Archives: Projects
4 Wheel Robot Motor Driver ( 4X 3Amps LMD18201 H-Bridge)
This compact board will help you to drive 4 Wheel Drive Robots, each axis can handle a load current up to 3 Amps and supply 12V – 48 V DC. Board requires two PWM and Dir. signals for full 4WD operations, mainly differential steering for taking turns left or right or complete 360...
Continue ReadingPIC Development Board for RS485 & DMX512 Applications
This PIC development board has been designed to develop RS485 based and DMX512 applications, the board has 28 pin SMD Pic micro-controller, RS485 chip for communications, all I/O line has pull-up resistor which can be soldered as per application requirement on particular port pins....
Continue ReadingCurrent Sensor Amplifier & Over Current Switch
This current sensor amplifier and over current switch project is based on ACS714-30A current sensor and LM358 OPAMP, ½ of LM358 op-amp used as an amplifier for low voltage and 2nd 1/2 LM358 op-amp used as a comparator which provides over current TTL output, trimmer potentiometer...
Continue Reading6 Channel RF Remote Controller Using CC2500 RF Modules
The 6 Channel RF Remote Controller designed using CC2500 RF Transceiver modules and PIC16F1847 micro-controller from microchip. Transmitter provided with 6 tact switch, 4 Address Jumpers to pair multiple unit so they don’t interfere with each other. Board provided with power LED,...
Continue ReadingUsing I2C SSD1306 OLED Display With Arduino
Introduction Sometimes it may be necessary to use a display when making a hardware project, but one confusing thing is the size of the display and the required pins to control it. This tutorial will show you how to use a small I2C OLED display with Arduino using only two...
Continue ReadingSimple Pressure Sensor Amplifier & Over Pressure Switch
The pressure sensor amplifier built using LM358 op-amp and MPXM2051GS pressure sensor from NXP semiconductor. The circuit provides 4V output for full scale pressure input 0-7.5PSI. One op-amp is used as amplifier and 2nd op-amp is used as comparator to provide an output at set...
Continue Reading50 Segment Serial Bar-Graph Display Driver
The serial controlled 50 Segment Bar-Graph Display built using CAT4016 IC. Very useful projects for development Bar-Graph based, Temperature Meter, Interactive Games, Voltage Display, Current Display., Pressure Sensor, Magnetic field meter and PH Meter. Tilt meter, LUX meter. The...
Continue Reading4Duino – An Introduction and a Weather API Demo
Ιntroduction We covered 4Duino in one of our previous blog posts. 4Duino is a 2.4” Arduino based programmable display module. In our article today, we are presenting a hands-on experience with this product by building a simple project. Many thanks to 4D Systems for sending us a sample...
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