or operating system, would you?

But that is what exactly hardware developers or PCB design engineers do! They build every single project from scratch every single time. This results in a significantly slow hardware design process. And we have yet to mention the additional time it takes for PCB manufacturing and assembly.

What is FLUX.AI?

It was to address all these challenges that Flux was born. Flux is a browser-based electronics design tool with built-in support for modern hardware design methodologies: reusability, collaboration, and simulation.

It’s a browser-based tool, so you don’t need to download anything to your computer. Just head over to flux.ai and create an account. When that is done, you are ready to go. If you are accustomed to google workspace (docs, sheet, keep, slide), you will notice that the UI is very similar; the share button and the user icon are in the same place as in Google. You’ll also find the interface familiar if you’re used to using EDA software like Eagle, Altium, and KiCad. Additionally, navigating through the UI with the default dark theme makes it easy on the eyes.

Getting started with Flux

Once the sign-in process was complete, we created a new project. You will get Five Private Projects and Unlimited Public Projects on a free account. We started by creating a basic RLC series circuit in the editor. While working, the performance was fast, and dragging elements from the sidebar to the editor was a joy.

The wiring process was also very easy; to wire up one component to another, you need to click on the terminals of a component, and the wire will appear.

Changing a component’s properties is also very easy. If you want to use a through-hole component instead of an SMD one, select the component, and scroll down to the properties tab. You can find the package information there, click on that, and change the device’s package.

Real-time collaboration is supported, which is a big game changer for the electronics industry. No more file juggling with Dropbox or Git commits! However, we need the snap-on-grid feature, which is a big letdown for us as we use it in almost every design. That is why components can appear to have slight misalignment, and it causes confusion in wire connections.

We have also encountered additional bugs while working; dragging and connecting wires can be unintuitive, and you will need some practice before you get the hang of it. Additionally, when trying to drag an element on top of a wire, it doesn’t work as expected. Instead of replacing the wire with the component, it causes a short circuit.

However, most of these issues are minor and can be looked away. Currently, the focus is primarily on adding exciting new features rather than prioritizing resolving these minor bugs. And speaking of new features…

We tried the AI Copilot: An AI Assistant with Expertise in Electrical Engineering

Flux Copilot is a specially trained large language model (LLM) that you can find on the right-hand side of your screen referred to as chat. With its deep electronic and electrical knowledge, it can do various tasks.

It is chatGPT for electronic projects but with a full understanding of electronic and electrical design. So we started with an actual practical problem and asked @copilot if I wanted to isolate the i2C of this microcontroller and drive some motors.

We didn’t say anything about the rest of our circuit, and we were very surprised at how good the response was,

Not only did it give us the part numbers, but it also taught us how to connect the i2c isolator to the microcontroller. What’s even more impressive is that it automatically detected the microcontroller from the editor window without us having to specify it. This level of automation was truly remarkable, to say the least.

Check out the reference documentation if you want to know more about AI Copilot.

PCB viewer/editor

If you have prior experience using Eagle PCB design software, you will find the interface of Flux will look very familiar to you. just like Eagle, Flux automatically transfers all the parts from the schematic to the PCB view, provided there are no errors. This makes it incredibly easy to experiment with different footprints and layouts without pulling changes from your schematic to PCB every time you make a change.

However, it could have been a more redefining experience because the interface lagged a bit and used a ton of resources while operating. If you are used to Eagle and Altium, it comes with default DRC settings, but for Flux, you need to set your DRC before you start your design.

You will find the code tab lying dormant between the board and schematic; we assumed it was something like Eagles ULPs, which we are familiar with, but it can do much more than any ULP or custom script can do. You can automate parts value and package assignments, you can assign the part type, generate a custom simulation model and do more cool things.

Keyboard shortcuts and circuit simulation

Like other EDA tools, Flux also comes packed with handy keyboard shortcuts. The most interesting part is that there is a custom assignment function in Flux with that you can assign your favorite components to the number keys 1-5 for quick access. But here’s the catch: we quickly ran into a problem because we started running out of component slots in no time.

You can access the keyboard shortcut list in Flux by pressing the Ctrl+/ key, just like you did for Google Workspace. So we spent some time experimenting to see how fast we could make our workflow.

