Preview Release of Picamera2 Python Library for Interfacing External RPi Cameras
Raspberry Pi

Preview Release of Picamera2 Python Library for Interfacing External RPi Cameras

On February 15, 2022, Raspberry Pi’s engineer, David Plowman, announced the release of the Picamera2 library as a replacement for the existing Python-based Picamera package. For those who have already worked with interfacing cameras on the Raspberry Pi computer, you are probably...

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Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Tutorial for Beaglebone using python

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Tutorial for Beaglebone using python

1. Introduction This is a simple example showcasing how to control a BleuIO dongle connected to Beaglebone Black using a python script. When running the script, it will first ask for the com port where the dongle is connected (usually '/dev/ttyACM0'). After that, BleuIO will start...

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How to Build a TinyML Smart Weather Station using Wio Terminal

How to Build a TinyML Smart Weather Station using Wio Terminal

You might have seen many ML-based projects for weather predictions. Where training of an ML model is followed by testing of the model for good accuracies. This tutorial will learn to deploy a similar type of ML model using an on-board TensorFlow Lite on the Wio Terminal. You will see...

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USB UPDI Programmer PCB for AVR Micrcontrollers

USB UPDI Programmer PCB for AVR Micrcontrollers

AVR is a microcontroller family developed in 1996 by Atmel, now acquired by Microchip Technology since 2016. AVR generally refers to the 8-bit RISC architecture line of ATMEL AVR microcontrollers. They are very popular in embedded systems. They are very common in maker and hobbyist...

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Bring your creations to life with LumiCube — an ultimate LED cube kit for the Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi

Bring your creations to life with LumiCube — an ultimate LED cube kit for the Raspberry Pi

A two-man team has created an ultimate LED cube kit for the Raspberry Pi, one that helps to bring your ideas and creativity to life. "We created the LumiCube to bring the joy of tinkering with technology to as wide an audience as possible. Perhaps you remember the fun and excitement of...

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Introducing CrowPi2 STEM Learning Platform
Raspberry Pi

Introducing CrowPi2 STEM Learning Platform

CrowPi2 combines Raspberry Pi and a range of common sensors, it’s just as useful for learning about STEAM education and setting up as a portable laptop. No matter you are one of fans of Raspberry Pi, a STEAM educator, or someone who wants to experience something interesting, CrowPi2...

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Sania Box Offers DIY Approach to Help Kids Learn Coding
Raspberry Pi

Sania Box Offers DIY Approach to Help Kids Learn Coding

The “Sania Box Embedded Computer Kit” was developed by Sania Jain, a 13-year-old writer who has a passion for coding. The project was launched with the help of a Silicon Valley-based start-up called MoonShot Junior Inc. The goal of the project is to help children learn or improve...

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Riverdi IoT Displays for Next Level IoT Projects

Riverdi IoT Displays for Next Level IoT Projects

Designed and produced with everything an IoT engineer might need, the python-programmable ESP32- powered IoT display by Riverdi is an expandable, cloud-ready GUI with a sleek design, low power consumption and top of the line graphical capabilities for high-quality IoT projects. The...

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