STMicroelectronics STEVAL-MKI216V1K Digital Inclinometer Kit combines an embedded IIS3DHHC 3D accelerometer sensor, which is connected via cable to a simple adapter board (STEVAL-MKIGIBV5) to render it compatible with STEVAL-MKI109V3 motherboards. The sensor is soldered precisely in the center of the board, and double-sided adhesives are provided to allowing the board to be mounted on equipment destined for vibration analysis. The STEVAL-MKIGIBV5 can be plugged into a standard DIL 24 socket.
The STM STEVAL-MKI109V3 Motherboards feature a high-performance 32-bit microcontroller functioning as a bridge between the sensor and a PC running the free Unico GUI graphical user interface or dedicated software routines for customized product summary applications.
- User friendly IIS3DHHC board
- Complete IIS3DHHC pinout for a standard DIL 24 socket
- Fully compatible with STEVAL-MKI109V3 motherboard
- Double-sided adhesives included for easy mounting on equipment to be measured
- RoHS and WEEE compliant
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