Flux has an integrated simulator, but you will not find any dedicated “Simulation” tab in the tool because it runs automatically by default.

The only requirement you need to care about is the part should have a simulation model assigned to it. That means you cannot simulate more complex parts like microcontrollers, and you are limited to simple parts like transistors, resistors, capacitor inductors, and basic ICs. If you are savvy enough, you can write your simulation model using the Fulx system’s code editor.


I was very excited to try out Flux because it’s one of those tools which can change the aspect of electronic and hardware design forever. Yeah, there are already some pretty advanced EDA tools out there, but here’s what we’re thinking: in the future, Flux can do way more than just suggest changes for the schematic. Imagine this: Copilot, could dig up cheaper alternatives for parts and automatically swap them out in the schematic. It can even help you tweak your PCB design. Say you wanna replace a small capacitor with a bigger one that has a different footprint. that will definitely mess up your PCB connections. No worries! Copilot can handle those kinds of design tasks without breaking a sweat. Trust me, Flux is the game-changer we’ve been waiting for in electronic and hardware design!

Purchasing Information

Flux.AI has a community-first approach with its pricing model. The free version of this tool provides almost all functionality for all users indefinitely.

For companies, both small and large, the ‘Pro‘ or ‘Organization‘ options are available at $15/month and $45/month respectively. These offer private projects and additional business-oriented features.

If you want to check the pricing information yourself, you can check out the attached link.

Qualcomm Technologies introduces two modem chipsets for remote monitoring

Qualcomm 212S and 9205S Modem Chipsets

Qualcomm Technologies has launched the 212S Modem and the Qualcomm 9205S Modem chipsets with satellite capability for remote monitoring and asset tracking for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. These modems are developed in collaboration with Skylo to offer low-power and advanced wireless connectivity for IoT devices, allowing them to connect to both satellite and cellular networks. This dual connectivity ensures that devices can stay connected even in remote areas with limited terrestrial network coverage.

Both these chipsets integrate with the Qualcomm Aware Platform, which offers NTN connectivity services and device management in remote areas. This integration enables efficient monitoring and management of devices operating in remote locations, facilitating critical decision-making processes that depend on accurate and real-time data. The Qualcomm Aware Platform improves IoT deployments’ effectiveness, providing businesses with valuable insights for improved operational efficiency and productivity.

“Our Qualcomm 212S and Qualcomm 9205S chips take our IoT tracking and monitoring capabilities one step further, providing connectivity and coverage even in the most remote areas. These products also further showcase our ability to bring and scale superior innovations to even the most challenging and complex IoT environments.”

The Qualcomm 212S Modem is designed for stationary IoT devices that require satellite communication for advanced connectivity in off-grid locations. The modem is ideal for various applications, such as collecting telemetry and data from water and gas tanks, meters, and other infrastructure equipment. It can also be used for utility grid monitoring, early fire detection reporting, on-shore and off-shore mining installations, and environmental management.

The Qualcomm 9205S Modem incorporates Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) capabilities, enabling accurate location tracking for IoT applications. It comes with a similar architecture to the Qualcomm 9205 Modem. The modem also supports hub-type use cases through its robust application processor and peripheral support, enabling a wide range of IoT applications to benefit from its capabilities.

“We will deliver satellite connectivity through the Qualcomm Aware Platform using our network of satellite operators to power a range of IoT use cases with optimized integrations through the Qualcomm 212S and 9205S modems for stationary and in-transit uses.”

The Qualcomm 212S Modem will be available later this year, while the Qualcomm 9205S Modem is already available.

SparkFun RTK Reference Station comes with an accuracy of 1 cm

SparkFun RTK Reference Station

SparkFun introduces RTK Reference Station, a hardware device for high-precision geolocation, surveying, and time reference. The platform leverages Real Time Kinematics (RTK) to deliver improved positional accuracy. It combines signals from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) with a collection data stream to elevate the accuracy of satellite positioning receivers.

SparkFun started the RTK series of products that offer GNSS receivers with out-of-the-box options that can be used without configuration. The product line includes RTK Facet L-Bank, which has the ability to achieve centimeter-grade measurements, and RTK Express Plus, designed for post-processing for autonomous vehicles and logging.

