MAX30100 Sensor

MAX30102-Heart-Rate-Pulse-Breakout-Blood-Oxygen-Sensor-Module-MAX30100-Pulse-Oximeter-Heart-Rate-Sensor.jpg.jpg -


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How to use STONEtech STVC035WT-01 intelligent TFT LCD module with Arduino

Displays have over time, emerged as one of the best ways to drive user interactions on any device. They make it easy to collect inputs and present information (outputs) to users in a graphical, easy to understand format. This usefulness has led to improvements in their quality, with improved res... Read More

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About mixos

Mike is the founder and editor of, an electronics engineering community/news and project sharing platform. He studied Electronics and Physics and enjoys everything that has moving electrons and fun. His interests lying on solar cells, microcontrollers and switchmode power supplies. Feel free to reach him for feedback, random tips or just to say hello :-)

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