Tag: Clock

Neon Pixels Matrix Display Clock
Pierre @pierremuth.wordpress.com shares his latest project with us. It's a neon lamp dot matrix clock based on INS-1 tubes. He writes: As a big enthusiast of glowing neon, I had to do something with the INS-1 (ИНC-1) tubes. Disclaimer: this project is inefficient in many aspects,...
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Clock Oscillator in mini package – Clock in a Can
Most microcontroller implementation these days, use the traditional capacitor + crystal approach to generate their clock, this approach sometimes, however, lead to problems, especially when used in prototyping situations with a breadboard, jumper wires, etc., all of which have an...
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7-segment Mini Clock using PIC16F628A and DS1307 RTC
This is a minimal and small clock based on PIC16F628A microcontroller and DS1307 RTC IC. It is able to only show the time on a small 7-segment display with a total of 4 segments. The display we used is a 0.28″ SR440281N RED common cathode display bought from LCSC.com, but you can use...
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Elektor Article: DCF77 Emulator with ESP8266
Replace over-air time by Internet time About twenty years ago I recycled and modernised a vintage clock with Nixie tubes built by my father in the nineteen seventies. I replaced the digital logic by a microcontroller and used a DCF77 receiver module instead of the original 50-Hz...
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Vintage VQB 71 Seven-Segment LED Displays Make GPS Clock Both Brilliant and Attractive.
Stephen Holdaway recently announced his project, a beautiful vintage VQB71 7-segment display based GPS Clock. Inspired by the fantastic appearance of the LEDs, Holdaway explains that the clock was built with a handful of vintage VQB 71 seven-segment LED displays and an u-box NEO-6M GPS...
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Big digit 7-segment Clock using ATtiny3216
This is a giant digital clock, featuring four large LED displays that provide the time in a format you can read from the other side of the room. by David Johnson-Davies: This clock was inspired by some 2.3" one-digit 7-segment displays I saw on AliExpress [1]. I decided it would be fun...
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Inside the digital clock from a Soyuz spacecraft
Ken Shirriff published an interesting article on his blog. He writes: We recently obtained a clock that flew on a Soyuz space mission.1 The clock, manufactured in 1984, contains over 100 integrated circuits on ten circuit boards. Why is the clock so complicated? In this blog post, I...
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Network Clock using ESP8266 and OLED display
There are several situations where using an RTC could adversely affect your project by increasing cost, size, time accuracy or IO requirements. To prevent this, especially in ESP/WiFi-based or other clock-reliant projects, makers usually turn to obtain time information from NTP servers....
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