Video Streaming Server on ESP32-CAM

Video Streaming Server on ESP32-CAM

A while back, I noticed an ESP32 based Camera board called the ESP32-CAM on, and planned on getting one to play with but didn't get the chance until recently when I saw a tutorial by Rui Santos based on the board. I feel its a nice board and today's tutorial will focus on...

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Dual Forward/Reverse DC Motor Driver with Brake for Robots

Dual Forward/Reverse DC Motor Driver with Brake for Robots

This high current forward-reverse DC motor driver is built using STK681-332 IC from ON Semiconductor. The circuit can drive brushed DC Motor with up to 12 A peak current. The circuit requires 3 input signals: Enable for PWM input for speed control, IN1 and IN2 to change the motor...

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Network Clock using ESP8266 and OLED display

Network Clock using ESP8266 and OLED display

There are several situations where using an RTC could adversely affect your project by increasing cost, size, time accuracy or IO requirements. To prevent this, especially in ESP/WiFi-based or other clock-reliant projects, makers usually turn to obtain time information from NTP servers. I...

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Arduino RFID Reader using the ArduiTouch MKR Enclosure

Arduino RFID Reader using the ArduiTouch MKR Enclosure

RFID based projects are one of the most popular Arduino projects out there and we have also built a couple of them here too, but I recently came across an RFID access control project by hwhardsoft that was built using the ArduiTouch MKR enclosures. The ready-made nature of the enclosures...

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4-20mA / ±10V Analog Input Module for PLC

4-20mA / ±10V Analog Input Module for PLC

This is an analog input module that helps to digitalize temperature, current (4-20mA) and voltage (±10V) for PLC and Microcontrollers input. This analog module can be used for Programmable Logic Control (PLC), Programmable Automation Control (PAC) and Discrete Control System (DCS)....

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Battery (Lithium, NiMH, NiCd) Capacity Tester Using Arduino

Battery (Lithium, NiMH, NiCd) Capacity Tester Using Arduino

The increased interest in IoT and electric automobiles around the world is driving an increase in the use of Lithium-Ion/Lithium-Polymer/NiCd/NiMH batteries as more devices and applications are using them, due to their high energy storage capacity to size ratio. This increased interest...

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Isolated Gate MOSFET Driver Based DC Motor and Solenoid Driver Arduino Nano Shiled

Isolated Gate MOSFET Driver Based DC Motor and Solenoid Driver Arduino Nano Shiled

This is an Isolated gate driver-based N channel Mosfet Arduino Nano shield based on Si8261ACC, which can be used in various applications like DC Motor driver, solenoid driver, led driver, bulb driver and heater driver, with 3A fast switching diode provided across the output for an...

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Isolated CAN BUS Transceiver Arduino Shield

Isolated CAN BUS Transceiver Arduino Shield

The module described here is an isolated CAN Transceiver module. This module can be used as a standalone module or as an Arduino Uno shield. A controller area network is a two-wire high-speed serial network typically used to provide data communication between host and nodes. The...

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