Room Weather Station Using Arduino and BME280 Sensor

Room Weather Station Using Arduino and BME280 Sensor

We have built quite a number of weather stations in several past tutorials, with each one differing from the other by the use of a different sensor, different display, etc. Today, we are going to build another weather monitoring station using the BME280 Temp and humidity sensor from...

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LED Lighting Effects Generator using PIC16F886

LED Lighting Effects Generator using PIC16F886

This project generates 8 different LED-lighting patterns (Visual Effects) and is based on PIC16F886. The project demonstrates different chasing effects being generated using 20 SMD LEDs and  speed of LED-lighting moving is adjustable with the help of the on board trimmer...

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Simple Soft Latch Switch using Push-Button

Simple Soft Latch Switch using Push-Button

Latching Toggle switches are one of the most popular kinds of switches, from their use by kids in basic electricity classes to their use in prototypes and more advanced products, they provide a familiar and reliable way to close or open a circuit. This makes them the go to switch for...

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Getting Started with the Arduino IoT Cloud

Getting Started with the Arduino IoT Cloud

IoT is now mainstream. It has gone beyond the buzzword it used to be and several tools are being made available to makers to facilitate the development of solutions based on it. One of the newest IoT platforms is the Arduino IoT Cloud developed by our good friends at Today we...

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Using ESP32’s Flash Memory for data storage

Using ESP32’s Flash Memory for data storage

The ESP32 has about 4MB of internal flash memory and since the data stored within the flash memory is retained even when power is recycled, it becomes super useful for applications where you need to keep certain amount of data even after power off. For today's tutorial, we will learn how...

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16×2 LCD Shield for Arduino Nano

16×2 LCD Shield for Arduino Nano

  This 16x2 LCD shield for Arduino Nano includes various addons, like 5 Tactile Switches, 3 Trimmer Potentiometers, LM35 Temperature sensor and the 16x2 LCD itself. It's a compact shield designed to fit in small enclosures and it is intended to develop measuring devices like...

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Using a 16×2 I2C LCD display with ESP32

Using a 16×2 I2C LCD display with ESP32

A few weeks ago, we examined the features of ESP32 module and built a simple hello world program to get ourselves familiar with the board. Today, we will continue our exploration of the ESP32 on a higher level as we will look at how to interface a 16x2 LCD with it. Displays provide...

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Inductive Proximity Sensor using TCA505

Inductive Proximity Sensor using TCA505

The circuit published here is an Inductive Proximity Sensor, which is used for non-contact detection of metallic objects. The circuit can be used for the detection of metal objects or as a positioning sensor. The TCA505 is used to design an inductive proximity switch that can detect a...

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