beginner in the field


Where do i start from as an electronics engineering student. i asked because i would like to look at electronic components and using them to design circuits and functional systems. I would love to play around the components and mastering how to use them in various applications.

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mixos Unselected an answer 3 April, 2024
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Nik Harvey (anonymous) 0 Comments

As an electronics engineering student, a great place to start is by learning about printed circuit board (PCB) assembly. PCB assembly involves soldering electronic components onto a circuit board to create functional systems.

You can begin by understanding the basics of electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, diodes, and integrated circuits (ICs). Learn about their functions, how they work, and how they interact with each other in circuits.

Next, practice soldering these components onto a PCB. You can start with simple projects like building a basic LED circuit or a small amplifier.

Once you feel comfortable with basic soldering and circuit assembly, you can start experimenting with more complex circuits and systems. Try designing your own circuits or modifying existing ones to suit your needs.

Remember to always be curious and willing to learn. Experimentation and hands-on experience are key to mastering electronics and designing functional systems. Good luck on your journey!

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mixos Changed status to publish 3 April, 2024
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