HomeProjects at a glance
- 10 LED Bar-Graph Display with Op-Amp Shield for Arduino Nano
- 10 Minutes Timer for AC Loads
- 10 x 1W White LED Shield For Arduino Uno
- 16 High Power LEDs Knight Rider Light – Arduino Compatible
- 16×2 LCD Shield for Arduino Nano
- 1Amp Constant Current LED Driver Shield for Arduino Nano
- 2 Channel High Current Arduino Relay Shield
- 2 Channel Relay Shield for Arduino Nano
- 2 Channel Wi-Fi Relay Module Using ESP8266 NodeMCU
- 2 X AA Battery To 6V Boost Converter For Arduino Nano
- 2.5A Bipolar Stepper Driver with Micro-Stepping, Current and Decay Control – Arduino Compatible
- 2.7A PWM Valve/Solenoid Driver Arduino Nano Shield
- 24 LEDs Bargraph Display using 74HC595 Shift Register
- 3 Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor with I2C
- 3 in 1 Temperature Sensor Shield For Arduino Nano
- 3.6A Bidirectional DC Motor Driver Shield for Arduino Nano
- 315Mhz RF Remote Receiver with On Board Relay – Arduino Compatible
- 315Mhz RF Remote Transmitter – Arduino Compatible
- 32 band Audio Spectrum Analyzer using OLED display and Attiny85
- 4 Channel 315Mhz RF Remote Transmitter – Arduino Compatible
- 4 Channel Relay Shield for Arduino UNO
- 4 Channel RF Remote Transmitter using nRF24L01- Arduino Compatible
- 4 Digit 7 Segment Display Shield For Arduino Nano
- 434Mhz Arduino Wireless Analog Sensor Data Receiver
- 434Mhz Arduino Wireless Analog Sensor Transmitter
- 4Duino – An Introduction and a Weather API Demo
- 750mA Constant Current LED Driver Arduino Nano Shield
- 8 Channel ESP32 Remote Control
- 8 Channel Inductive Load Driver Arduino Shield
- 8 Channel Infra-Red Remote-Control Arduino Shield Using ULN2803
- 8 Channel Optically Isolated I/O Shield for Arduino Nano
- 8 Channel RC Servo Driver Over RF Link using NRF24L01 RF Module – Arduino Compatible
- 8 Digit Numerical 7 Segment SPI Display Shield for Arduino UNO
- 8 RGB LED Driver Shield for Arduino Nano with Optical Defuse Sensor
- Analog Style VU Meter on OLED Display – Arduino Compatible
- Arduino (Atmega328p) on a Breadboard
- Arduino 2-Digit 0.5″ Common Cathode 7 Segment Display Module
- Arduino 3-Digit 0.5″ Common Cathode 7 Segment Display Module
- Arduino 4-Digit 0.5″ Common Cathode 7 Segment Display Module
- Arduino 8 Channels High-Side Switch
- Arduino Air Quality Meter
- Arduino Analog Thermometer With DS18b20 Module
- Arduino and BMP280 Based Weather Station
- Arduino based Milliohm Meter with LCD display
- Arduino Bluetooth Relay Switch
- Arduino Breathalyzer Using MQ3 Gas sensor and OLED Display
- Arduino Button Debounce Tutorial
- Arduino Communication with an Android App via Bluetooth
- Arduino Compatible 2-digit 7-segment Display Board for Timer/Counter
- Arduino Compatible OLED Board with 4 Channel 16-Bit ADC
- Arduino distance meter with Ultrasonic Sensor (HC SR04) and Nokia 5110 LCD display
- Arduino DIY Photo Frame using ST7735 1.8″ TFT Display
- Arduino FM Radio Receiver with TEA5767 and a Nokia 5110 LCD display
- Arduino LED Scroll Bar using easyEDA
- Arduino Menu Tutorial with a Rotary Encoder and a Nokia 5110 LCD display
- Arduino Nano to PIC40/28 Pin Shield
- Arduino Nano- Switching ON/OFF Appliances Using Infra-Red Remote (Two Channel)
- Arduino Nokia 5110 Tutorial #2- Displaying Customized Graphics
- Arduino OLED Hygrometer and Thermometer using DHT11
- Arduino Real Time Clock and temperature Monitor using the DS3231 RTC and 3.2″ Color TFT display
- Arduino Real Time Clock with DS1302 and Nokia 5110 LCD Display
- Arduino Real Time Clock with Temperature Monitor
- Arduino RFID Reader using the ArduiTouch MKR Enclosure
- Arduino Solar Day Night Controller
- Arduino UV Meter using the UV30A Ultraviolet Sensor
- Arduino Voltmeter using SH1106 OLED display
- Arduino Weather Station using DHT11
- Arduino Weather Station with DHT11 and BMP180
- Attiny85 8-pin Arduino Programming Shield
- Automatic LED Stairway Lighting – Arduino Compatible
- Automatic ON/OFF Power Switch For Arduino
- Battery (Lithium, NiMH, NiCd) Capacity Tester Using Arduino
- Bluetooth Smart LED Dimmer – 4 Channel Bluetooth ON/OFF Switch
- BO.Duino – ATmega328 Arduino Compatible board
- Bootloader Programmer Tool for ATMEGA328 32Pin TQFP Arduinio ISP
- Brushed DC Motor Controller Using Infra-Red Remote
- Brushed DC Motor Speed and Direction Controller Using Joystick
- Build your own 0-24V/3A Lab Power Supply with current limit
- Chirp for Arduino – Send Data Over the Air with Sound
- Color Detector Using TCS230 Color sensor and Arduino
- Color OLED SSD1331 Display with Arduino Uno
- Communication Between Two Arduinos Using NRF24L01
- Current Meter Using 0.96″ OLED Display
- DAC Shield For Arduino Nano using MCP4725
- DC Motor Speed, Direction and Brake Control with NRF24L01 RF Module – Arduino Compatible
- Digital Pressure Gauge 0 to 10kPa (0 to 1.75 psi) with OLED display
- Display Custom Bitmap graphics on an Arduino Touch Screen and other Arduino compatible Displays
- Displaying Customized Graphics on OLED display using Arduino
- Distance Measuring Sensor Shield for Arduino Nano Using GP2Y0D810Z0F
- DIY Altimeter using a NEO UBLOX GPS module, a Color OLED and Arduino
- DIY Arduino Uno LCD Voltmeter
- DIY Geiger Counter With an ESP8266 and a Touchscreen
- DIY Light (Lux) Meter using BH1750 sensor, Arduino and Nokia 5110
- DIY PCB Exposure Box using Arduino Nano
- Driving an 8×8 (64) LED Matrix with MAX7219 (or MAX7221) and Arduino Uno
- DS18B20 Sensor Based Thermometer with Nokia 5110 LCD display
- Dual Joystick RF Remote Transmitter with NRF24L01 RF module – 2 Joystick Control
- EGYDuino – Arduino compatible board
- ESP32 LoRa Sensor Monitoring with Web Server (Long Range Communication)
- ESP32 Webserver Tutorial
- ESP8266 based Online Weather Widget using Wemos D1
- ESP8266 WiFi Air Conditioner Remote Control
- Expansion Shield – Breakout Board for Arduino Nano
- Flashing Arduino Bootloader on Atmega328p Microcontroller
- Getting Started with Adafruit.io IoT Cloud Platform
- Getting Started with ESP32
- Getting Started with the Arduino IoT Cloud
- Getting started with the new ATtiny chips – Programming the Microchip’s 0-series and 1-series ATtiny with the Arduino IDE
- Getting Started with the NodeMCU (ESP8266 Based Development Board)
- Home Automation using NodeMCU (ESP8266) board
- How to drive Nokia 5110 84×48 LCD display with Arduino
- How To Program ATtiny13/ATtiny13a using Arduino IDE
- How to use STONEtech STVC035WT-01 intelligent TFT LCD module with Arduino
- Humidity Meter Using OLED Display – Arduino Compatible
- Inclinometer with 17 Segment BarGraph Display
- Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System
- InfraRed Robot Controller Shield For Arduino Nano
- Infrared Thermometer with Arduino and MLX90614 Temperature Sensor
- Installation of Casa OS on Raspberry Pi
- Interfacing Arduino with Micro SD card Module
- Interfacing BMP280 Pressure Sensor Module with Arduino
- Introduction to LoRa – Send data between two Arduino using LoRa
- IoT: Log Sensor Data to Google Sheets using NodeMCU
- Isolated CAN BUS Transceiver Arduino Shield
- Isolated Gate MOSFET Driver Based DC Motor and Solenoid Driver Arduino Nano Shiled
- Isolated High Power DC Solid-State Relay Shield for Arduino
- Joystick Controlled 2 x RC Servo motors – Arduino Compatible
- LCDduino – Arduino Compatible 16×2 LCD module
- Lead Acid Battery Voltage Monitor using ATMEGA328
- LED Binary Clock – Arduino Shield Compatible
- Li-Po/Li-Ion Arduino Charger Shield using BQ21040
- LilyGO TTGO T5-4.7 E-Paper Weather Station
- Low Cost Room Thermometer Using 16×2 LCD and Atmega328
- Low-Power Arduino Weather Monitoring Station
- Measuring Water Flow Rate and Volume using Arduino and a Flow Sensor
- Menu on Nokia 5110 LCD display with Arduino
- Mini Infra-Red Remote Robot Controller Shield For Arduino Nano
- Mini Robot Controller Using Infra-Red Remote for Small and Medium Size Robot
- MP3 player using Arduino and DFPlayer mini
- Multi Sensor Shield for Arduino Nano with Light, Magnetic Field & Temperature Sensor
- Network Clock using ESP8266 and OLED display
- New and Improved Geiger Counter – Now With WiFi!
