This is a graphics library for the family of small colour TFT displays based on the ST7735 and ST7789 driver chips. These are really nice displays; bright, colourful, available in a variety of useful sizes, and available at low cost from suppliers like Adafruit, AliExpress, or Banggood. This is a new project by David Johnson-Davies. He writes:
This library allows you to plot points, draw lines, draw filled rectangles, and plot text with an optional scale factor. I’ve included a demo histogram-plotting program that adjusts itself to fit each of the displays I’ve supported.
Unlike most other TFT display libraries this one doesn’t require a memory buffer, allowing it to be run on any processor down to an ATtiny85. The displays require four pins to drive the display, leaving one pin free on an ATtiny85 to interface to another device, such as a temperature sensor. If you need more pins choose a larger chip, such as the ATtiny84; see Using the library with other AVR chips at the end of the article for information about how to convert the code for different chips.
Tiny TFT Graphics Library for ATtiny84 – [Link]