434Mhz Arduino Wireless Analog Sensor Data Receiver

434Mhz Arduino Wireless Analog Sensor Data Receiver

This Wireless Analog Sensor Receiver is a complementary component to the Wireless Analog Sensor Transmitter, designed to receive and process data transmitted from the transmitter. This Receiver project is compatible with the 434Mhz Arduino Wireless Analog Sensor Transmitter The...

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434Mhz Arduino Wireless Analog Sensor Transmitter

434Mhz Arduino Wireless Analog Sensor Transmitter

This Wireless Analog Sensor project is a cost-effective solution for transmitting live data and enabling continuous monitoring, logging, and plotting sensor measurements. The system utilizes a 434MHz RF module and an Arduino-compatible microcontroller, ATMEGA328, to transmit data from...

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Arduino Bluetooth Relay Switch

Arduino Bluetooth Relay Switch

This Bluetooth Relay Switch enables users to control lights, fans, or other devices using a Bluetooth app on an Android device. The device can be controlled using a simple app. The project consists of an Arduino-compatible microcontroller (ATMEGA328), a 5V relay, a relay driver BJT,...

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Fuel Level Monitor with 15 Segments Bar-Graph Display

Fuel Level Monitor with 15 Segments Bar-Graph Display

This Fuel level Monitor allows users to measure the fuel level using a resistive float sensor in the fuel tank. The project measures the fuel level and displays it on a 15-segment bar-graph display.  The project is Arduino-compatible and consists of ATMEGA328 controller. The...

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RC PWM Signal to Stepper Pulse Generator

RC PWM Signal to Stepper Pulse Generator

This simple Arduino compatible project reads an RC PWM signal (1000μs to 2000μs) and provides 0 to 500Hz pulse output to drive a stepper motor. Step and Direction outputs are open collector types 5V signals. Both signals can directly drive LEDs of optocoupler of stepper drivers. The...

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Sound to Colour Light Effects – Arduino Compatible

Sound to Colour Light Effects – Arduino Compatible

This is a fun-loving project based on the Arduino platform. The project creates color light effects with sound level sense by an onboard condenser microphone. The project consists 20 x WS2812B RGB LEDs, an Atmega328 micro-controller, condenser microphone along with pre-amplifier, RCA...

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Arduino Compatible 2-digit 7-segment Display Board for Timer/Counter

Arduino Compatible 2-digit 7-segment Display Board for Timer/Counter

The project presented here is an open source 2-digit 7 segment Arduino compatible display board. It can used in many applications that require 2-digit display and switches inputs. Possible application of this board is a 2-digit counter, 2-digit countdown timer, token display, score...

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