RRH47000 NDIR CO₂ Sensor Module is Efficient and Reliable

RRH47000 NDIR CO₂ Sensor Module is Efficient and Reliable


Maintaining optimal air quality is very important in industrial and commercial environments to ensure productivity, well-being, and safety. Renesas Electronics recently introduced the RRH47000 NDIR CO₂ Sensor Module, which addresses these needs with precision and reliability. This advanced sensor offers accurate CO₂ measurements, humidity and temperature sensing, and robust long-term performance, which makes it an ideal choice for industrial and commercial applications.

RRH47000 CO2 sensor module feature image

The RRH47000 module uses non-dispersive infrared technology, a widely used technology for measuring gas concentrations, and works on the principle that gasses absorb specific wavelengths of Infrared light. This technology allows accurate measurement of CO₂ in the range of 0 to 5000ppm. With an accuracy of ±75 ppm, the module ensures precise and accurate measurement. This accuracy is further enhanced by built-in humidity and temperature sensors which compensate for environmental changes ensuring that the module performs reliably under diverse conditions.

Block Diagram of the RRH47000 NDIR CO₂ sensor module
Block Diagram of the RRH47000 NDIR CO₂ sensor module

The integrated temperature sensor in the RRH47000 measures from -40°C to 125°C with a precision of ±0.5°C, while the humidity sensor supports a range of 0 to 100% with an accuracy of ±3.5%. This multi-parameter monitoring allows the module to be a versatile tool for various applications like HVAC systems, IoT applications, air purifiers, and agriculture applications.

Another advantage of the RRH47000 module is the robust design with a lifespan of 15 years which makes it reliable and more cost-effective. The module consumes only 50mA of power, this low power consumption allows the user to use the module for energy-sensitive applications such as portable air quality monitors or battery-operated IoT devices where minimum energy use is an important factor for extended operations.

Also, the module’s compatibility with both UART and I²C communication interfaces allows the user flexibility to use a wide range of platforms as per their need. The module provides options to help users with adjustments as per their needs for projects requiring manual calibration. It is also equipped with advanced automatic baseline correction (ABC); this feature ensures measurement accuracy over time by compensating sensor drift which helps in stabilizing the reading when CO₂ is fluctuating in the environment.

The RRH47000 NDIR CO₂ sensor module is a high-performing solution for air quality monitoring. Precise measurements, versatile functionality, and long-term reliability make the module user-friendly and also suitable for industrial applications. Renesas Electronics has launched the RRH47000 NDIR CO₂ Sensor Module at just 25$ per module, to know more about the RRH47000 module visit Renesas.

You can also find its datasheet. It also has instructions on the placement of the sensor for accurate readings.

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Saumitra Jagdale is a Backend Developer, Freelance Technical Author, Global AI Ambassador (SwissCognitive), Open-source Contributor in Python projects, Leader of Tensorflow Community India, and Passionate AI/ML Enthusiast

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