315Mhz RF Remote Transmitter – Arduino Compatible

315Mhz RF Remote Transmitter – Arduino Compatible

This is a two-channel RF Transmitter unit that consists of, Atmega328 microcontroller, 2 Tactile switches with pull-down resistors, a programming port, and a 315Mhz RF transmitter module. It is an Arduino compatible open-source project that can be used for many RF transmitter...

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315Mhz RF Remote Receiver with On Board Relay – Arduino Compatible

315Mhz RF Remote Receiver with On Board Relay – Arduino Compatible

This is one channel RF Receiver with an onboard Relay. The project can be used for ON/OFF control of AC or DC loads using an RF remote. It's an Arduino compatible Receiver project that consists of, Atmega328 microcontroller, 315MHz RF Receiver, 12v Relay, 5V Regulator, etc. Arduino...

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4 Channel 315Mhz RF Remote Transmitter – Arduino Compatible

4 Channel 315Mhz RF Remote Transmitter – Arduino Compatible

This is a 4 channel RF Transmitter unit that consists of an Atmega328 microcontroller, 4 x tactile switches with pull-down resistors, programming port, and 315Mhz RF transmitter module. It is Arduino compatible open-source project that can be used for many RF transmitter applications....

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Analog Style VU Meter on OLED Display – Arduino Compatible

Analog Style VU Meter on OLED Display – Arduino Compatible

This is an analog-style VU meter on a 0.96" OLED Display. The project has a 0.96" OLED display, Atmega328 Microcontroller, 3.5 mm audio EP socket for audio signal input. This Arduino compatible hardware can be program using Arduino IDE. Operating Supply 5V DC. Specifications...

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IR Remote Controlled Motorized Potentiometer – Arduino Compatible

IR Remote Controlled Motorized Potentiometer – Arduino Compatible

This is an Infrared Remote controlled motorized potentiometer controller. It's an open-source project built on the Arduino platform and compatible with Arduino IDE for custom programming. The project consists ATMEGA328 microcontroller, IR sensor, L293D motor driver, ALPS Motorized...

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DC Motor Speed, Direction and Brake Control with NRF24L01 RF Module – Arduino Compatible

DC Motor Speed, Direction and Brake Control with NRF24L01 RF Module – Arduino Compatible

This is Arduino compatible hardware that can control a single DC motor speed, direction, and brake using an RF remote control. The project is based on an ATMEGA328 microcontroller, H-Bridge DC motor driver chip LM18201, NRF24L01 RF module, 5V Regulator, 3.3V regulator and other...

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Single Joystick Remote Control Transmitter using NRF24L01 – Arduino Compatible

Single Joystick Remote Control Transmitter using NRF24L01 – Arduino Compatible

This is an Arduino compatible open-source hardware that includes 1 x joystick, NRF24L01 RF module, Atmega328D microcontroller, 3.3V regulator, power LED, function LED, and other required components. This board can be used for the development of various applications such as Gaming,...

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Dual Joystick RF Remote Transmitter with NRF24L01 RF module – 2 Joystick Control

Dual Joystick RF Remote Transmitter with NRF24L01 RF module – 2 Joystick Control

This is an Arduino compatible open-source hardware that includes 2 x Joysticks, NRF24L01 RF module, Atmega328 microcontroller, 3.3V regulator, power LED, function LED, Arduino programming connector, and other required components. This board can be used for the development of various...

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