Low Cost Room Thermometer Using 16×2 LCD and Atmega328

Low Cost Room Thermometer Using 16×2 LCD and Atmega328

This is an easy to build small size and low-cost room thermometer. The project consists of LM35 analog temperature sensor, 16x2 LCD, and an Atmega328 chip. This compact board is Arduino compatible and provided with an onboard connector for Boot-Loader burning and Arduino IDE...

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Smart RGB LED Light Stick – Arduino Compatible

Smart RGB LED Light Stick – Arduino Compatible

This is a Smart LED light stick that contains 20 x WS2812B single wire addressable full colors RGB LEDs and Atmega328 microcontroller. These full colors chainable intelligent RGB LEDs work with a single wire addressable protocol thus they require a micro-controller to generate the...

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RGB LED Controller using Atmega328

RGB LED Controller using Atmega328

This is a 3-channel, PWM based current-adjustable LED driver designed for RGB LED control. The circuit has been designed to control high current RGB LEDs or RGB LEDs strip. Colors of the three RGB LEDs can be set using 3 potentiometers, different colors are possible by adjusting these...

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Lead Acid Battery Voltage Monitor using ATMEGA328

Lead Acid Battery Voltage Monitor using ATMEGA328

Monitoring the voltage level of a 12V Lead Acid Battery (SLA) is easy and simple with this project. The board is made using an ATMEGA328 micro-controller and 12 x 5mm LEDs. The ATMEGA328 microcontroller senses the analog voltage on A3 Analog pin and drives 12 LEDs connected to digital...

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Brushed DC Motor Speed and Direction Controller Using Joystick

Brushed DC Motor Speed and Direction Controller Using Joystick

This DC Motor controller provides direction and speed control of a brushed DC motor using a Joystick. This is an Arduino compatible open-source hardware with various applications. It can be used to control scissor lift motor, Linear actuator, Camera slider, camera pan-tilt head,...

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Brushed DC Motor Controller Using Infra-Red Remote  

Brushed DC Motor Controller Using Infra-Red Remote  

This project enables the user to control a Brushed DC Motor using an Infra-Red Remote Control, thus controlling speed, direction, and also brake of DC Motor is possible. It's an Arduino compatible open-source hardware that helps you develop many DC Motor control applications. The user...

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