Challenger RP2040 SD/RTC – Feather-Compatible RP2040-Based Microcontroller Board with RTC and microSD Card Reader
Raspberry Pi

Challenger RP2040 SD/RTC – Feather-Compatible RP2040-Based Microcontroller Board with RTC and microSD Card Reader

Invector Labs (ILABS) has released a new Raspberry Pi Pico-based board equipped with a micro SD card reader and a Real Time Clock. The Challenger RP2040SD/RTC takes the popular RP2040 chip, pops it on an Adafruit Feather form factor board, and adds a micro SD card and an RTC. Features...

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$18 RTC Shield For Both Arduino UNO And Raspberry Pi 3
ArduinoRaspberry PiTimer

$18 RTC Shield For Both Arduino UNO And Raspberry Pi 3

Time and date information may be essential requirements for developing a hardware project, such as registration systems, alarms, and smart pills box. These information can be obtained locally by RTC (Real Time Clock) and RTCC (Real Time Clock Calendar) circuits like DS1307 from Maxim...

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