Arduino ESP32 Core 3.0.0 Released, but PlatformIO Support Still in Question

Arduino ESP32 Core 3.0.0 Released, but PlatformIO Support Still in Question

Espressif Systems has now released a stable version of ESP32 Arduino Core 3.0.0 with support for ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2 MCUs based on the ESP-IDF 5.1.4 framework. As usual, you can now use this latest version of IDF in your Arduino IDE, but at the time of writing it's unclear whether...

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QUARK is an open-source Arduino-based electronics multitool with a color display and touch controls
Test Equipment

QUARK is an open-source Arduino-based electronics multitool with a color display and touch controls

While looking for interesting and new products on the crowdfunding website I stumbled upon QUARK, An Arduino-based open-source multitool with a color LCD and a touchscreen display based on an ESP32 WiFI & Bluetooth wireless SoC. The tool is a signal generator and oscilloscope,...

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Arduino Introduces 4G Global Connectivity for Portenta in Mini-PCIe Form Factor
ArduinoGPSTop Stories

Arduino Introduces 4G Global Connectivity for Portenta in Mini-PCIe Form Factor

Arduino Pro has introduced a groundbreaking solution for IoT development with the launch of 4G global connectivity for its Portenta board, now available in a compact Mini-PCIe form factor. This innovation enables developers to swiftly create IoT devices with seamless global 4G cellular...

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Arduino’s Upcoming Cortex M33 Powered Arduino Nano Matter Board is Made in Collaboration with Silicon Labs
ArduinoTop Stories

Arduino’s Upcoming Cortex M33 Powered Arduino Nano Matter Board is Made in Collaboration with Silicon Labs

Arduino has just announced their new Arduino Nano Matter Board, powered by a SiLabs MGM240SD22VNA MPU. The MPU features a 32-bit Arm Cortex-M33 core with DSP and FPU, enhancing its performance. The board supports various connectivity options, including Matter, OpenThread, BLE, and...

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Introducing Arduino Nano 33 BLE Rev2: Enhanced Hardware and Performance Upgrades
ArduinoTop Stories

Introducing Arduino Nano 33 BLE Rev2: Enhanced Hardware and Performance Upgrades

The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Rev2 is an updated version of the popular Arduino Nano 33 BLE board. It has several improvements, including dual-IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) support for better motion sensing, an upgraded power supply for improved performance, and other enhancements. Despite...

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DFRobot Gravity – An Offline Voice Recognition Module for Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP32

DFRobot Gravity – An Offline Voice Recognition Module for Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP32

The DFRobot Gravity is an offline voice recognition module, that can process up to 121 fixed and 17 customizable command words without internet connectivity. Designed for integration with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and ESP32 platforms, it supports I2C and UART communication for diverse...

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LILYGO’s T-FPGA – An M.2-Formated Dev Board with ESP32-S3 and Gowin GW1NSR FPGA
FPGATop Stories

LILYGO’s T-FPGA – An M.2-Formated Dev Board with ESP32-S3 and Gowin GW1NSR FPGA

The LILYGO T-FPGA development kit consists of two components: an M.2 module and a carrier board. The M.2 module features an ESP32-S3 SoC and Gowin GW1NSR-4C FPGA with 4,608 LUTs along with USB-C OTG for ESP32-S3, a USB-C port for FPGA, four Pmod interfaces, a STEMMA Qt/Qwiic connector,...

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Arduino Portenta X8: Leading the Charge in EU Cyber Resilience Compliance

Arduino Portenta X8: Leading the Charge in EU Cyber Resilience Compliance

The collaboration between and Arduino to integrate security software into the Portenta X8 represents a significant milestone in achieving compliance with the European Union's Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). The Portenta X8 is the first system-on-module (SoM) to meet CRA...

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