Linear Actuator Controller with Limit Switch to prevent Overextension and Retraction

Linear Actuator Controller with Limit Switch to prevent Overextension and Retraction

The project described here is a very useful device for use with linear actuators. This controller prevents the actuator from reaching the physical movement limits of the actuator, thus it prevents burnout of motor and physical/mechanical damage to the actuator itself to the mechanical...

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Smart Dual Coil Latching Relay Driver – Bistable Relay Module

Smart Dual Coil Latching Relay Driver – Bistable Relay Module

This Smart Dual Coil latching Relay board can control the ON/OFF power of a device by applying a short voltage pulse to input 1 and input 2. This project is useful in low power applications since the coil is not powered all the time and only requires a short voltage pulse. The relay...

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DC Motor Controller using Relay and MOSFET – Arduino Interface

DC Motor Controller using Relay and MOSFET – Arduino Interface

The project presented here is a low-cost solution to control high power brushed DC motor speed and direction. Traditional DC motor controllers are based on solid-state circuitry known as H-Bridge. Here we have made an H-bridge configuration using high current 2 x relays which can...

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Low-Cost DC Motor Direction Controller with Fast Brake using 2 Relays

Low-Cost DC Motor Direction Controller with Fast Brake using 2 Relays

The project presented here is a low-cost easy to use DC brushed motor direction controller with fast-brake, the project was built using two 12V Relays, 2 x BJT transistors, and 2 x tactile switches. The two LEDs are provided to display the motor direction, 2 tactile switch controls...

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315Mhz RF Remote Receiver with On Board Relay – Arduino Compatible

315Mhz RF Remote Receiver with On Board Relay – Arduino Compatible

This is one channel RF Receiver with an onboard Relay. The project can be used for ON/OFF control of AC or DC loads using an RF remote. It's an Arduino compatible Receiver project that consists of, Atmega328 microcontroller, 315MHz RF Receiver, 12v Relay, 5V Regulator, etc. Arduino...

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Infrared Remote-Controlled AC Load ON/OFF switch with SSR

Infrared Remote-Controlled AC Load ON/OFF switch with SSR

Driving an AC high voltage and current load using an Infrared remote is very easy with this project. This is an open-source Arduino compatible hardware that is based on ATMEGA328 microcontroller, SSR (Solid-state Relay), Infrared Receiver TSOP1838, and analog input interface. We have...

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Analog Light Sensor + Light Sensitive Switch using OPT101

Analog Light Sensor + Light Sensitive Switch using OPT101

You may have seen many light-sensitive switch circuits based on an LDR sensor. Usually, the sensitivity of the LDR based light sensor is poor. We wanted a very sensitive light switch hence we decided to make a circuit based on a light sensor rather than LDR. After a little research on...

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