Tag: USB
Designing a simple and cheap temperature logger
pickandplace.wordpress.com writes: I started with making the TMP102 temperature sensor work. Nothing to say in particular, it’s just an other I2C-small-package-sensor. Or rather SMBus, but apart from the minimum speed clock requirements on the SMBus, the two protocols are...
Continue ReadingPCB X-mas tree
Matthias created a X-Mas tree project using the DirtyPCB boards from dangerousprotorypes.com : The project features an USB capable PIC16F1549 µC with: USB FS device 48 MHz internal Oscillator 2 PWM modules 10-bit ADC with Voltage Reference Integrated Temperature...
Continue Reading30 Minutes HIV Detection Using USB Stick
In partnership with DNA Electronics, Imperial College London researchers had developed a revolutionary USB stick that can detect HIV in the bloodstream. In order to detect the virus, it’s enough to use a drop of blood. Then the USB stick generates an electrical signal that can be...
Continue ReadingSingle-chip USB-C buck-boost battery charger
Intersil's ISL9238 and ISL9238A add 5V-20V reverse boost for USB On-The-Go charging of portables such as smartphones and headphones; two USB-C buck-boost battery chargers support bidirectional power delivery in ultrabooks, tablets, power banks and other mobile products. by Graham...
Continue ReadingProgramming ESP8266 With Arduino IDE : The Easy Way
The ESP8266 WiFi Module is a self-contained SOC that can give any microcontroller access to your WiFi network. It's an extremely cost-effective board with a huge and ever-growing community. Each ESP8266 module comes pre-programmed with an AT command set firmware. This module has a...
Continue ReadingDueProLogic – USB-CPLD Development System
The DueProLogic is a complete FPGA Development System designed to easily get the user started learning and creating projects. The DueProLogic makes programmable logic easy with an all inclusive development platform. It includes an Altera Cyclone IV FPGA, on board programming, four...
Continue ReadingUsbSafe² – Programmable dongle for protecting USB devices from USB hosts and chargers
USB connections can transfer both information and power. UsbSafe² is a device for protecting USB-connected hardware from both excessive voltage, current and unauthorized data access. Unfortunately, the practice of “juice jacking” (accessing data from a device connected to a...
Continue ReadingDIY USB 5V Solar Power Bank
Abdulgafur tipped us with his latest project, a 5V solar powered power bank. The circuit consists of two stages, the first stage is the battery charger stage based on MCP73831 and the second stage is the step up converter based on LT1302-5 which converts the battery voltage to...
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