SparkFun RTK receivers can achieve high accuracy by utilizing Real Time Kinematics (RTK) technology. In addition to the normal signals received from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), the RTK receiver also takes in a Real-Time Correction Message (RTCM) data stream. By incorporating this correction data, the receiver can calculate its location with an accuracy of 1cm.

The SparkFun Reference Station is built upon the ESP32-WROOM processor and the U-Blox ZED-F9P multi-band GNSS module. It uses the same open-source firmware as other SparkFun RTK products, ensuring compatibility across the product line. The Reference Station offers 10/100 Mbps Ethernet connectivity, allowing for fast and reliable data transfer. It can also be powered by Power-over-Ethernet (PoE), providing a convenient power supply solution.

The U-Blox ZED-F9P GNSS module is used for high-precision geolocation, which is connected via a high-speed SPI interface, enabling a significant increase in the transfer speed of GNSS data. This improvement empowers users to log RAWX and SFRBX data from all constellations at a high frequency of 20Hz, providing unparalleled data collection capabilities.

SparkFun Reference Station offers a solution for those with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) time server for their Ethernet network. By deploying the Reference Station as an NTP server, you can improve the accuracy of timekeeping across your Ethernet network.

The Reference Station comes with built-in support for DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), which simplifies the setup process by automatically assigning an IP address to the device. However, if you prefer a fixed IP address for your NTP server, the Reference Station allows you to configure it accordingly.

The RTK Reference Station is available for purchase on the official SparkFun website, priced at $699.95 USD. Interested people can visit the hookup guide for more information.

SparkFun comes with another MicroMod product, the STM32 processor

SparkFun MicroMod STM32WB5MMG Processor

SparkFun Electronics has expanded its MicroMod ST product line by introducing the SparkFun MicroMod STM32WB5MMG Processor. The processor board combines computing capabilities with wireless functionality, all packed into a single M.2-connectable module.

As the name suggests, the MicroMod STM32WB5MMG Processor is built around the STMicroelectronics STM32 processor core, which is a low-power module, an ideal choice for battery-powered applications. It features a combination of two Arm Cortex processors: a Cortex-M4 processor with FPU and ART for primary computing tasks and a Cortex-M0 processor dedicated to running the 2.4 GHz RF stack.

The STM32WB5MMG processor supports various wireless protocols such as 2.4 GHz wireless communication and compatibility with Bluetooth Low Energy 5.3, Zigbee 3.0, OpenThread, and 802.15.4 proprietary protocols. This wide communication protocol makes it a good choice for a wide range of applications that require reliable and efficient wireless connectivity.

The Cortex-M4 CPU operates at a frequency of up to 64 MHz, ensuring efficient processing of data. Including a floating-point unit (FPU) single precision improves the module’s capabilities. The FPU supports all ARM single-precision data-processing instructions and data types. Additionally, the processor implements a memory protection unit (MPU), which enhances the security of applications by isolating memory regions.

In 2020, following the introduction of the SparkFun Qwiic connect system, SparkFun unveiled a new modular interface that utilizes the M.2 standard– MicroMod. This interface allows for connecting a microcontroller processor board to different carrier boards. By leveraging the convenience of solderless interfacing, developers can select their preferred processor board and easily connect it to standalone carrier boards.

SparkFun has previously launched a MicroMod STM32F405 processor board with its Arm Cortex-M4 32-bit RISC core. For situations where there is limited workspace but a need for enhanced power, this compact processor board offers a cost-effective and user-friendly development platform.

The SparkFun MicroMod STM32WB5MMG Processor is priced at $19.95 USD. Interested people can check out the official product page for more details.

Popcorn Computer PopStick is a compact USB computer running Linux Kernel

Source Parts has launched a USB computer called the Popcorn Computer PopStick. This compact-sized device is designed to provide a computing experience by plugging directly into any computer with a USB-A port or any other USB port with the help of a simple adapter.

Furthermore, the PopStick can also be connected to various cell phones or devices through USB Micro-B, USB-C, or Lightning connectors when used with an appropriate adapter. Once connected to a host device, the PopStick can appear as any desired USB device, offering greater possibilities for customization.

The Popcorn Computer PopStick is built around the Allwinner F1C200s SoC featuring the ARM9 CPU architecture. It supports full HD video playback, including popular codecs such as H.264, H.263, and MPEG1/2/4, making it ideal for multimedia applications. Users can leverage high-quality audio with an integrated audio codec and I2S/PCM interface.