- Node Red with MQTT on Raspberry Pi
- Node Red with Raspberry Pi Tutorial
- NodeMCU ESP8266 WebServer Tutorial
- Nokia 5110 LCD based Arduino Datalogger with Menu
- NRF24L01 Based Wireless Weather Station with DHT22 and 3.2″ TFT display
- OLED display audio VU meter – AVR/Arduino project
- Optically Isolated Analog Input Module for Arduino
- Optically Isolated Bidirectional I2C Shield For Arduino
- Over Current Alarm with 15 Segment Bar-Graph Display
- PC Hardware Monitor with Nokia 5110 Display and Arduino
- PHmeter – Arduino pH meter
- Photoelectric Diffuse Sensor using S8119
- PIC Arduino for Motor Control Projects
- PIC Arduino with RS485
- PiNAS: Raspberry Pi Based Network Attached Storage (NAS)
- PIR Motion Sensor LED Ceiling Light – Arduino Compatible
- Portable Fine Dust PM10 Analyzer with Large OLED Digits
- Precision Thermocouple Amplifier (Thermocouple to Digital Converter with Linearization – SPI Interface)
- Program ATtiny 0-Series Chips with a Miniature UPDI Dongle
- Programming Arduino on Visual Studio Code Editor with Platform.io or Arduino extension
- Programming Atmega328p Microcontroller with Arduino IDE
- Programming STM32 Based Boards with the Arduino IDE
- Programming STM8S Microcontrollers using Arduino IDE
- Programming the ATtiny10 with Platform.io IDE
- Radio Remote Control LED Dimmer Using NRF24L01 – Arduino Compatible
- Raspberry Pi 4 – A Look Under the Hood and How to Make most of it
- Raspberry Pi time-lapse Camera Setup
- Raspberry Pi Web-Based Data logger using MySQL and PHP
- RC Servo Movement Recorder and Player
- Real Time Clock and Temperature Monitor using DS3231 Module
- Real Time Clock On 20×4 I2C LCD Display with Arduino
- RGB LED Controller using Atmega328
- RGB Led Driver Shield for Arduino Nano
- Room Weather Station Using Arduino and BME280 Sensor
- Rotary Encoder with Arduino and Nokia 5110 LCD Tutorial
- RS485 Shield For Arduino Nano
- Send an email with your Wemos D1 board using a PHP script – ESP8266
- Sensirion Gas/Temp/Humidity Sensor Kit
- SIM800L GSM module with Nokia 5110 LCD and Arduino
- Simple Arduino Data Logger
- Single Channel PS3 Wireless Remote ON/OFF Switch
- Single Joystick Remote Control Transmitter using NRF24L01 – Arduino Compatible
- Smart RGB LED Light Stick – Arduino Compatible
- Sound Sensor with onboard Relay Arduino Nano Shield
- Sound to Colour Light Effects – Arduino Compatible
- Temperature Controlled FAN using ATtiny10
- Temperature Controlled RGB LED Light Stick – Mood Light
- ThermoDuino – OLED Display Thermometer and Tiny Arduino Board
- Tiny Reflow Controller with character LCD
- Tiny Reflow Controller with OLED display
- Two Channel Smart Low-Side Power Switch for Inductive, Resistive and Capacitive Loads – Arduino Shield
- Type K Thermocouple Sensor Amplifier Arduino Shield
- USBASP Firmware update guide
- Use RC522 RFID module with Arduino and an OLED display – RFID lock
- Using a 16×2 I2C LCD display with ESP32
- Using a 20×4 I2C Character LCD display with Arduino Uno
- Using a Hall Effect Sensor with Arduino
- Using a Soil Moisture Sensor with Arduino
- Using an Optical Fingerprint Sensor with the Arduino
- Using ESP32’s Flash Memory for data storage
- Using I2C SSD1306 OLED Display With Arduino
- Using Interrupts with Arduino
- Using Long Range 315MHz RF Wireless Transceivers with Arduino
- Using the 1.44″ Color TFT display (ILI9163C) with Arduino
- Using the 3.2″ HX8357B Color TFT Display with Arduino
- Using the 433MHz RF Transmitter and Receiver with Arduino
- Using the Arduino IDE’s Serial Plotter Feature
- Using the BLE functionality of the ESP32
- Using the Geekcreit ILI9325 2.8″ Touchscreen display with Arduino
- Using the ILI9481 3.5″ Color TFT Display with Arduino
- Using the New ATtiny Processors with Arduino IDE (ATtiny412, ATTiny1614, ATtiny3216, ATtiny1616, ATtiny3217)
- Using the SG90 Servo Motor With an Arduino
- Using the ST7735 1.8″ Color TFT Display with Arduino
- Using Waveshare 4.3″ E-paper Display with Arduino
- Video Streaming Server on ESP32-CAM
- Wireless temperature and humidity monitor for baby’s room
- YADL: Yet Another Data Logger using TI SensorTag
- 1.6W Mono Audio Amplifier
- 10W Class-D Stereo Audio Amplifier with Mute, Shutdown and Four Gain Settings
- 10W Mini Audio Amplifier
- 10W Stereo Audio Amplifier
- 120 Seconds Voice Record – Play Back
- 12W Audio Amplifier
- 14W Stereo Audio Amplifier
- 2.1 Channel Audio Processor with Subwoofer Output
- 2.5W Stereo Audio Amplifier using LM4752
- 20 Seconds Voice Record – Playback
- 20 to 80 Seconds Voice Record Playback
- 200W Audio Amplifier
- 20W Audio Amplifier
- 20W Audio Amplifier using LM1875
- 20W Bridge Audio Amplifier
- 2N3055 Power Amplifier
- 3 Tone Musical Bell
- 3 Tone Siren
- 3D Effect Audio Processor
- 3W Stereo Audio Amplifier using TDA7266D
- 3W Stereo Differential Input CLASS-D Audio Amplifier with UP/DOWN Volume
- 4 x 45W Quad Bridge Audio Amplifier
- 49W BTL 4 Channel Audio Power Amplifier
- 5 W + 5 W Dual BTL Class-D Audio Amplifier
- 5-Band Graphic Equalizer
- 5.5W – 2 Channel Audio Amplifier
- 5000W Ultra Light – High Power Amplifier
- 50W Power Amplifier with LM3886
- 50W Stereo Audio Power Amplifier based on TPA3116D2
- 5W Stereo Audio Amplifier
- 6.5W Stereo Audio Amplifier
- 60 seconds Voice Record – Playback module
- 600W Audio Amplifier
- Active Bass & Tremble Controller
- Amplifier of Acoustic Frequencies with Preamplifier
- Analog Style VU Meter on OLED Display – Arduino Compatible
- Audio Line Driver using DRV135 with Balanced Output
- Audio Line Receiver using INA134
- Audio Power Amplifier with TDA2050
- Audio VU/Sound Level Meter with LM339
- Audio-Balanced Line Driver – Unbalanced Audio to Balanced Audio Converter
- Balanced Audio to Unbalance Converter
- Cheap Audio Booster
- Differential Microphone Pre-Amplifier
- Digital Volume Control
- Digitally Controlled 2.1 Channel Analog Audio Power Amplifier
- Dual 105mW Headphone Amplifier with Digital Volume Control and Shutdown Mode
- Dual 40W Audio Power Amplifier with Mute
- FET Audio Mixer
- Headphone Amplifier For DAC Converter
- Hi-Efficient 20W Mono Class-D Audio Amplifier
- Hi-End Microphone Preamplifier with Variable Compression, Noise Gating and Adjustable Gain
- Hi-Fi Stereo Headphone Amplifier using LME49600
- High Performance Stereo Audio Amplifier using LM3886
- Infrared cordless Headphone Amplifier
- IR Remote Controlled Motorized Potentiometer – Arduino Compatible
