Archives: Projects
Arduino and BMP280 Based Weather Station
Weather stations are interesting projects for beginners and very useful for expert makers. They are usually quite simple to build but also provide fairly accurate and useful weather data. We have built a couple of them in different tutorials on this website, with the difference usually...
Continue Reading8 Channel Optically Isolated I/O Shield for Arduino Nano
This shield enables you to interface many different devices to Arduino Nano using optically isolated inputs/outputs. The circuit consists of 4 Input channels and 4 Output channels and all 8 I/O lines are optically isolated. This project can help in various industrial applications...
Continue Reading60V to 5V DC-DC Step-Down Converter using LMR16030
The circuit published here is a compact 60V DC-DC Step down Converter that provides 5V DC output and load current up to 3A in compact size. The project is based on LMR16030. The LMR16030 is a 60 V, 3 A SIMPLE SWITCHER® step down regulator with an integrated high-side MOSFET. With...
Continue ReadingProgramming Arduino on Visual Studio Code Editor with or Arduino extension
The Arduino IDE is a great programming tool, it is simple to use and it contains probably all resources one will need to build a project, but evaluating it as a code editor, it is a not the perfect tool. It lacks programming aiding features like IntelliSense, code suggestions,...
Continue ReadingESP8266 WiFi Air Conditioner Remote Control
We recently started exploring the ESP8266 boards and today's project is going to be an interesting one based on this WiFi module. We are going to build an ESP8266 based WiFi Air condition Remote Controller. While this project can be adapted to fit any device that uses a remote...
Continue Reading5W High Power LED Driver with PIC12F683
The project described here is small 5W LED driver, that can be used in variety of applications by changing the mcu code. The example code provided is a simple digital toggle switch using two tactile switches. One switch is used for power ON and the other for OFF. The on board small...
Continue Reading4A PWM Controlled Unipolar Stepper Motor Driver using STK672-740
The project published here is a high-performance Unipolar stepper motor driver that offers PWM controlled high current output. An Arduino board and the project published here can be combined to create a good Unipolar stepper motor driver with micro-stepping, supply 36v DC and load...
Continue ReadingUse RC522 RFID module with Arduino and an OLED display – RFID lock
RFID is one of these technologies that change how we interact with other electronic devices and things in our environment. It is used in every application where some unique identifier is required, from retail to security and is also leading the path along several futuristic innovations...
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