Popcorn Computer PopStick Schematic

Specifications of PopStick USB computer:

  • SoC: Allwinner F1C200S SoC featuring ARM926EJ-S (ARMv5TE) at 533 MHz clock frequency
  • Memory: 64 MB embedded DDR1
  • Storage: 128 MB SPI NAND flash for operating system and MicroSD card slot
  • Interfaces: 1x USB-A connector for connecting to a host computer and 1x USB Micro-B connector to present a dedicated USB-to-Serial console for direct control

The PopStick USB computer comes with out-of-the-box software support. It is shipped in a preloaded simple Linux environment that automatically sets up a Gadget USB Ethernet and USB Serial device during booting. This allows users to easily SSH into the device, similar to any other Linux computer. Simultaneous connection to a Serial Console is also supported.

The company has made the design files available for public use. The official GitHub repository has schematics and design files for engineers who aim to develop a next-gen hardware platform based on the currently open design.

Popcorn Computer PopStick is available in multiple configurations. The 32GB MicroSD card version, priced at $37.99 USD, offers enough storage for applications and data. For budget-conscious users, the basic option, priced at $29.00 USD, excludes flash storage.

LILYGO T-Deck is a portable microcontroller board for hobby developers

LILYGO T-Deck Portable Microcontroller Programmer

Microcontroller programming has become more accessible with the introduction of the LILYGO T-Deck. This pocket-sized device is designed to equip developers with a convenient tool for programming on the go. The mobile-like platform has a 2.8-inch, 320×240 pixel IPS LCD display and a mini keyboard to combine functionality with portability, making it an ideal companion for any developer.

T-Deck is powered by the Espressif ESP32-S3 processor featuring a dual-core dual-core XTensa LX7 MCU. The T-Deck offers extended processing capabilities, capable of running at 240 MHz. The ESP32-S3 also comes with integrated 2.4 GHz, 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5 (LE) connectivity, providing long-range support and ensuring seamless connectivity to other devices.

The onboard ESP32-S3 supports vector instructions in the MCU. This added capability offers accelerated performance for neural network computing and signal processing workloads. With the T-Deck, developers can now tackle more complex tasks and take advantage of these vector instructions to optimize their applications.

The SX1262 sub-GHz radio transceivers are integrated inside the compact design as an advanced wireless communication module, ideal for long-range applications. These transceivers are designed to provide high performance while ensuring extended battery life, making them a good choice for applications that require efficient power consumption.

T-Deck Portable Microcontroller Programmer View

The T-Deck comes with a 2.8-inch, 320×240 pixel IPS LCD display to enhance the user experience. Although it may not be as large as a smartphone screen, it still provides a clear interface for programming tasks. With the display, developers can navigate menus, view code, and monitor program output conveniently. Furthermore, with their programming knowledge, developers can leverage the T-Deck’s display to transform it into a standalone messaging device or coding software, making it even more versatile.

Thanks to its compact form factor, the T-Deck fits comfortably in your pocket, allowing you to carry it wherever you go. Whether you are a student, hobbyist, or professional developer, the T-Deck provides a portable solution for your programming needs.

LILYGO has priced the T-Deck portable microcontroller programmer at $42.66 USD as an affordable and feature-rich solution for enthusiasts. Its compact size, powerful ESP32-S3 processor, and high-quality display make it an ideal tool for entry-level developers seeking portability and convenience.

Pico 3566 Versatile System on Module with AI Edge Computing

With the focus of the computing industry shifting towards Large Data Models and Big Data, AI is getting a big push forward for high-performance computing of large data models. This has also given a significant push to edge computing, where computing can be accelerated using AI even on a smaller scale. Many applications in the industry can certainly benefit from AI capabilities built-in for real-time task optimization and reduction of downtime. This is where the Rockchip PICO 3566 comes in.

The Rockchip Pico 3566 brings the much-needed capabilities of AI-accelerated computation to open-source edge computing devices with a dedicated NPU, which only few could provide to date. The Pi 3566 has capable Display and Image Interfaces along with a 1 TOPS NPU, making it useful in a wide variety of industrial applications. Its support for low-speed GPIO interfaces like USART, I2C, PWM, etc, along with high-speed interfaces like PCIe and SATA, USB 3.0, etc., also make it a versatile device in terms of connectivity and compatibility.