- Light To Audio Oscillator
- LM386 SMD Audio Amplifier Module
- Low Cost/Voltage 3W Class-D Stereo Audio Amplifier for Portable Gadgets
- Low noise Mini Electret Microphone PreAmplifier
- Low Voltage Microphone Preamplifier with Variable Compression and Noise Canceling
- MEMS Microphone Pre-Amplifier with Compression and Noise Gating – Studio Quality Microphone Pre-Amplifier
- MIC Pre-amplifier
- Microphone Preamplifier – Sound Sensor
- Mini Audio Amplifier
- Mini Speaker Attached Audio Amplifier using TS4871
- Mini Stereo Audio Amplifier
- Mono 2W – Switch-Mode (Class D) Audio Power Amplifier
- Motorola Hi-Fi power amplifier
- Phantom Powered Microphone Pre-Amplifier using SSM2019
- Phantom Powered Microphone Preamplifier – Low Noise – Professional Quality
- Piezo Element Amplifier for Guitar and Violin
- Portable Audio Amplifiers
- Pre-Amplifier for MEMS Microphone
- RIAA Corrector
- Sound Level Meter
- Sound to Light Effect
- Stereo 2-Vrms Line Driver and Headphone Amplifier
- Stereo Audio Digital-to-Analog Converter Module
- Stereo Audio Processor for Home TV Audio
- Stereo Balanced to Unbalanced Audio Converter
- Stereo tape head preamplifier using LA3161
- Stereo volume and balance control with Rotary Encoder using MAX5440
- Tape Head Pre-Amplifier
- Three Channel Audio Mixer
- Tiny audio amplifier using LM386
- Tiny Mic Preamplifier
- Tiny Professional Microphone Preamplifier
- Universal OpAmp Evaluation Board Using LMV321
- Universal Preamplifier
- USB Powered Audio Amplifier using MAX4298
- Voice Changer
- Voice Echo
- Voice Echo Processor Module – Delay Device for Sound Effects, Echo, Reverb
- Voice Modulator (Sound Effects – Funny Sound)
- Voice Record/Playback module using ISD1932 or ISD1964
- Voltage Controlled Amplifier – VCA
- Voltage Controlled Amplifier with Balanced Input
- 3.3V Automotive Step-Down Regulator – Low-Iq, Dual-Mode
- Automotive 12V to +-20V converter (for audio amplifier)
- Car battery Indicator
- Fuel Gauge with OLED Display
- Fuel Level Monitor with 15 Segments Bar-Graph Display
- Ground Isolation Audio Amplifier for Automotive Applications
- Ingition Coil Driver
- Lamp Flasher with Timer IC and MOSFET for Automotive Applications
- Motorcycle Universal Gear Indicator
- Nite Rider Lights
- Simple but reliable car battery tester
- Synchronized multi-spark module (SMSM) for Electronic Ignition Devices (EID)
- Two Channel High Side Driver with Analog Sense for Automotive Applications
- 16 High Power LEDs Knight Rider Light – Arduino Compatible
- 20 Non-Contact Infrared Reflective Sensor for Line Follower Robots
- 20 Segment Jumbo Size SPI BarGraph Display
- 3V LED Chaser
- 6V Ultra-Bright LED Chaser
- AMP – Arachnoid Mobile Platform
- BitCake – Electronic Birthday Cake
- Bluetooth Robot Car Controller using ESP32
- Bluetooth Wireless Robot Car Controller
- Bomb Game
- Church bell Controller
- Dual DC Motor Driver For Robot with L298
- Dual DC Motor driver using two L293D
- Dual Forward/Reverse DC Motor Driver with Brake for Robots
- Halloween Scare using 12F683 and ISD2532
- Hand Steadiness Tester
- High Power LED mood Lamp
- Interactive LED Coffee Table – Arduino Compatible
- LED effects
- Mini Robot Controller Using Infra-Red Remote for Small and Medium Size Robot
- Motion Activated Led Dice
- PIC16F84A discolight effect with bass beat control
- POV (Persistence of Vision) – Open-Source Arduino Nano Hardware
- RC Radio Controlled Switch with Relay
- Robotics Arm Controller using PS3 Wireless Remote
- Sound to Colour Light Effects – Arduino Compatible
- The Aurora Boxealis – A Color Sensing and Mirroring Project
- 16X2 LCD Shield with LMD18201 Motor Driver
- 18 PIN PIC Development Board
- 18 PIN PIC Development Board with Header IO
- 20 PIN PIC Development Board
- 40 Pin & 28 Pin dsPIC Development Board
- 40 PIN & 28 PIN PIC18F USB Development Board
- 8 PIN PIC Development Board – PIC12F683
- 89Sxx Development Board
- AT89C2051 Development Stick
- AT89SXX Development Board
- ATmega16/32 Development Board
- ATmega64 Development Board
- Atmega8 Development Board
- Getting Started with STM8S using STVD and Cosmic C Compiler
- MP3 Module & RTC DS1307 Shield For 28/40 Pin PIC Development Board
- Multipurpose 18 PIN (16F628A) Microcontroller development board
- PIC 18F – 28 PIN PIC Development Board
- PIC Arduino for Motor Control Projects
- PIC Arduino with RS485
- PIC Development Board for RS485 & DMX512 Applications
- PIC16F 28-pin Development Board with LCD
- PIC16F 28/40 Pin Development Board
- 100MHz frequency counter with PIC16F628A – LCD Display
- 100MHz frequency counter with PIC16F628A – LED Display
- 16 Channel InfraRed remote controller – RC5 Philips Code
- 16 Channel Tiny InfraRed Remote Controller – NEC Code
- 16-Bit I/O Expander with Serial Interface (SPI or I2C)
- 2 Digit 99 Seconds Timer
- 2 Digit Digital Up Counter Using PIC16F1825
- 2 Digit Kitchen Timer 00-99 Seconds or 00-99 Minutes
- 24×6 LED Matrix Control Circuit
- 3-Wire Serial LCD using a Shift Register
- 4 Channel High-Speed – Robust-EMC Reinforced Digital Isolators
- 4 Channel RC Servo Controller Board
- 4 Channel RF Remote Transmitter using nRF24L01- Arduino Compatible
- 4 Channel SPI Interface Isolator with three Forward and One Reverse Direction Channels
- 40 & 28 PIN PIC Development Board with ICSP interface
- 5W High Power LED Driver with PIC12F683
- 6 Channel RF Remote Controller Using CC2500 RF Modules
- 6 Digit Serial Display Driver with CAT4016
- 6-Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor Module
- 7 Segment LED Based SPI Display using 74HC595
- 8 Channel Optically Isolated IO Board
- 8 Channel RC Servo Driver Over RF Link using NRF24L01 RF Module – Arduino Compatible
- 8 Channel RS485 Relay Board
- 8 Opto-isolated Relay board
- 8 Tact Switch board for microcontroller
- Analog to Digital Converter module
- AquaCont – Aquarium Control
- ATMEL 89 Series Flash Microcontroller
- ATtiny85 push-button power switching: software-only solution
- Automatic LED Stairway Lighting – Arduino Compatible
- Automatic School Bell
- Bootloader Programmer Tool for ATMEGA328 32Pin TQFP Arduinio ISP
- Breadboard header for ATTiny 25/45/85
- Build your Own PCB Exposure Box with Fluorescent Lamps and Countdown System
- CAN to USB Interface
- DC Motor Speed, Direction and Brake Control with NRF24L01 RF Module – Arduino Compatible
- DigiPot – Rotary Encoder Digital Potentiometer
- Digital & Binary clock with thermometer & hygrometer
