8 Channel Infra-Red Remote-Control Arduino Shield Using ULN2803

  • Rajkumar Sharma
  • moderate
  • Tested
  • SKU: EL99809
  • Quote Now

This is an 8 channel infra-red remote-control Arduino shield that can drive 8 high current loads such as LEDs, solenoids, multiple toy DC Motors, dual unipolar stepper motor, filament lamps, etc. Each channel consists of two parallel NPN transistors with freewheel diodes which are important to drive inductive loads like motors. The shield consists of 2 x ULN2803 Chips, Infrared receiver TSOP1838, trimmer potentiometer, 4 tactile switches with pull-down resistors. The shield is compatible with Arduino UNO. Arduino code is also provided to test the shield. I have used a cheap IR remote to test this shield, this remote transmit NEC code but any other remote can be used with this shield and it will require to decode the remote switches.

Further details on decoding IR Remote is available here: https://randomnerdtutorials.com/arduino-ir-remote-control/

Note: Operating voltage of this circuit is 12V DC hence it can drive load up to 12V, for higher voltage 12V to 50V operation remove jumper J1, change capacitor C2, and C4 to higher voltage and use CN2 to power the load, in this case, Arduino will require 5V USB power or DC jack power.


  • Load Supply 12V DC (For Supply 12 to 50V Read Note)
  • 8 X 1Amps Load (1Amp Peak)
  • TSOP1838 Infra-Red Receiver
  • 4 Tactile Switches with pull-down resistors
  • On-Board Trimmer Pot
  • PCB Dimensions 51.38MM x 36.26MM


  • Connector CN1: Load 1, Load2, Load3, Load 4
  • Connector CN3: Load5, Load6, Load7, Load 8
  • Connector CN1: DC power 12V for Arduino and Load.
  • Connector CN2: Load Supply 12V-50V (Remove J1 Jumper If 12-50V Load Power Supply is used)
  • Jumper J1: Close this Jumper for 12V Supply from Arduino DC Jack or CN2

Arduino Pins Description

  • D2>>OP5 Load, D3>>OP6 Load, D4>>OP7 Load, D5>>OP8 Load, D6>>OP1 Load, D7>>OP2 Load, D8>>OP3 Load, D9>>OP4 Load
  • A0>> Tactile Switch 1, A1>> Tactile Switch 2, A2>> Tactile Switch 3, A3>> Tactile Switch 4
  • A5>> Trimmer Potentiometer
  • D1 (TX)>> Infra-Red Receiver TSOP1838


  • Infra-Red Remote-Control LED Driver
  • Infra-Red Remote-DC Motor Driver
  • Infra-Red Remote-Unipolar Stepper Motor Driver
  • Infra-Red Remote-Solenoid Driver
  • Infra-Red Remote-High Current Relay Driver
  • Infra-Red Remote-RGB LED Strip Drivers
  • LED Sequencer


Parts List


Gerber View





ULN2803 Datasheet

TSOP1838 Datasheet

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