Reflectance based Proximity Sensor using Si1102

Reflectance based Proximity Sensor using Si1102

This reflective sensor module is a high-performance 0-5 cm active proximity detector. The sensor can provide a range up to 50cm with higher current infra-red LED and current limit resistor R2, R4 used across IR LED. Because the sensor operates on an absolute reflectance threshold...

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Measuring Water Flow Rate and Volume using Arduino and a Flow Sensor

Measuring Water Flow Rate and Volume using Arduino and a Flow Sensor

Flow rate and volume helps tell the amount of fluid going into, or through a particular vessel. For certain process automation applications, this simple-sounding fluid measurement task is so critical to the success of the project that, failure to get it right, could bring the entire...

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Arduino based Milliohm Meter with LCD display

Arduino based Milliohm Meter with LCD display

One of the best things about being a maker is the ability to make your own tools. We have covered the development of several electronics tools in past, from voltmeters to battery testers. For today's tutorial, we will add another tool to the list by examining the development of a Miliohm...

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0 to 5V output Analog Hall Sensor for Foot Controller

0 to 5V output Analog Hall Sensor for Foot Controller

This project includes an analog Hall Effect sensor and an Op-Amp circuit which can be used as position or angular sensing with the benefits of no contact and wearing, high stability and wide sensing range. Two configurations of the magnet and Hall sensors are analyzed. Trimmer...

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ESP32 LoRa Sensor Monitoring with Web Server (Long Range Communication)

ESP32 LoRa Sensor Monitoring with Web Server (Long Range Communication)

I'm a big fan of the ESP32 boards because of the number of communication options they managed to squeeze on the board, but I became more impressed recently when I came across the TTGO LoRa32 development boards which adds LoRa to the onboard communication features of the ESP32. The...

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ESP8266 based Online Weather Widget using Wemos D1

ESP8266 based Online Weather Widget using Wemos D1

A few years back I wrote this tutorial on connected weather monitor with plans of creating a 3D printed enclosure to make it portable and easy to use. I never got around doing that but a few days ago, I came across a similar project built by BitsandBlobs, which went as far as creating the...

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Proximity Distance Sensor using DRV5053 Hall effect Sensor

Proximity Distance Sensor using DRV5053 Hall effect Sensor

This is a hall sensor proximity sensor that can detect magnetic targets approaching the sensor, without physical contact with the target. This sensor also can be used to detect the distance range 0-4cm (0-40mm). The target distance can be adjusted using the onboard trimmer...

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Introduction to LoRa – Send data between two Arduino using LoRa

Introduction to LoRa – Send data between two Arduino using LoRa

Selecting the right communication protocol is an important part of any IoT project as not being able to communicate with the server/device cloud quickly takes away the "I" in IoT and could lead to the ultimate failure of the project. Several communication protocols exist, from WiFi and...

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