- Digital Volt and Amp Meter with Temperature Control
- DTMF Module
- Dual Joystick RF Remote Transmitter with NRF24L01 RF module – 2 Joystick Control
- EEPROM Module
- EPROM adapter for ATMEL 89 Series Flash Microcontroller
- Flex/Force Sensor to bargraph monitor using PIC16F886
- Frequency counter with PIC16F628A
- Getting Started with TivaWare Launchpad
- GLCD Module
- IO Expander Board
- LCD Adapter Board
- Learning Board for Microchip PIC12F683 microcontroller
- LED UV exposure box
- LM35 LCD Thermometer using PIC16F676
- MCS08DZ60 Evaluation Board
- MCU controlled Bluetooth automation with infrared sensor
- Microcontroller Clapper Switch
- miniLOG – Precision Standalone Voltage Logger
- MultiKey – One Wire Keypad
- Open Source 3.2” TFT Smart Display
- Original PICKIT-2 microcontroller programmer
- OSCCAL Value Finder
- PIC based WWVB clock
- PIC diode tester
- PIC16F628A Programmable Digital Timer
- PlayPIC
- Ponyprog Circuit for ATMEL’S AVR
- Ponyprog Circuit for AVR & PIC16F84
- Program ATtiny 0-Series Chips with a Miniature UPDI Dongle
- RC PWM Signal to Stepper Pulse Generator
- RC Signal Monitor Using Bargraph & RC Switch using Relay
- SafeBee – A GPS Tracker for Beehives
- Serial 4-digit seven segment LED display
- Serial AVR and PIC programmer
- Simple timer with PIC16F628A
- Single Joystick Remote Control Transmitter using NRF24L01 – Arduino Compatible
- Sound to RC Servo Driver
- Sound to RC Servo Driver v2.0 – Arduino Compatible
- Teensy 4 Expansion Board with DC-DC Converter
- Teensy 4.1 Expansion Board with DC-DC Converter
- USB Auto MORSE Keyer
- USB Low Pin Kit
- USB PIC Programmer
- USB to Serial Converter using AVR microcontroller
- +/-10V (Dual 10V) to Single-Supply Signal Converter for ADC
- 3 Channel Analog Video Splitter with Video Amplifier
- 3A Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) Driver
- 3D Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm using the Seeed MGC3130 and Raspberry Pi
- 4 Channel Analog Video Distribution Amplifier
- 4 channel infrared remote relays
- 4 Channel Opto-Isolated Module Using High Speed 6N137 Optocoupler
- 4-20mA / ±10V Analog Input Module for PLC
- 50 Segment Serial Bar-Graph Display Driver
- 64 Key Infrared Remote Controller using PT2222M – NEC Code
- 72 Channels Serial To Parallel Driver Board Using 74HC595 & ULN2803
- 8 Channel Relay Board
- 8 Channel Relay Board with onboard 5V regulator
- Audio VU meter 9 leds
- Balanced Line Driver for High Speed Digital and Video Signal
- Balanced Line Receiver for Digital Signal Over Twisted Pair CAT-5 Cable
- DC Motor Direction Controller with tact switches
- Digital Potentiometer using Optical Encoder – 10KOhms
- DIY Smart Home – Control AC from anywhere with Smartphone
- Dot matrix LED running display v2.0
- Dual Relay Driver Board
- Electronic Toggle Switch
- Flyback Transformer Driver
- High Voltage Capacitor Charger for Photo-Flash Using LT3751
- Inductive Proximity Switch Using TCA505
- IR Remote Volume Controller
- Isolated Full-Duplex RS-485 Transceivers
- Isolated RS-232 to RS-485 Signaling Converter
- Isolated RS485/RS422 Transceiver with Integrated DC-DC Converter
- Isolated, Single-Channel RS232 transceiver (Isolated RS232 to UART)
- Isolator for SPI Interface with Inbuilt DC-DC Converter
- MAX6953 Development board
- One Channel Relay Driver
- Phone Busy Indicator
- Phone line indicator
- RS232 – MAX232 Interface Module
- RS232 or RS485 Module
- Simple Soft Latch Switch using Push-Button
- Single-ended Video/Digital input to differential output driver (High Speed Differential Driver)
- Smart fan with face detection camera
- Solar Mailbox project
- Solid state relay switch
- SPI Isolation Board
- SPI Programmable-Gain Amplifier with Input VOS Trim and Output OPAMP
- Toggle ON / OFF Switch with a single push-button
- Twisted-Pair Cable-CAT5 – Composite Video Differential Receiver Amplifier
- Ultra-High-Speed, Low-Distortion – Differential-to-Single-Ended Line Receivers with Enable
- Unipolar-to-Bipolar Level Translator 0V to 5V Unipolar to ±10V Bipolar Converter
- USB to RS485 Adapter
- USB to Serial converter using FTDI FT230X
- USB to Serial converter using PL2303SA
- Video Driver with Built-in 6 Channel Input Selection Switch
- Voltage Attenuator
- Voltage to Current (V-I) Converter
- Wideband, High-Output-Current – Single Ended-to-Differential Line Drivers with Enable
- 10 Pin Box Header Connector to single Line Header
- 2 Channel MOSFET Module
- 2 Digit Common Cathode 0.5″ – 7 Segment Display Module (Multiplexed)
- 3 Digit Common Cathode 0.5″ – 7 Segment Display Module (Multiplexed)
- 4 Channel Relay Board
- 4 Digit 7 Segment 0.5″ Multiplexed Display Module
- 4 Digit Common Cathode 0.5″ – 7 Segment Display Module (Multiplexed)
- 4 Digit MultiPlexed 0.33 Inch 7 Segment Common Anode Display
- 4 Tactile Switch Breakout Board
- 8 Led Output Display Module
- 8 Tactile Switch Board with High & Low Outputs
- Carrier Board for Advanced Phase-Shift PWM Controller UCC3895
- Dual Relay Board Using SMD Components
- Easy Prototype Board for SOIC8/MSOP8/SOT23-3/4/5/6 Packages
- Half Bridge with Single PWM Input
- High-Voltage (180V) – High-Current (30mA) Operational Amplifier Module
- Isolated RS-485 Transceiver with Level 4 EMC and Full ±42 V Protection
- LED Based Large Size 7 Segment Display
- Optically Isolated Analog Input Module for Arduino
- Proto Board with On Board 10X Box Header Connector
- Self-Oscillating Half Bridge Module
- Slide Switch Single, Dual & Three PCBs
- Stereo Audio Digital-to-Analog Converter Module
- Universal Instrumentation Amplifier Module for SOIC8 Package with On-Board Reference
- Universal Instrumentation Amplifier Module for VSSOP8 Package with On-Board Reference
- USB 10-digit Seven Segment Display Module
- Various Modules Mic LM35 Dual Pot Single Pot EP Socket
- +9V to 60V PWM 2.3A Solenoid Valve Driver using DRV101
- 12V Relay on 6V power supply
- 12W Constant-Current LED Driver with PWM Dimming – 12V DC@1A Input
- 12W Dimmer with Soft Start for 12V LEDs
- 1A Over Current Protection Load Switch
- 2 Channel Relay Board
- 2 Channel Smart Dual Coil Latching Relay Board – 2 Channel Bistable Relay Module
- 200W Lamp Flasher
- 21-Watt Universal AC LED Driver with Accurate Average-Mode Constant Current Control
- 230 VAC Timer
- 24 LEDs Bargraph Display using 74HC595 Shift Register
- 2500W Phase Control
- 4 Channel Infrared Remote Module
- 4 Channel Large Current Relay Board
- 4 Channel Relay Board
