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Sania Box Offers DIY Approach to Help Kids Learn Coding

The “Sania Box Embedded Computer Kit” was developed by Sania Jain, a 13-year-old writer who has a passion for coding. The project was launched with the help of a Silicon Valley-based start-up called MoonShot Junior Inc. The goal of the project is to help children learn or improve coding and STEA... Read More

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Hi, I'm software, a hardware guy, and a technical writer. Have had a stint with the EdTech industries, but mostly interested in the space of deploying AI for edge computing. Otherwise, I am writing or coding about some technology pieces covering IoT, GPU computing, LoraWAN, PCB, Machine Learning, Precision Agriculture, Open Electronics, and related fields. Got a tip, freebies, launch, gig or leak? Contact me on Twitter, or via email: I don't bite.

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