Apple’s Embedded Swift Programming Language Now Supports  ESP32-C6, nRF52840, RP2040 and other MCUs

Apple’s Embedded Swift Programming Language Now Supports ESP32-C6, nRF52840, RP2040 and other MCUs

Apple has recently released a beta version of Embedded Swift programming language that is said to work with ESP32-C6, Pi RP2040, STM32F7, and nRF52840 microcontrollers. Additionally, the company has also developed example codes for matter protocol based on ESP-IDF and ESP-Matter SDKs...

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Waveshare’s New ESP32-C6-Pico Board Shares the Same Form Factor as the Raspberry Pi Pico

Waveshare’s New ESP32-C6-Pico Board Shares the Same Form Factor as the Raspberry Pi Pico

Waveshare has recently launched a new ESP32-C6-Pico Board that has a similar form factor to the Raspberry Pi Pico. However, instead of an RP2040 chip, the board is built around an ESP32-C6-MINI-1 module. This little tweak makes the board compatible with a series of Waveshare LED...

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Arduino’s Upcoming Cortex M33 Powered Arduino Nano Matter Board is Made in Collaboration with Silicon Labs
ArduinoTop Stories

Arduino’s Upcoming Cortex M33 Powered Arduino Nano Matter Board is Made in Collaboration with Silicon Labs

Arduino has just announced their new Arduino Nano Matter Board, powered by a SiLabs MGM240SD22VNA MPU. The MPU features a 32-bit Arm Cortex-M33 core with DSP and FPU, enhancing its performance. The board supports various connectivity options, including Matter, OpenThread, BLE, and...

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ePulse Feather C6 – An ESP32-C6 Based Dev Board with WiFi, BLE, Zigbee, Thread & Matter Capabilities

ePulse Feather C6 – An ESP32-C6 Based Dev Board with WiFi, BLE, Zigbee, Thread & Matter Capabilities

ThingPulse has recently released the ePulse Feather C6, an ESP32-C6-based development board with WiFi 6, BLE5, Zigbee, Thread, and Matter connectivity. In my personal opinion, the “Feather” came from the Adafruit Feather as this board resembles the Adafruit form factor....

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SparkFun ESP32-C6 Thing Plus an ESP32-C6 Based Dev Board with Qwiic Connector

SparkFun ESP32-C6 Thing Plus an ESP32-C6 Based Dev Board with Qwiic Connector

The SparkFun ESP32-C6 Thing Plus features the ESP32-C6 WROOM-1-N16 module, supporting WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.3, Zigbee, and Thread for diverse wireless project applications. Equipped with a microSD slot, Qwiic connector, and Feather-compatible footprint, it's designed for seamless...

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Arduino and Silicon Labs Collaborate to Embed Matter Protocol into Arduino IDE
ArduinoTop Stories

Arduino and Silicon Labs Collaborate to Embed Matter Protocol into Arduino IDE

Arduino and Silicon Labs are teaming up to make it easier to use the Matter protocol for IoT devices. This project will happen in two phases. The first phase, which took place at CES 2024, involved the release of a user-friendly Arduino library for the Matter protocol, along with a new...

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Espressif Systems Releases ESP32-C61 A Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5 SoC for Superior IoT Performance
ICTop Stories

Espressif Systems Releases ESP32-C61 A Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5 SoC for Superior IoT Performance

Espressif Systems recently launched the ESP32-C61, an advanced System-on-Chip (SoC) with Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5 (LE). Building on its predecessors like ESP32-C2 and ESP32-C3, it shares similar specifications but adds support for BLE Mesh 1.1 protocol and faster Quad SPI PSRAM,...

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Arduino and Silicon Labs provide support for the Matter standard and hints the release of a new Arduino Nano
ArduinoTop Stories

Arduino and Silicon Labs provide support for the Matter standard and hints the release of a new Arduino Nano

Arduino and Silicon Labs are working together to support Matter, a standard for smart home devices. They are creating a new core (software foundation) and library following Matter standards. This effort is designed to make it easier for everyone to be part of the Matter...

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