- 4 Channel RF Remote Controller
- 4 channel RS485 Remote Controller
- 4 Channel Triac Board
- 4-Channel Remote Receiver Using NRF24L01 Radio Module – Arduino Compatible
- 5 Lamp / LED Flash Driver
- 555 stepper pulse generator
- 55V – 3A Half-Bridge Power Driver Module
- 600W – 230VAC – High Voltage DC Motor Speed Controller – Heater Controller – Lamp/LED Dimmer
- 60W LED Dimmer for 12V LEDs using 555 Timer
- A Very Simple Power Failure Light
- AC Solid State Relay
- AC Solid state Relay for Inductive Load
- Adjustable Constant Current LASER Diode/LED driver
- Arduino Bluetooth Relay Switch
- Arduino Nano- Switching ON/OFF Appliances Using Infra-Red Remote (Two Channel)
- Bluetooth Smart LED Dimmer – 4 Channel Bluetooth ON/OFF Switch
- Closed Loop Constant LED Light Source Using OPT101 Light Sensor and OPA569 Power OPAMP
- Crowbar Circuit Using TRIAC and TL431 Precision Programmable Reference
- Dark Sensitive Lamp ON/OFF Controller
- Dark Sensitive Switch
- Dark Sensitive Switch – LED Light
- DC Electronic Load – 1A
- DC Motor Driver using L293D
- DC Output Solid State Relay
- DC Solid State Power Relay with Current Feedback
- Digital Impulse Relay
- Dual 2A Power Amplifier Module for TEC
- Dual Channel Voltage-to-Current (V-I) converter circuit with BJT
- Dual MOSFET Driver – Two Channel DC SSR Using MOSFETS & Gate Driver
- Electronic DC Load using TLE2141
- Galvanic Isolated 8 Channel High-Side Switch (0.6A per channel)
- Half-Bridge with Ultra-Precise Current Sense Feedback for Solenoid
- Heat Activated Cooling Fan Controller
- High Current Half-Bridge with Over Current Shutdown
- High Current MOSFET Based Power Switch with Gate Driver
- High Current/High Voltage OPAMP with Boost Output Current Greater Than 1A
- High Side Switch with Input Overvoltage and Overcurrent Protection
- I2C DAC Controlled Electronic Load – Battery Performance Tester
- Infrared Remote-Controlled AC Load ON/OFF switch with SSR
- Infrared Toggle Switch for Home Appliances
- Isolated Digital ON/OFF Switch for AC load
- Large Current Relay Driver
- Large Current Relay with Dual Output DC-DC Converter for Hobby CNC/Router
- Laser Diode Driver
- LED Based Strobe For Entertainment, Events & Warning Signals
- LED Dimmer for Super High Brightness LEDs
- LED Fading Effect / LED Strobe using 555
- LED Lighting Effects Generator using PIC16F886
- LED VU Meter with LM3916
- Linear Current Source LED Driver with Dimmer Input
- Lithium Coin Cell Charger for Rechargeable Coin Batteries
- Low cost / Automatic Emergency Light
- Low Profile 2 Channel Solid State Relay for AC Loads
- Low Voltage Lead Acid Battery Disconnect board – Prevents Deep Discharge Of 12V Lead Acid Battery
- Low-Cost LED Dimmer using LM3578
- Microcontroller based running light controller
- On-Off Temperature Control
- One Channel InfraRed Remote Controller
- Over Current Protection Switch
- PI Temperature Control Amplifier for Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) Driver
- PicoBuck – RGB LED Driver
- PIR Motion Sensor LED Ceiling Light – Arduino Compatible
- Power ON Delay Switch
- Power-Saving PWM Solenoid Controller
- Programmable Day-Night Light Controller based on ATmega8
- Programmable Thermostatic Switch using AD22105
- PWM Halogen Lamp Dimmer
- PWM Solenoid and Valve Driver using DRV103
- Radio Remote Control LED Dimmer Using NRF24L01 – Arduino Compatible
- Really Large Size 7 Segment Display with SPI Interface – 8 Channel SPI Relay Board
- RF Remote DC Motor Direction Controller
- RGB LED Controller using Atmega328
- RGB LED Disco Lights
- Self-Oscillating Full-Bridge Using IRS2453
- Single Channel SMD Relay Driver
- Single-Channel Smart High-Side Power Switch with Programmable Current Limit
- Smart Dual Coil Latching Relay Driver – Bistable Relay Module
- Smart RGB LED Light Stick – Arduino Compatible
- Solenoid, Relay, Valve Driver with Current Regulation
- Sound Activated LED Light With Timer
- Sound Level Indicator
- Sound to Light Effect
- Super Bright Led Flasher
- Super Flux RGB LED Controller
- Temperature Controlled PC FAN
- Temperature Controlled RGB LED Light Stick – Mood Light
- Tiny Reflow Controller with character LCD
- Tiny Reflow Controller with OLED display
- Triac based lamp dimmer
- Under Voltage Lockout Relay – Latching Voltage Monitor
- USB Single Cell LiPoly Charger
- Valentine LED Chaser
- Warning LED Flash Light
- Xenon Flash Tube Driver
- 10A 400V DC Intelligent Power Module (IPM)
- 1200V Inverter Module for 3 Phase Motors up to 2KW
- 15A 100V Isolated Half-Bridge Driver
- 15V to 60V – Three-Phase Brushless DC Motor Pre-Driver
- 16 Channel RC Servo Driver with I2C Interface
- 16X2 LCD Shield with LMD18201 Motor Driver
- 2.5A 2Phase Micro-Stepping Stepper Motor Driver
- 2.5A Bipolar Stepper Driver with Micro-Stepping, Current and Decay Control – Arduino Compatible
- 2.5A Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver LV8772E
- 2.5A Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver using A3979
- 20A/40V Integrated Power Module for DC Brushless Motors (BLDC)
- 2X L298 Dual DC Motor Driver Board for Robots
- 3 Phase AC Motor Controller
- 3 Phase Brushless Motor Driver using L6235
- 3 Phase Inverter for Low Power AC Motor
- 3 Phase IPM Module for Small Power AC Motor
- 3-Phase Advance Motion Module – 400VDC – 4A
- 3-Phase Brushless DC Sinusoidal Sensorless Fan Motor Driver
- 3-Phase Brushless Motor Driver
- 3.5A Unipolar Stepper Motor Driver
- 3.5A Unipolar Stepper Motor Driver
- 3A Unipolar Stepper Motor Driver
- 4 Wheel Robot Motor Driver ( 4X 3Amps LMD18201 H-Bridge)
- 4.5A H-Bridge DC Motor Driver Module Using TB6549HQ
- 4.5Amps Bipolar Stepper Motor driver based on TB6600
- 4A Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver Based on LV8727E
- 4A PWM Controlled Unipolar Stepper Motor Driver using STK672-740
- 5 Amp H-Bridge DC Motor Driver using MC33886
- 50V – 10A Bidirectional DC Motor Driver Using A3941
- 50V – 5A DC Brush Motor Driver – High Performance, High Reliability
- 555 Based DC Motor Speed Controller
- 600V – 30A IPM Module Carrier Board for Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)
- 8A Brushed DC Motor Driver with Adjustable Constant Current, Direction Control, Brake Control, Speed Control
- AC Motor Speed Controller for Modern Appliances Using LS7311
- AC Motor Speed Controller using U2008B
- Automatic Fan Controller
- Bidirectional Speed Control for DC Motors
- BLDC Motor and DC Brushed Motor Driver
