HV Nixie DC-DC Switching Power Supply using MAX1771
High VoltageTop Stories

HV Nixie DC-DC Switching Power Supply using MAX1771

Nixie tubes need about ~180Vdc to light up and thus on most devices, a DC-DC converter is needed. Here we designed a simple DC-DC switching regulator capable of powering most of Nixie tubes. The board accepts 12Vdc input and gives an output of 150-250Vdc. The module is based on the...

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Arduino IN-14 Nixie Clock with a DS1307 RTC

Arduino IN-14 Nixie Clock with a DS1307 RTC

GreatScottLab @ instructables.com shows us how to build an Arduino Nano based Nixie clock that features DS1307 RTC clock and 4x IN-14 Nixie tubes. He writes: In this project I will show you how to create a retro nixie clock. That means I will show you how you can control nixie tubes...

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Arduino Clock on IN-18 Nixie Tubes with a LONG Service Life
ArduinoHigh Voltage

Arduino Clock on IN-18 Nixie Tubes with a LONG Service Life

Build your own Nixie tube clock/thermometer/display with ease. by Grisha Anofriev @ www.hackster.io We set out to create a Nixie clock or just an information indicator on the largest ex-Soviet IN-18 tubes as an Arduino shield-compatible with both Uno and Mega boards. After a long...

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Slimline SMD Bamboo IN-14 Nixie Clock

Slimline SMD Bamboo IN-14 Nixie Clock

wouterdevinck @ instructables.com writes: There are a lot of nixie clocks out there and a lot of them are based on the IN-14 tubes. I wanted to design my own for the sake of designing my own, but also had some specific requirements: Make it as small and thin as possible. A lot of the...

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