DC-HV DC Converter – 200V @ 20mA Output with 12V DC Input
High VoltagePower supply

DC-HV DC Converter – 200V @ 20mA Output with 12V DC Input

This is a low-cost DC-HV DC converter built using TL3843 Low-Power Current-Mode PWM Controller from TI. Screw terminal connectors are provided for input and output, onboard LED D1 indicates the input supply. The project provides 200V DC @ 20mA output from 12V DC supply input. DC-HV DC...

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High Voltage Regulator – 48V DC Output from 125V DC Input
High VoltagePower supply

High Voltage Regulator – 48V DC Output from 125V DC Input

The project published here is a high-voltage adjustable regulator with an output 48 V DC from an input supply of 125V DC. The circuit is capable to drive load current up to 500mA. This regulator circuit designed for use in high-voltage applications where standard bipolar regulators...

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200V DC High voltage pocket generator
High Voltage

200V DC High voltage pocket generator

Aki made this DIY pocket HV generator: There are times you find yourself looking for a relatively high voltage (100V to 200V often in my case) but low current DC power supply. I have zener diodes that are higher than 30V, which makes the lab supply useless, and filament LEDs with...

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Teardown & Repair of a Stanford Research PS350 5000V, 25W High Voltage Power Supply

Teardown & Repair of a Stanford Research PS350 5000V, 25W High Voltage Power Supply

In this episode Shahriar repairs a Stanford Research Systems Model PS350 5000V-25W High Voltage Power Supply. The unit continuously displays 2.5kV without the output being enabled and produces no output voltage. Verification of power supply voltages reveals the issue is linked to a...

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