- Brushed DC Motor Controller Using Infra-Red Remote
- Brushed DC Motor Controller Using Rotary Encoder – Arduino Compatible
- Brushed DC Motor Driver with Integrated Current Regulation
- Brushed DC Motor Speed and Direction Controller Using Joystick
- Brushed DC Motor Speed Controller Using Radio Control (RC) Remote
- Closed Loop Analog Position Control using Brushed DC Motor and Potentiometer
- DC Motor & Direction Controller with Brake using MC33035
- DC Motor Control Using Joystick
- DC Motor Controller using Relay and MOSFET – Arduino Interface
- DC Motor IR2104 H-BRIDGE
- DC Motor Position Control Using Potentiometer – Arduino Compatible
- DC Motor Speed and Direction Controller using L293D
- DC Motor Speed, Direction and Brake Control with NRF24L01 RF Module – Arduino Compatible
- DC servo motor driver
- DC Servo Motor Driver – Analog Closed Loop Control
- Development board for Brushless Motor, DC Brushed Motor, AC Motors (Pre-Driver)
- Dual Motor L298 H-Bridge Motor Control
- H-Bridge for High Power Brushed DC Motor with Current Sense
- H-Bridge Motor Driver with Integrated Current Sense and Regulation using DRV8874
- Half Bridge Driver based on IR2104
- Harmonic Drive & Brushed DC Servo Motor Driver
- High current bipolar stepper motor controller
- High Current Discrete Half-Bridge Based on IR2104 or IR2101
- High Performance – High Reliability 50V DC Brush Motor Driver
- High Power Bidirectional DC Motor Driver using IFX007T
- High Power Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver with SPI Interface
- High Power DC Motor Speed and Direction Control using RC Transmitter – Arduino Compatible
- High Voltage 3-Phase Full-Wave PWM Brushless Motor Driver
- High-performance, High-reliability Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver
- Intelligent Power Module (IPM) Board for Brushless Motors
- IR Remote Controlled Motorized Potentiometer – Arduino Compatible
- Joystick Controlled 2 x RC Servo motors – Arduino Compatible
- Joystick Stepper Motor Controller
- L293D DC Motor Driver Module
- Linear Actuator Controller with Limit Switch to prevent Overextension and Retraction
- LMD18200 H-Bridge Module for DC Motor
- Low-Cost DC Motor Direction Controller with Fast Brake using 2 Relays
- MC33035 Brushless motor driver breakout board
- Motorized Curtain with Remote control
- Motorized Slide Potentiometer Driver
- PIC PWM Fan controller
- Position and Speed Controller for DC Motor with Incremental Encoder
- Programmable Step-Direction Pulse Generator for Stepper, BLDC and AC Servo Motor Drivers
- Pulse Generator For Stepper Controller Using AD654
- PWM Temperature Controlled FAN using TC648 and NTC sensor
- RC PWM Signal to Stepper Pulse Generator
- RC Servo Driver 0-5V
- RC Servo Movement Recorder and Player
- Sensorless FOC 3 Phase Low Power Brushless BLDC Motor Driver
- Signal Conditioner for Sensorless BLDC Operations
- Simple DC motor PWM speed control
- Simple Servo Tester
- Smart Power Module for 3-Phase Motor – 5A
- Unipolar 4-Phase Stepper Motor Controller
- 1 to 100 Seconds Timer
- 10 Minutes Timer for AC Loads
- 1Khz to 20Mhz Low Power Oscillator
- 230V Blinking LED
- 7-segment Mini Clock using PIC16F628A and DS1307 RTC
- Adjustable High/Low Frequency Sine wave generator
- Clock Multiplier – Crystal Frequency Generator using PT7C4511
- Darkroom Timer v2.0A for PCB Exposure Box
- Digital Stopwatch 0-60sec
- Digital Stopwatch 0-99sec using digital ICs
- DS1307 Real Time Clock Module
- DS1307 RTC SMD Module
- Full Wave Rectifier Using Single Supply OPAMP
- Function Generator Using AD9833 DDS – Arduino Compatible
- Long Duration Timer
- MSF Radio Time Clock
- Multiphase Oscillator with 40% Spread Spectrum Frequency Modulation and 250Khz Output Frequency
- Pulse generator
- PWM Module with Dual Source/Sink Outputs using SG3525
- PWM to Voltage Converter – PWM to Voltage Output DAC
- Universal Op-Amp Board for SMD SOIC-8 Package
- Universal OPAMP Board for DIP-8 Package
- Universal OPAMP Board for SMD MSOP8 Package
- Universal OPAMP Board for SMD SOT23-5 Package
- Voltage-Controlled Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) – PWM Signal Generator
- 8 Channel LPT relay board
- An Improved Infrared Receiver with Status LED
- Cooling Fan Controller Using Temperature Sensor LM35
- Infrared Receiver with status led
- Isolated USB Repeater – USB2.0
- Isolated, Single-Channel RS232 transceiver (Isolated RS232 to UART)
- Optically Isolated LPT Breakout Board for CNC & Routers
- Parallel Port Breakout board with Buffer for CNC & Routers
- PocketAdmin – Keystroke Injection Device
- RS232 to RS485 Module
- RS232 to RS485 Module
- The 8Way Relay Board
- USB Charging Port Controller using TPS2514
- USB Sound Card with PCM2702
- USB to UART Converter with GPIO – MCP220
- XBMC USB Controller
- +/-12V Dual Power Supply
- +/-18V Isolated DC-DC Converter Dual Supply Output from USB 5V Power Input
- -5V @100mA Switched Capacitor Converter
- 0 to 10 V Adjustable Lab Power Supply with Current Control
- 0-30 Vdc Stabilized Power Supply with Current Control 0.002-3 A
- 0-30V Laboratory Power Supply
- 0-50V 2A Bench power supply
- 0-6V @ 1.5A Adjustable Power Supply With Current Limit using LT3081
- 1.2 – 15V/3A adjustable regulated power supply
- 1.2v LED Flasher – Joule thief
- 1.2V to 35V – 1A Adjustable Regulator Board
- 1.2V to 35V @ 3A Adjustable Step-down Regulator using LM2596
- 1.2V to 35V DC-DC Converter
- 1.2V to 37V Regulated Power Supply – 1.2A
- 1.2V to 50V @ 3A – Adjustable Power Supply with 55Vdc Input
- 1.2V-25V/10A Adjustable Power Supply Using Power Op-Amp
- 1.2V-32V @3A Variable Switching Regulator
- 12-75V Input to 10V Output DC-DC Buck Converter
- 12-95V Input – 5V Output – High Voltage DC-DC Buck Converter
- 1200V High-Current Half-Bridge using FAN73912
- 12V @ 120mA Transformerless Power Supply
- 12V @ 80mA Transformerless Power Supply
- 12V DC @ 120mA – 1.4W Universal Input Buck Converter – 85V AC – 265V AC INPUT
- 12V SLA Lead Acid Battery Charger Using BQ24450
- 12V Step-Up DC-DC Converter from 1.8V to 5V Input
- 12V to 24V @ 1A Step-up switching regulator using LM2585
- 12V to 28V Step Up DC-DC Converter
- 13.8V 20A power supply
- 13.8V 2A Power Supply using LM338
- 13.8V/40A Stabilized Power Supply
- 15V 1A Dual Output Flyback DC-DC Converter
- 2.4V to 5V Step Up DC-DC Converter
- 2.5V-4.2V input to 3.3V output – 1A Buck Boost Converter using LTC3441