Connectivity Makes Pico 3566 a Versatile Device

The wide array of GPIO connectivity allows the Pico 3566 to serve its function as a microcontroller for various control interfaces like motor controls, transducers, sensors, etc. This not only makes it good for edge computing but also for the automation of tasks based on the parameters set. Along with its high-speed connectivity, the Pico 3566 can communicate with other devices in an environment for inter-machine coordination and sharing of data for deeper analysis with larger compute nodes.

Pico 3566 block diagram

A Direct Successor to the Raspberry Pi CM 3+?

The Rockchip Pico 3566 is a system-on-module (SOM) based on 200 pin SODIMM form factor to be an easy replacement for Raspberry Pi CM 3+, which it competes against. It is an overall upgrade over the CM 3+, with its biggest upgrade being the GPU, Image Processing capabilities, and 1 TOPS NPU (which the CM 3+ has none). This gives it a major advantage over the CM 3+ in deep learning and AI capabilities. For example, the Pico 3566 enables applications such as real-time image processing and object identification and tracking using AI-accelerated calculations.

The SOM supports 2 OSs in total- Android 12 and Debian 11 (Linux). For multimedia and user-friendly applications, Android 12 is the go-to operating system as it utilizes all the capabilities of the SOM in an interactive environment. Debian 11 based on Linux will always be the preferred choice for industrial and other applications related to AI.

In conclusion, the Pico 3566 is a capable SOM developed by Rockchip based on the needs of the industry and its growing focus on the application of Artificial Intelligence and edge computing.

For more information, visit Rockchip Pico 3566 website.

Arduino introduces UNO R4 Boards with expanded capabilities and powerful CPU

Arduino UNO R4 Wi-Fi Board

Arduino announced the release of the Arduino UNO R4 back in March of this year, which brought new hardware platforms for the maker community. Building upon the popular UNO footprint, Arduino gave the R4 a complete hardware refresh, making it a must-have for embedded developers and beginners. While the UNO R4 retains the unevenly-spaced pin headers of its predecessors in the UNO range, it stands out as the first model to feature a powerful 32-bit processor.

One addition to the Arduino UNO R4 lineup is the Arduino UNO R4 Wi-Fi. This board combines the processing power of the RA4M1 microcontroller from Renesas with the wireless connectivity prowess of the ESP32-S3 from Espressif. Alongside these extended features, the UNO R4 Wi-Fi offers an onboard 12×8 LED matrix for users who need to view various parameters for their outdoor IoT applications.

When it comes to interfaces with external sensors and devices, the hardware platform is designed with a Qwiic connector for a seamless connection. Arduino has upgraded an existing setup to incorporate wireless connectivity into the latest UNO R4 Wi-Fi board to provide all the necessary tools for developing next-gen applications.

Arduino has also come up with a minimalistic design for its UNO R4 Minima development board. Equipped with a Renesas 32-bit microcontroller, this board has enough processing power, expanded memory, and an array of new onboard peripherals. The UNO R4 Minima maintains compatibility with existing shields and accessories, and no alterations to the standard form factor or 5V operating voltage are required.

Despite the advancements made on the UNO R4 boards, Arduino has made sure to prioritize backward compatibility. These new boards retain the same 5V logic and pin-out as their predecessors, ensuring that the majority of projects and shields can be seamlessly ported across with updated software.

The Arduino UNO R4 Wi-Fi is available for purchase starting at $27.50, while the Arduino UNO R4 Minima is priced at $20.00. Upgrade your development experience with the Arduino UNO R4 boards and explore the possibilities of these advanced community-centric hardware devices.

LuckFox Core3566 Module can become a Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 alternative

LuckFox Core3566 Module

The LuckFox Core3566 Module is designed to become a compelling alternative to the widely popular Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 (CM4), offering compatibility with CM4 baseboards while delivering powerful performance and advanced features. Designed to cater to the needs of developers, hobbyists, and enthusiasts, this module boasts a range of capabilities, making it a good option for advanced visual applications.

