The Opta is Arduino’s first “Micro PLC” for the Industrial Internet of Things.
ArduinoIoTTop Stories

The Opta is Arduino’s first “Micro PLC” for the Industrial Internet of Things.

A microcontroller is a single-chip computer that includes memory as well as inputs and outputs. The Arduino microcontroller structures the logic that controls devices and reads sensors in the real world using the Arduino IDE software and the C++ programming language. With pin-style...

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Arduino brings down the cost of the popular Portenta H7 board to Launch Portenta H7 Lite

Arduino brings down the cost of the popular Portenta H7 board to Launch Portenta H7 Lite

Two years after Arduino launched the original Portenta H7 board, the first in a new family of products designed to take the brand into the realm of professional electronics design, the company is back with a new entry designed for fans of the Potenta H7 who may be working on a...

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Meet the Arduino Portenta!
AIArduinoTop Stories

Meet the Arduino Portenta!

CES 2020 has been full of the usual intrigue and amazing display of technological advancements across different industries. As usual, it has featured the release/launch of several new products by different companies and one of such announcements we know will interest the community, is...

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