- 2.7V-4.2V input to 3.3V – 0.6A output Buck-Boost Converter using LTC3440
- 230V AC Input – 12V Output DC Converter, Non-Isolated Buck Converter
- 24-48V to 5V – 3A DC-DC Converter
- 24V Boost Converter from 4.5V to 20V Input
- 24V to 36V @ 2A DC-DC step-up Converter using LM2588
- 24V to 48V @ 1.5A Step-Up DC-DC Converter using LM2588
- 2x LiPO Battery to 12V and 5V Converter
- 3 Phase (3 Wire) EMI Filter – 480VAC
- 3 Phase AC input – DC Output – High Voltage DC Power Supply (2KW)
- 3-30 V/2.5 A Stabilized power supply
- 3.3V @ 1.5A Buck Regulator
- 3.3V Automotive Step-Down Regulator – Low-Iq, Dual-Mode
- 3.3V Voltage Regulator
- 3.3V-5A Output DC-DC Converter with 10 to 24V Input
- 300W Off-line Power Factor Correction (PFC) Boost Converter
- 350W Power Factor Boost Converter for Inverter-Fed BLDC and PMSM Motors
- 3V To 5V Boost DC-DC Converter using MAX711
- 3V to 5V DC Output Step-Up DC-DC Converter using MAX668
- 400V – 5A Power Supply For Brushless Motor Drivers
- 400VA AC Light Dimmer
- 42V Input – 3.3V @ 2A Output High Voltage Step Down Regulator
- 48V DC Input to 12V Output DC-DC Converter
- 50V to 5V @7A Synchronous Buck (Step-down) Converter
- 5A Adjustable Regulated Power Supply
- 5V & 12V Regulated Power Supply
- 5V – 4A Buck Converter using NR110E
- 5V @ 2A Step Down Converter using TPS54202
- 5V @ 3A Power Supply using TPS54302
- 5V @3A Switching Power Supply
- 5V Step Down DC-DC Converter
- 5V Symmetrical Regulated Power Supply – 1A
- 5V to -12V Inverting Switching Regulator
- 5V to 12V @1.2A regulated power supply using LM2587
- 5V to 12V @400mA Boost Converter
- 5V to 12V Step Up DC-DC Converter
- 5V to Dual 12V Step Up DC-DC Converter Using LM2588-ADJ
- 60V Input – 5V @ 50mA Output High Voltage Fixed Output Regulator
- 60V input to 5V – 3A output DC-DC Converter for Industrial and Automotive using TPS54360
- 60V to 5V @ 3.5A Buck converter with USB output
- 60V to 5V DC-DC Step-Down Converter using LMR16030
- 65V Input to 12Vdc Output – 1A synchronous buck DC/DC converter using LM5164
- 6V – 2.5Ah Sealed Lead-Acid Battery Charger
- 6V Lead Acid Battery Charger using BQ24450
- 9 VDC Regulated Power Supply
- 90V to 10V @ 500mA High Voltage DC-DC buck converter
- 9V @ 45mA Boost Converter Output with Input 2.1V to 5.5V
- 9V to 48V DC-DC Converter
- AC Voltage Zero Cross Detector
- Active Rectifier Controller with Reverse Protection for Battery and Solar cell
- Adjustable Current Source – 0 to 1A
- AmpStrike – Battery Powered Bench Power Supply
- Boost Converter – Input 3.3V, Output 5V@500mA
- Breakout Board for ATX Power Supply – Benchtop Power Supply
- Breakout Board for UCC28019 and UCC28128 PFC Controller
- Build your own 0-24V/3A Lab Power Supply with current limit
- Charger for mobile phones
- Compact DC-DC Converter with Input 24V and [email protected] Output
- Constant Current Laser Diode Driver Circuit Using OPA2350 OpAmp
- Continuous Conduction Mode Pre-Converters Module for Power Factor Controller
- DC-HV DC Converter – 200V @ 20mA Output with 12V DC Input
- Deep Discharge Protector for 3.6V Li-Ion Battery
- Digital Multiple Voltage Power Supply
- Dual +12V/-12V @ 400mA Regulated Linear Power Supply with AC input
- Dual +5 V/-5V @ 200 mA Regulated Linear Power Supply
- Dual 90V/10A Unregulated Power Supply
- Dual Adjustable Power Supply
- Dual Adjustable Regulated power supply 1.2V TO 37V DC
- Dual Output Adjustable Linear Power Supply +/-1.2V to +/-12V @ 250mA
- Dual USB Host/Hub Output with Constant Current Limit/Protection
- Dual Voltage Power Supply
- Dual-Level Float-Cum-Boost Charger with Pre-Charge for 12V – 3 to 6Ah Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) Batteries
- fpx: easy USB‑C power for all your devices
- High Current DC-DC Converter – 12V/6A Output from 16V to 38V DC Input
- High Current Half-Bridge with Over Current & Voltage Feedback for Step Down DC-DC Converter
- High Voltage DC Power Supply for Intelligent Power Modules
- High voltage Half-Bridge with Current Feedback using L6390
- High Voltage Regulator – 48V DC Output from 125V DC Input
- High Voltage-Current Half Bridge Driver Using IR2153 & IGBT
- HV Nixie DC-DC Switching Power Supply
- Isolated Flyback Converter with 18V-28V Input and 12V Output
- Isolated Power Supply for RS485, RS422, RS232, SPI, I2C and Power LAN
- Isolated Power Supply with 24V Input and Dual 15V Output
- Lead Acid Battery Charger #1
- Lead Acid Battery Charger #2
- Li-Ion Charger
- Li-Ion/Li-Po 18650 Battery to 5V Boost Converter
- Low-Cost Boost Converter 3.3V Input – 5V Output at 250mA
- MCU Controlled Spot Welder
- Mini variable power supply
- Multi Output Step-Down Converter – Input 18-24V and Output 3.3V, 5V, 12V
- Multi-output Power Supply Based on LM2576HV-ADJ
- Multiple Output Power Source – Dual 10V (+/-10V), 5V DC, 3.3V DC from 9V Battery
- Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge Controller with Synchronous Rectification using UCC28950
- Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge PWM Controller Module – LM5046 Breakout Board
- Photovoltaic Cell Battery Charger / Solar Cell Li-Ion Battery Trickle Charger with MPPC
- Precision Full-Wave Rectifier – Dual-Supply
- Programmable Frequency – Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) – Boost Power – Factor Correction (PFC) Controller
- Programmable Power Supply Using OPA548
- Pulse Charger for reviving tired Lead Acid batteries
- Simple 78xx Current Booster
- Simple Photovoltaic Charger – Solar Power module with Back-Up
- Single 18650 LiPo Battery to 5V Boost Converter
- Step Up DC-DC Converter – 12V TO 28V DC 175mA
- Step Up DC-DC Converter – 24V/10mA Output from 12V DC Input – Compatible to TO220 LDO
- Step Up DC-DC Converter 12V Output – 5V Input
- Stepdown DC-DC Converter with Current Limit
- TINY DC-DC Power Module – Input 8-28V DC – Output 5V DC 1A
- Universal AC Voltage Step-Down Power Converter – 18V DC Output From 85-265V AC Input
- Universal Input AC/DC Switching Buck Regulator – 85V -265V AC Input – 5V/150mA DC Output
- USB (5V) to Dual Output +/-15V or +/-12V Step-Up DC-DC Converter
- USB to +/-5V Voltage DC-DC switching Converter
- USB To 12V Boost Converter using LM2577
- Variable Power Supply with LM7812
- ±340V DC Output, 15V DC Input, Isolated Flyback Converter
- 315Mhz RF Remote Receiver with On Board Relay – Arduino Compatible
- 315Mhz RF Remote Transmitter – Arduino Compatible
- 4 Channel 315Mhz RF Remote Transmitter – Arduino Compatible
- 4 Watt FM Transmitter
