Tag: SD1331
ATtiny85 Weather Station with SD1331 OLED display
This is a weather station based on an ATtiny85 and an Adafruit Bosch BME280 sensor breakout. It displays the atmospheric temperature, pressure, and humidity on a 96x64 SD1331 colour OLED display. by David Johnson-Davies: To display the readings the Weather Station uses a low-cost 96x64...
Continue ReadingWidget Dashboard for ATtiny85
This project is a dashboard for displaying the outputs from up to four different sensors or Internet of Things devices. It's based on an ATtiny85 driving an SPI 96x64 SD1331 colour OLED display. by David Johnson-Davies: You can include any widgets from a selection of different types,...
Continue ReadingColour Graphics Library for SD1331 OLED display
David Johnson-Davies published a new project. It is a library for SD1331 OLED display module that can even run on ATtiny85 mcu. This is a small color graphics library for an SPI 96x64 colour OLED display based on an SD1331. It allows you to plot points, lines, filled and open...
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