Nokia 5110 LCD based Arduino Datalogger with Menu

Nokia 5110 LCD based Arduino Datalogger with Menu

Over time, we have built several Arduino based weather stations, real-time clocks, dataloggers and a dozen of projects based on Nokia 5110 LCD display. For today's tutorial, we will merge all that we have learned from each of those tutorials and we will build a datalogger with a display...

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Arduino Voltmeter using SH1106 OLED display

Arduino Voltmeter using SH1106 OLED display

A voltmeter is an important tool on the workbench of every electronics hobbyist, maker or hardware design engineer. As its name suggests, allows the user to measure the voltage difference between two points.  For today's tutorial, we will look at how you can build an Arduino based DIY...

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Arduino FM Radio Receiver with TEA5767 and a Nokia 5110 LCD display

Arduino FM Radio Receiver with TEA5767 and a Nokia 5110 LCD display

FM radio transmitters and receivers are one of the projects that fascinated a lot of people and drove them to become makers. The lure of being able to deploy your own radio station, or build your own surveillance(-like) devices was what encouraged most of us to build our first fm...

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Using a 20×4 I2C Character LCD display with Arduino Uno

Using a 20×4 I2C Character LCD display with Arduino Uno

On previous tutorials on our website, we have covered the use of several displays, LCDs, and TFTs, with diverse Arduino boards. From Nokia 5110 LCD display to different types of OLEDs, the reason for the tutorials has been to ensure that, as a reader, you know how to use many of the most...

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Getting Started with IoT Cloud Platform

Getting Started with IoT Cloud Platform

In the last tutorial, we examined How to connect your IoT devices to the Arduino IoT Cloud, and we saw how to send and receive data, from and to the cloud. With multiple cloud solutions available for IoT devices, there might be a need for you to work with one not as traditional as the...

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Multi Sensor Shield for Arduino Nano with Light, Magnetic Field & Temperature Sensor

Multi Sensor Shield for Arduino Nano with Light, Magnetic Field & Temperature Sensor

This Arduino Nano Shield consists of a Light sensor, a Magnetic field sensor, and Temperature sensor. The shield can be used to develop various projects required light sensing, magnetic field sensing, and temperature sensing. All sensors provide analog voltage outputs, so each output...

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USB 10-digit Seven Segment Display Module

USB 10-digit Seven Segment Display Module

This project is about an open-source, USB based, 10 digit seven segment display unit. This unit is specifically designed to work with POS systems and banking applications. Initially, this system is developed to work with PC based POS systems, and later it was modified to work with...

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Li-Po/Li-Ion Arduino Charger Shield using BQ21040

Li-Po/Li-Ion Arduino Charger Shield using BQ21040

This Li-Po/Li-ion Arduino charger shield is mainly designed to power up the Arduino from single 3.6V Li-Po battery. Li-Ion and Li-Pol Charger/ DC-DC Boost converter Arduino shield provides 6.5V/400mA from single Lithium Polymer battery. The Arduino shield is equipped with BQ21040...

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