- 4-Channel Remote Receiver Using NRF24L01 Radio Module – Arduino Compatible
- 4×1 WiFi Wireless Antenna Switch
- 8 Channel RF Remote Receiver with Holtek and Serial Protocol
- 8 Channel RF Remote Transmitter with Holtek and Serial Protocol
- Colpitts Crystal Oscillator
- FM Transmitter using MAX4467 & MAX2606
- FM VCO Transmitter
- MAX2606 – Hands-Free Car Kit for Cell Phones
- One Channel RF Remote Relay Switch
- Simple FM Transmitter
- +/- 1.7g Dual-Axis IMEMS Accelerometer Using ADXL203
- 0 to 5V output Analog Hall Sensor for Foot Controller
- 12-Bit Programmable Contactless Encoder Module
- 3 Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor with I2C
- 3 Phase Isolated Hall-effect Current Sense Amplifier with +/-600V Working Voltage and +/-46A Measurement Range
- 4 Channel Current Sense Amplifier – Low and High-Side Voltage Output
- 6-Channel Capacitive Touch Sensor Module
- 6A H-Bridge with PWM-DIR input and SPI Interface
- Accurate Acoustic Sensor – Sound Frequency to Voltage Converter
- Airflow Sensor
- AMR Angle Sensor and Signal Conditioner Module
- Analog Light Sensor + Light Sensitive Switch using OPT101
- Capacitive Humidity Sensor to Analog Output Converter
- Capacitive Touch Sensor Toggle Switch
- Contactless Automatic Wardrobe LED Light with Fade Effect
- Contactless Potentiometer – 12bit Rotary Position Sensor with Analog or PWM Output
- Cooling Fan Controller Using Temperature Sensor LM35
- Current Limit Solid State Power Switch with Latch
- Current Sensor Amplifier & Over Current Switch
- Current-Sense Amplifier with Dual Over Current Level Monitor & Alert Output
- Digital Pressure Gauge 0 to 10kPa (0 to 1.75 psi) with OLED display
- Dual Variable – Reluctance Sensor Interface Module – Stepper Motor Based Incremental Rotary Encoder
- Dual-Channel Quadrature Hall-Effect Bipolar Switch Module for Magnetic Encoder
- Flood Detector
- Frequency To Voltage Converter (Tachometer) – Variable Reluctance Magnetic Pickup to Voltage Converter
- Fuel Level Monitor with 15 Segments Bar-Graph Display
- High Accuracy Adjustable Overvoltage and Overcurrent Protectors using MAX17561
- High Accuracy Current Sensor with 400Khz Bandwidth using ACS37002
- Humidity Sensor – Humidity to Frequency Output
- iButton electronic lock
- Inclinometer with 17 Segment BarGraph Display
- Inductive Proximity Sensor using TCA505
- Instrumentation Amplifier For Pressure Sensor
- IR Remote Control Jammer
- IR remote extender
- Isolated Undervoltage and Overvoltage Detection Module
- Light and Dark Sensitive Switch
- Linear Capacitive Proximity Sensor
- Liquid or Air Pressure Switch with Relay
- Liquid-Level Monitoring Using a Pressure Sensor – Bar-Graph Display
- Lux Meter Module
- Magnet Based Rotary/Linear Encoder Module with Quadrature Output
- Magnetic field sensor using AD22151
- New and Improved Geiger Counter – Now With WiFi!
- Over Current Alarm with 15 Segment Bar-Graph Display
- Over Current Trip Switch – Over Current Shutdown Relay
- Over Speed Sensor – Over Speed Alarm using Magnetic Pickup Sensor
- Overcurrent / Over-discharge Protector for Lead Acid Batteries
- Photo Diode Amplifier
- Photodiode Amplifier for Visible Light Using OPA381 – Arduino Nano Shield
- PIR Motion Sensor
- PIR Sensor
- Precision Thermocouple Amplifier (Thermocouple to Digital Converter with Linearization – SPI Interface)
- Precision Thermocouple Amplifiers with Cold Junction Compensation – Temperature Range −25°C to +400°C
- Programmable Bridge Resistive Sensor Signal Conditioner
- Programmable Home Security Alarm System
- Proximity Distance Sensor using DRV5053 Hall effect Sensor
- Reflectance based Proximity Sensor using Si1102
- Signal Conditioner for Piezoelectric Sensors
- Signal Conditioning Module for Magnetic Rotary Encoder with Clock and Up/Down Direction Signal Output
- Simple Pressure Sensor Amplifier & Over Pressure Switch
- Simple Touch Switch
- Single Key Touch Sensor using LM2907
- Sound Activated Switch – Relay
- Stepper Motor Based Rotary Encoder with Clock and Up/Down Direction Signal Output
- Strain Gauge Sensor Amplifier or Single Supply Instrumentation Amplifier
- Thermal Mass Air Flow Sensor – Constant Temperature Anemometer
- Thermistor Signal Amplifier for Thermoelectric Cooler using INA330
- Under Speed Warning Alarm for Magnetic Pickup sensor – Frequency Controlled Switch
- Under Voltage and Over Voltage Monitor for 5V
- Variable Over-Current Detection Load Switch
- Water Level Alarm
- Window Comparator – Window Detector with relay output
- 0-10V Voltage Monitor
- 0-1A Single-Supply, Low-Side, Current Sensor with Output 0 to 4.9V
- 0-20V Bargraph Voltmeter
- 10μA-10mA Low-Side Current Sensor
- 12V Lead Acid Battery Voltage Monitor
- 2 Channel Ultra-Precise Current Sensor
- 250V AC Isolated Voltage-Sensing Circuit with Single output (250V AC Input 5V Output)
- ACS714-30A Current Sensor module
- Advanced LC meter
- Audio Oscillator with Frequency Counter
- Bargraph Current Meter 0-1A Range – PIC16F686
- Bargraph Voltmeter 0-5V DC range – PIC16F686
- Current Meter Using 0.96″ OLED Display
- DDS Function Generator
- Digital Panel Meter – Voltmeter
- Digital Room Thermometer
- Geiger counter with SBM20 tube
- HS101: A high quality, and Cheap DIY Oscilloscope
- Humidity Meter Using OLED Display – Arduino Compatible
- Isolated Voltage-Measurement with ±1V Input, Differential Output and Integrated DC/DC Converter
- Lead Acid Battery Voltage Monitor using ATMEGA328
- Led display digital Voltmeter
- Logic Probe
- Logic Probe Plus
- Low Cost Room Thermometer Using 16×2 LCD and Atmega328
- Mosfet Tester
- NiCad-NiMh Battery Monitor
- PIC16F688 Digital Voltmeter
- PIC16F84A Gas Detector using GH-312 sensor
- Precision Switched Integrator Transimpedance Amplifier
- Reinforced Isolated Current-Sense Amplifier with Precision ±250-mV Input, Differential output & Integrated DC/DC Converter
- RMS Noise to DC Converter – RMS Noise Measurement
- RMS To DC Converter
- Simple Crystal Tester
- Simple LC meter
- Simple SMD LED tester
- Sinewave generator
- Single Chip Temperature Data Logger
- Thermocouple Type-K amplifier
- ThermoDuino – OLED Display Thermometer and Tiny Arduino Board
- Thermometer 0-99C Using PIC16F1825
- Tiny DDS – Open source DDS generator
- TraId – Transistor Type & Polarity Identifier
- Transistor tester
- Two Channel Current Sensor for High Voltage Range
- Ultra High Sensitive Probe
- Variable Range LED Voltmeter
- Voltmeter + Ammeter LCD panel