On Semiconductor released a Bluetooth Low Energy mesh networking solution based on the company’s ultra-low-power RSL10 System-in-Package (RSL10 SIP). The solution has elements needed for the development and deployment of mesh networks.
It consists of two RSL10 Mesh Nodes and a Strata Gateway for connectivity to the Strata Developer Studio. Further, sensing and indicator devices were incorporated into the node hardware, including an ambient light sensor (LV0104CS), temperature sensor (N34TS108), magnetic sensors, LED indicators, and a triple-output NCP5623B LED driver (for color mixing purposes). A built-in battery charger for batteries with Li-Ion or Li-Poly chemistries is also featured.
The company noted that the mesh nodes can be configured to perform different roles and display different functional aspects. The Strata Gateway allows users to evaluate processes to be carried out using the intuitive Strata Developer Studio. Additionally, the cloud-connected software allows for provisioning of additional mesh and supports firmware-over-the-air (FOTA) updates.
For more information, visit http://www.onsemi.com