Tag: Led
8 RGB LED Driver Shield for Arduino Nano with Optical Defuse Sensor
The board consists of 8 x RGB LEDs 1W, BJT transistors on each LED, series resistor across the LED for current limiting, a hole to mount 18mm optical sensor which may be a defuse sensor for object detection with Arduino nano. The board can be programed to create multiple RGB LED...
Continue ReadingProgrammable light controller with ATmega8 and DS1307
Dilshan Jayakody designed and build a programmable light controller that is able to turn ON and OFF a LED at predetermined time of each day. All the design files and source code related to this project are available at https://github.com/dilshan/programmable-light. The complete...
Continue ReadingInfineon Technologies XDPL8221 Digital PFC+Flyback Controller
The emerging trend of smart lighting and Internet of Things, requires a new generation of LED drivers. Infineon Technologies AG introduces the new member of its XDP LED series, the XDPL8221 for cost-effective dual-stage drivers with advanced features. This device combines a...
Continue ReadingTwelve PWM outputs from an ATtiny85
This project describes how to get 12 analogue PWM outputs from an ATtiny85, so you can drive 12 LEDs with individual control over each LED's brightness. David Johnson-Davies writes: Each LED can be set to a brightness between 0 (off) and 63 (fully on). The demonstration program shows a...
Continue Reading5W High Power LED Driver with PIC12F683
The project described here is small 5W LED driver, that can be used in variety of applications by changing the mcu code. The example code provided is a simple digital toggle switch using two tactile switches. One switch is used for power ON and the other for OFF. The on board small...
Continue ReadingNew Vishay Intertechnology Mid-Power Ultraviolet Emitting Diode With Quartz Window
Ceramic Device Features Radiant Power to 18 mW in Compact 3.5 mm by 3.5 mm by 1.2 mm SMD Package Vishay Intertechnology, Inc introduced a ceramic mid-power ultraviolet (UVC) emitting diode for sterilization, sanitation, and purification applications. Featuring a quartz window, the...
Continue ReadingATtiny10 Thermometer using DS18B20
This is a small battery-powered thermometer that displays the temperature as a series of red and green flashes on an LED. by David Johnson-Davies: The thermometer consists of an ATtiny10, a DS18B20 1-wire temperature sensor, and a bi-colour LED. To avoid the need for a digital display,...
Continue ReadingCustom UV LEDs and modules in the 320 to 233nm band
The FBH and Technische Universitaet Berlin (TU Berlin) spin-off from Germany develops and manufactures LEDs emitting in the UVB (280 nm – 320 nm) and the UVC (230 nm – 280 nm) spectral regions . Due to their customizable wavelengths , low operation voltages, ability to be rapidly...
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