Tag: USBasp
Programming TPI AVRs using USBASP Programmer
AVR microcontrollers are RISC architecture-based microcontroller series that have on-chip flash memory for data storage. The popularity of ARM microcontrollers can be seen by the range of applications it has. They are used in home automation, touch screen, automobiles, medical devices,...
Continue ReadingProgramming the ATtiny10 using Arduino IDE
David Johnson-Davies @ technoblogy.com has a nice guide on how to program ATtiny10 6-pin mcu using the arduino IDE. Programming is done using the widely available USBasp programmer from Thomas Fischl. Examples are also included on the guide. Unlike the SPI protocol used to program the...
Continue ReadingTinusaur, $3 ATtiny85 Microcontroller Board And Assembly Kit
Tinusaur is an Atmel ATtiny85 microcontroller board that comes in parts, as a kit, so you can solder it yourself and then program it. This small microcontroller board can run Arduino and its goal is to have a simple, cheap and quick-start platform for everyone interested in learning and...
Continue ReadingBurning Arduino Bootloader on ATMega328 using USBasp Programmer
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to burn Arduino bootloader on a new ATmega328 using USBasp ISP programmer. Every Arduino Uno Board comes with a microcontroller called the Atemga328P, and they are already pre-program with Arduino Bootloader firmware. Therefore, there is no need to burn...
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