At the heart of the LuckFox Core3566 Module is the Rockchip RK3566 system-on-a-chip (SoC). This quad-core Cortex-A55 processor has a clock speed of up to 1.8 GHz, ensuring efficient execution of tasks. Additionally, the SoC incorporates a 32-bit RISC-V MCU, enhancing its compatibility with various applications.

Complementing its processing power, the Arm Mali-G52 GPU, supporting OpenGL ES 1.1/2.0/3.2, OpenCL 2.0, and Vulkan 1.1, ensures advanced graphics performance. Moreover, the integrated NPU (Neural Processing Unit) provides AI acceleration capabilities, offering a performance of 0.8 TOPS (Trillions of Operations Per Second). NPU supports one-click switching of mainstream frameworks such as Caffe and TensorFlow. The one-click switching capability allows users to easily switch between AI frameworks based on their specific project requirements and preferences.

LuckFox Core3566 Module Versions

The LuckFox Core3566 Module comes with advanced wireless connectivity options. Equipped with dual-band Wi-Fi and Bluetooth AP6256 module, users can experience high-speed internet access and seamless Bluetooth connectivity. With dual-band Wi-Fi, this module enables users to surf the web from anywhere, offering increased flexibility and convenience. It is important to note that the Wi-Fi function is optional, and the module requires an additional antenna for the Wi-Fi module as it does not feature an onboard antenna.

The LuckFox Core3566 Module also has an integrated VPU (Video Processing Unit). The VPU is designed to handle demanding video encoding and decoding tasks, ensuring high-quality video playback and efficient video processing. The Core3566 Module’s VPU supports 4K resolution at 60 frames per second and offers hardware decoding for popular video codecs such as H.265, H.264, and VP9.

The LuckFox Core3566 Module is available for purchase, starting at $23.99 for the 2GB RAM variant without flash storage and wireless connectivity.

SB Components releases Micro RP2040, a compact version of Raspberry Pi Pico

SB Components Micro RP2040

The Micro RP2040 microcontroller board is a powerful development tool that includes most of the features of the Raspberry Pi Pico in a smaller and more compact form factor. The board is designed for hobbyists, students, and professionals, for a wide range of projects, from building robots and controlling smart home devices to experimenting with electronics.

Inside the Micro RP2040 is the RP2040 MCU, a dual-core Arm Cortex M0+ processor. With a clock speed of up to 133 MHz, this microcontroller can handle demanding tasks while keeping power consumption to a minimum. The RP2040 MCU also features a variety of built-in peripherals and interfaces, including USB, SPI, I2C, and UART, providing seamless connectivity options for your projects. You can find more detailed technical information about the RP2040 MCU in the datasheet available here.

Interestingly, the Micro RP2040 has 23 multifunction GPIO pins, which provide sufficient options for connecting sensors, displays, and other peripherals. These pins can be easily programmed to suit your specific project requirements, offering flexibility and expandability. Additionally, the board comes equipped with a USB Type-C connector, enabling straightforward connections to a computer or power source, making it incredibly convenient to use.

SB Components Micro RP2040 on Breadboard

Specifications of Micro RP2040 microcontroller board:

  • Microcontroller: Raspberry Pi RP2040 featuring dual-core Arm Cortex-M0+ processor, clocked at a frequency of 133 MHz
  • Memory: 264kB of SRAM
  • Storage: 2MB QSPI flash
  • Interfaces: 23x multifunction GPIO pins
  • Serial communication: PWM, I2C, SPI, and UART
  • Power: USB Type-C port for the power source of 5V
  • Button: Boot button can be used to enter bootloader mode when the board is powered on
  • Software: C, C++, and MicroPython
  • Dimensions: 25 x 24.95 mm
  • Weight: Approximately 4 grams

When it comes to software support, the Micro RP2040 has you covered. It offers compatibility with a wide range of programming languages and development environments, ensuring that you can work with the tools you’re most comfortable with. Whether you prefer C, C++, or MicroPython, you can unleash your creativity and bring your ideas to life with ease.

The Micro RP2040 microcontroller board is available for purchase at an affordable price of $6.99 on Tindie, making it accessible to enthusiasts and professionals alike. With its compact size, powerful performance, and extensive connectivity options, it allows the user to explore the capabilities of RP2040 to create innovative IoT projects.

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