8A Brushed DC Motor Driver with Adjustable Constant Current, Direction Control, Brake Control, Speed Control

8A Brushed DC Motor Driver with Adjustable Constant Current, Direction Control, Brake Control, Speed Control

This is a very powerful brushed DC motor drive system in a small package with a few key features like adjustable constant current control, direction control, brake controls, Alert output, PWM for speed control etc. The project was built using a TB67H303HG chip which is a full-bridge...

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Bidirectional Speed Control for DC Motors

Bidirectional Speed Control for DC Motors

This is a very simple bidirectional speed control of a small DC brushed motor. The project is built using power OPAMP TCA0372 which can drive a load up to 1A. Connecting a small DC motor and trimmer pot will control the motor forward/reverse operation along with speed control. A...

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3 Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor with I2C

3 Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor with I2C

The project described here is a 3 channel capacitive touch sensor based on CAP1203 chip from Microchip which is a multiple-channel capacitive touch sensor controller. It has 3 x individual capacitive touch sensor inputs with programmable sensitivity for use in touch sensor...

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4 Digit Common Cathode 0.5″  – 7 Segment Display Module (Multiplexed)

4 Digit Common Cathode 0.5″ – 7 Segment Display Module (Multiplexed)

This 4 Digit 7 segment display project contains 4 x Common Cathode displays, current limiting resistors or each LED segment, 4 x PNP transistors on each common cathode for multiplexing, etc. This is a very compact project that works with 5V TTL signals but can be optimized for 3.3V...

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2 Digit Common Cathode 0.5″ – 7 Segment Display Module (Multiplexed)

2 Digit Common Cathode 0.5″ – 7 Segment Display Module (Multiplexed)

This 2 Digit 7 segment display project contains 2 x Common Cathode displays, current limiting resistors or each LED segment, 2 x PNP Transistor on each common cathode for multiplexing, etc. This is a very compact project that works with 5V TTL signals but can be optimized for 3.3V...

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Signal Conditioner for Sensorless BLDC Operations

Signal Conditioner for Sensorless BLDC Operations

This is a back EMF signal conditioning circuit that can be used to develop high-voltage sensorless motor drivers. When a sensorless algorithm is used to control the BLDC motor speed, the Back EMF (BEMF) signals are used. Based on zero crossing of BEMF signals, motor commutation is...

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4-Channel Remote Receiver Using NRF24L01 Radio Module – Arduino Compatible

4-Channel Remote Receiver Using NRF24L01 Radio Module – Arduino Compatible

Controlling 4 devices using an RF remote is very easy with this project. This is an Arduino compatible project. NRF24L01 module, Atmega328 microcontroller, 3.3V regulator, and few other components are part of the project. Onboard power LED and an additional functional LED is provided....

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POV (Persistence of Vision) – Open-Source Arduino Nano Hardware

POV (Persistence of Vision) – Open-Source Arduino Nano Hardware

This is an easy and simple hardware to create a POV display. The hardware consists of a Hall sensor, Arduino Nano, 17 x 5mm LEDS of various colors, etc. The Hall Sensor is connected to analog pin A5 with a pull-up resistor. The circuit works with 3.7V to 5V DC and a 3.7V battery is...

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