Particle Announces M-Series Muon Dev Board Featuring LoRaWAN and Satellite Connectivity Options
IoTTop Stories

Particle Announces M-Series Muon Dev Board Featuring LoRaWAN and Satellite Connectivity Options

Particle has recently announced its multi-radio modules with support for Wi-Fi, cellular, LoRaWAN, and even satellite communications on a single device, which we have covered in our M-SoM modules article, but what we haven't written about is the Muon Dev Board which is the dev board...

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Particle E-Series Modules – LTE Connectivity designed for IoT

Particle E-Series Modules – LTE Connectivity designed for IoT

Building an Internet of Things based system has always been an exciting art that usually comes with one major challenge to overcome - Connectivity. A smart system or an even intelligent system that collects data without having any network capability can't be called an IoT system and it's...

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