Dan Watson @ syncchannel.blogspot.com wanted to have more fun with his MightyOhm Geiger Counter so decided to add an OLED display and Wifi capability to it. To achieve that he modified the counter, added a Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 with OLED FeatherWing and wrote some code. The process is documented on his blog:
I assembled my Geiger counter kit from MightyOhm some time ago. It’s a very fun kit and the finished counter looks awesome. Oh, that Geiger-Muller tube sitting on that yellow PCB! I’ve always wanted to modify it somehow and add functionality. Today I realized that an Adafruit Feather sits PERFECTLY where the AAA battery holder normally goes. Doesn’t it look like they belong together?
Wi-Fi and OLED Upgrade for MightyOhm Geiger Counter – [Link]