uploaded a new video on a RFID Arduino Tutorial:
Today we are going to build a very interesting project. For the first time we are going to use RFID tags with Arduino. I have built a simple project which reads the Unique ID (UID) of each RFID tag we place close to the reader and displays it on this OLED display. If the UID of the tag is equal to a predefined value that is stored in Arduino’s memory, then in the display we are going to see the “Unlocked” message. If the Unique ID of the card is not equal to the predefined value, the Unlock message won’t appear. Cool isn’t it?
RFID Tutorial with an Arduino Uno and an OLED display – [Link]
Thank you for the tutorial. I watched the same implementation in the Arduino RFID Tutorial, however, I tried to get this running with a different RF ID card without success. Do you know if there are many different types of cards and if the “newer” standards are more difficult to read or require different hardware?